
Explore the culture of Zhengding Temple, Tang Dabei Temple and Longxing Temple, and trace the roots

author:Hebei Cultural Tourism

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Zhengding is located in the Jizhong Plain, is a national historical and cultural city, with its long history, rich culture, abundant products, military importance and famous in the world. The long history has left a well-known cultural relics and monuments for Zhengding, and it is also a famous Buddhist town at that time, and the reputation of "nine floors, four towers and eight temples" in the region can be described as a household name and spread widely. Zha Liangyong and Yang Junke's "Shijiazhuang Historical Chronicles" know that there are dozens of Buddhist temples recorded in Zhengding. Mr. Luo Zhewen, a famous antiquarian, once commented: "Zhengding is an ancient city with very rich cultural relics and historic sites. It preserves a large number of ancient buildings, and has great value, and can be regarded as second to none in the county. "Longxing Temple is one of the most important artistic essences and representatives.

Longxing Temple is the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units announced by the State Council in 1961, and it is also the largest existing Song Dynasty Buddhist complex in the mainland, which was built in the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty (586), called Longzang Temple, and changed to Longxing Temple in the Tang Dynasty. In the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty (971), Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, built a large number of buildings on the basis of the Longzang Temple of Sui, cast the statue of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, built the Great Compassion Treasure Pavilion, and the Longxing Temple became famous in one fell swoop, ranking first among the famous temples outside Beijing.

You may wonder, why did Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, build Longxing Temple in Zhengding? What is the relationship between it and the Tang Dynasty Dabei Temple (destroyed)? By consulting historical materials, the author examines the following:

1. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Cave 61 "Wutai Mountain Map" in the "Zhenzhou City West Great Compassion Pavilion"

"Zhengding County Chronicles" records, the Great Compassion Temple is three or four miles away from the west of the Zhending Mansion City, and is named after the golden and bronze Great Compassion Bodhisattva statue made by the Tang Conscious Zen Master. However, there is no record of the style of the Buddha pavilion that shelters the Great Compassion Bodhisattva, but fortunately we have found the answer from the 61st Cave of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang "Wutai Mountain Map".

With a total length of 13.8 meters, the composition is magnificent and the subject matter is rich, like a huge and beautiful landscape painting. The crowd in the picture is bustling, the river is murmuring, and the mountains and rivers are Buddhist temples, mysterious and meaningful.

In the lower right corner of the scroll, there are also vividly painted "Hebei Province Zhenzhou (now Zhengding)" and "Zhenzhou City West Great Compassion Pavilion." From the figure, you can clearly see that the main hall of the Great Compassion Temple in the west of the city is towering, the appearance is a wooden pavilion-style building with three layers of heavy eaves, the face is three rooms wide, the green tile cloth roof, the temple ridge and the eaves are set up green, simple and solemn. The lower pedestal is built by blue bricks, and the front of the hall is a slope brick road, and the side is equipped with the title "Zhenzhou City West Great Compassion Pavilion".

Although "Zhenzhou Chengxi Dabei Pavilion" is only the tip of the iceberg in the 61st Cave of Dunxi Mogao Grottoes "Wutai Mountain Map", it proves the important position occupied by Tang Dabei Temple in the development of Zhengding Buddhism on the one hand, and also provides valuable image information for the study of Tang Dynasty architectural styles.

Explore the culture of Zhengding Temple, Tang Dabei Temple and Longxing Temple, and trace the roots

Dunhuang mural "Wutai Mountain Map" in the "Zhenzhou City West Great Compassion Pavilion"

Second, the Tang monks consciously and the Great Compassion Temple

Dabei Temple was originally located in the east of the diagonal head village in the west of Zhengding City, "the front is close to the embankment and the river is reached," (the embankment is the Hutuo River embankment, and the river refers to the Zhouhan River) is quite large. There are two folk sayings of the oblique temple or the white bird temple. In the twenty-second year of Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1842), Shen Tao, the then prefect of Zhengding, believed that the Great Compassion Temple and the Diagonal Temple were the same temple in history in his book "Changshan Zhenshi Chronicles".

