
Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Copywriter|Luo Sheng

Editor|Meow Sansan

The July drama market presented a fierce competition scene, and the new dramas were each different.

"My Human Fireworks" is better than Wei Daxun's excellent acting skills, and he is out of the circle with his own strength, "An Le" has empty popularity and lacks word-of-mouth support, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve a big explosion in the follow-up.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

There are also "Zeng Youth" and "The Disappearing Eleven Floors" are all bright spots, but there are also hard injuries that people can't ignore. Isn't there a play that can be played at the moment?

In fact, the drama to be broadcast is still full of infinite possibilities, such as "Big River 3" in the noon sun, as long as the IP that has laid a solid foundation like this meets the prerequisites of the original team, the results will inevitably be pleasantly surprised.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

There are also "South to North" directed by Zheng Xiaolong and "To Love for a Long Time" starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng all have the potential to be a hit.

But I didn't wait for the above ones, but the new drama "Be Your Own Light" came strongly, and Liu Tao, who is a big Qingyi, is it difficult not to be popular, right?

However, in fact, it really disappointed the audience, the show received a bad review only 1 day after it was broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent, what happened?

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent
Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

"Be Your Own Light" tells the story of the protagonist He Huan (played by Liu Tao) who suffered from her husband's cheating, leaving a huge debt, her mother was sick and her career was setback, at the trough of her life, she gritted her teeth and persevered, starting again from a hotline operator at the grassroots level and quickly growing into a program host.

In the end, He Huan not only returned to the peak of his career, but also gradually developed feelings in his relationship with online blogger Jiang Junhao (played by Liu Yuning) and gained true love.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

I don't know when it started, as long as it involves the topic of middle-aged women in the workplace, most urban dramas are inseparable from bloody plots such as cheating and marriage changes, and there are no new tricks at all.

And this new drama is no exception, creating a false impression of happiness at the beginning. The husband is considerate, the son is cute, and the heroine He Huan confidently says how good the marriage is in front of her girlfriends.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

But if nothing else, it's going to be an accident.

The husband suddenly disappeared, creditors came to the door, the once happy became a bubble in a blink of an eye, and the heroine carried a debt of 10 million alone.

Doesn't it look like it's quite crashing? But this drama is suspended in the characters, and they are not ordinary people at all.

The big villa where He Huan lived was worth 10 million when it was sold, and the only problem was that her missing husband was not there and could not be made in time. Originally, I was worried that the heroine would lose her family, and I couldn't wait to slap myself, but I really couldn't believe how grounded urban dramas could be.

And the setting of the male protagonist Jiang Junhao is also quite fragmented, you say he has no money, but he easily took out 3.5 million to lend He Huan's husband. Although he said that he was a friend of the other party, he had never even met He Huan, how good could the relationship between the two families be? This reason for borrowing money is untenable.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

But if you want to say that he has money, it's not quite, after all, because he has no money to turnover, his own restaurants have closed, and he is betting all his wealth on He Huan's husband, which is too unrealistic.

Not only that, the other creditors who appear in the play are ordinary people on the surface, but in fact, millions are willing to lend them out.

Then since you are so rich, you should have a good brain, but you do the things that kidnap the heroine and threaten to ask for money, one by one, like legal illiteracy, I don't know what character to create.

It can only be said that the plot of "Be Your Own Light" has no logic at all, it is completely to forcibly advance the story for the sake of conflict, and if you think about it, it is all bugs. And after watching it, I can't help but ask, are there no real poor people in domestic urban dramas? Dissuade the audience in minutes.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent
Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Before "Be Your Own Light" was broadcast, I had great expectations for the cast, Liu Tao and Qin Hailu cooperated, and Liu Yuning, a traffic student, joined, and the acting skills and popularity were appropriate. But after watching the finished film, I was shocked, why are these three leading actors so pulled?

Let's talk about the heroine, Liu Tao.

Among the actresses of the same period, she is probably the most unstable existence. The lord of Neon Phoenix County played in "Langya List" was shocked at a glance, and the image of the strong woman Andy was also established in "Ode to Joy".

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

But in "The Sea of Stars", Liu Tao was ridiculed because of his tender appearance, and in "The Beginning", he was complained that his acting skills were too woody, and the popularity of the road can be described as worse day by day.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

And Liu Tao in this new drama is obviously out of order, and He Huan, played by He Huan, was heartbroken and cried after learning that her husband took the money and ran away. But you cry and cry, why do you still have a concave mind? Elegance, really elegant, is to see people inexplicably want to laugh.

There is also a scene that is even more ridiculous, the drunken He Huan mistook Jiang Junhao for his husband, and suddenly cried out an emoji, which is called a facial features flying chaotically, Liu Tao's expression management is really not understood.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Then she stepped forward and hugged the other party directly, as if a rich woman forced Xiao Xianrou, the picture was too beautiful to bear to look at directly. Sure enough, the age difference of 12 years old can not be covered up with a filter, and the male and female protagonists do not have a sense of CP at all, but there is a sense of mother and son.