Regarding the records of the consciousness of the monks and the Great Compassion Temple, most of the descendants quote the Song Dynasty's "Biography of the High Monks" volume 26 "The Conscious Biography of the Great Compassion Temple in Tang Zhenzhou": "Explain the consciousness, Boling Wangdu people are also, and the childish teeth are tired of the vulgar······ It is the headquarters of the strong ceremony Kaiyuan Temple Zhiqin······ In the second year of Zhide, at the end of the year, Zhenzhou received the full law, that is, he went to Lingshou County Zen Temple to study the law and scriptures, and was diligent for nine years······ In September of the first year of the Great Calendar, to the boundary of Pingshan County, you have to re-establish the Forest Mountain Courtyard······ The beginning of enlightenment has come to the Dharma, and the vows of the Buddhas are also forty-nine. One of them is to be a bodhisattva of great compassion; The second wish to build a temple of great compassion. In response to the speech, Tan Shi Zhencui was cast with a red gold drum, raised 49 feet high, with a strict Sanskrit statue and full eyes and arms. As the years passed, the temple was also completed. The great temple of Nishiyama in the present castle is a ······"

According to the "Biography", it can be known that the conscious Zen master is a native of Wangdu in Boling in the Tang Dynasty (now Wangdu County, belonging to Baoding), and left home in Kaiyuan Temple in Dingzhou since he was a child to enter the Buddhist gate, called "conscious." "In the second year of Zhide (757), he received full ordination in Zhenzhou (now Zhengding), and then entered the Lingshou Zen Temple to practice Buddhism, and worked diligently. Quite accomplished. Nine years later, on the 30th day of September in the first year of the Great Calendar (766), he went to the Chonglin Mountain Monastery on the border of Pingshan County to meditate on his penance.

In the third year of the Great Calendar (768), the Zhenzhou Dabei Temple was built, and he was consciously invited to preside over the temple. In the eleventh year of Zhenyuan (795), he passed away on June 14, and he was 59 years old.

3. Li Baochen entered the mountain to pray for rain for the people in the military government, and the military and civilians in the state used bronze drums to build the statue of Dabei Temple

Regarding Li Baochen's ritual and prayer for rain, "The Conscious Biography of Dabei Temple in Tangzhenzhou" is recorded"······ By May of the second year, the sky was dry······ When the Hengyang Festival made Zhang Jun suffer from the scorching drought, he felt bitter when he heard it, and bowed down to the mountain to ask him to pray for rain······ Please meditate and enter the military palace slightly".

In the above text, "Hengyang Jiedu envoy Zhang Jun" is Zhang Zhongzhi, the general of the Anshi Department, in November of the first year of Baoying (762), the five states of Heng, Zhao, Yi, Shen and Ding were attached to the imperial court, and Li Yu, the representative of the emperor, gave the name "Li Baochen", as the first envoy of the Chengde Army.

In May of the second year of the Great Calendar (767), Li Baochen managed the twelfth year of Hengzhou (changed to Zhenzhou when Mu Zong) was in a great drought and the crops were burning. Li Baochen heard that the conscious Zen master of the Pingshan Chonglin Mountain Temple studied Buddhism and painstakingly, so he personally visited the meditation room and asked him to enter the government office to set up an altar to pray for rain. After consciously praying for rain, he did not immediately return to Pingshan Chonglin Mountain Courtyard, but was retained by Li Baochen in the official residence. During this period, he made a vow, "I wish to follow the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion; The second wish to build a temple of great compassion. Here, "long-term follow" should take the meaning of long-term follow.

Consciously vow to cast the statue of great compassion, soon received the support and response of the monks and laymen in the state, and the festival made Li Baochen cast the bronze Buddha with a copper drum. After that, the golden and bronze statue of the Great Compassion Bodhisattva was completed"······ Forty-nine feet high, with a strict appearance, and all eyes and arms". The following year, that is, in the autumn of the third year of the Great Calendar (768), the Temple of Great Compassion was completed. The Bodhisattva statue is "49 feet high" and the analysis should come from consciously entering the Buddha Gate and making 49 vows.

Fourth, the bronze statue of the Great Compassion Temple was destroyed, and Song Taizu believed in the prophecy to recast the golden body

In Longxing Temple, there are the famous ancient writers Tian Xi in the Northern Song Dynasty in the Northern Song Dynasty, "Feng E" wrote the "Great Song Dynasty Rebuild the Great Compassion Statue and Pavilion Inscription and Preface of the Longxing Temple in Zhenzhou", the monk Hui Yan wrote "Zhending Mansion Longxing Temple Cast Gold Bronze Statue Bodhisattva and Cover the Great Compassion Treasure Pavilion Preface" and the Zhending Mansion Road Governor Ge Fanshu "Zhending Mansion Longxing Temple Great Compassion Pavilion Record" Santong Song Tablet, all of which describe in detail the process of the destruction of the Great Compassion Temple twice since its completion. First, after experiencing the rebellion of five generations, the Khitan invaded the territory, the Bodhisattva was destroyed in the war above the chest, and the monks used incense clay to make up the mold; The second is that Zhou Shizong Chai Rong issued an edict shortly after his accession to the throne: "All temples in the world that have no quota will be abolished; "The establishment of the supervision of copper mining money, folk bronzes, Buddha statues are all purchased by the official ······." In 955 A.D., that is, the second year of Zhou Xiande, Tang Dabei Temple was destroyed in the Zhou Shizong Buddha extermination movement after the Khitan, and the original bronze statue of Dabei Bodhisattva was also remodeled into a mud Bodhisattva by the monks.

Explore the culture of Zhengding Temple, Tang Dabei Temple and Longxing Temple, and trace the roots

Longxing Temple Great Compassion Pavilion in the golden bronze Great Compassion Bodhisattva statue (Song Kaibao four years)

In 960 AD, Zhao Kuangyin replaced Hou Zhou and established the Great Song Dynasty. In order to eradicate the separatist regime and unify the territory, in March of the second year of Kaibao, Song Taizu personally conquered Taiyuan. Taiyuan was the capital of the Northern Han regime in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the Northern Han soldiers had a very strong defense, coupled with the reinforcements of the Liao State behind them, resulting in the Song army not winning for 60 days. In May, Zhao Kuangyin patrolled the border and stationed in Zhending, and heard for a long time that the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion in Zhenzhou was very effective, and asked about the current situation of the Bodhisattva, and the Confucian official Ji descendant told him to be in the Great Compassion Temple in the west of the city. When entering the temple to make incense, I listened to the monk Ke Li tell about the unfortunate experience of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion being destroyed twice, and found the proverb of "destroying when it appears and improvizing when it meets the Song Dynasty" in the lotus, so he ordered the Longxing (now Longxing) Temple in the east corner of Zhengding City to recast the golden body of the Great Compassion Bodhisattva and build the Great Compassion Treasure Pavilion.

On July 20, 971, 3,000 military officers gathered in Longxing (now Longxing) Temple to start this huge royal renovation project. Dig the ground based on the Yellow Spring, and then use the triple soil to tamp, two meters deep from the surface of the ground to leave a 13-meter-long square pit, planted seven wrought iron pillars, and then fill the square pit with pig iron water. On the foundation of the laid, a 2.2-meter-high stone seat is built, on which the golden bronze statue of Great Compassion Bodhisattva (also known as the Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Guanyin) is enshrined, with a height of 21.3 meters, and the casting is completed in seven sections. The head of the Buddha statue is 2.73 meters high, the ears are 1.63 meters high, the shoulder to the earlobe is 2.2 meters high, the mouth is 0.59 meters wide, the nose is 0.90 meters long, the eye length is 0.52 meters, the wisdom eye is 0.44 meters, the Buddha's feet are 1.2 meters, and the rosette is 2 meters high. The bronze Buddha weighs about 120 tons, and the pig iron required in the foundation is more than 2,400 tons. Although there is a document recording that "Zhending Mansion produces porcelain, copper and iron," such a huge casting project may not be completed without the support and promotion of the Northern Song Dynasty royal family.

Song Taizu invested huge financial resources to build the Buddha Pavilion, not only for the belief and admiration of the Great Compassion Bodhisattva, but more importantly, in order to prevent the invasion of the Liao State, and to erect a psychological barrier on the way that it may attack the Great Song Dynasty at any time, so that the Great Compassion Protector holding the magic weapon deterred the Liao army with a majestic posture.

V. Conclusion

Located in the west of Zhengding City, the Great Compassion Temple was destroyed from the third year of the Tang Dynasty (768) to the second year of Zhou Xiande (955), which only existed for a short period of 187 years, and Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, spent a huge amount of money to rebuild the Buddha Pavilion in the Longxing Temple of Zhengding, which is to show that the martyrdom of the Zhou period after the five dynasties has ended, and the interdependent relationship between the feudal royal family and Buddhism has been re-established, thus also laying an important position in the history of Chinese Buddhism. As the essence and representative of the Buddhist culture in the ancient city of Zhengding, the golden and bronze statue of the Great Compassion Bodhisattva cast by Taizu of the Song Dynasty created the highest achievement of the smelting and casting technology of the Song Dynasty.

Source: Zhengding style

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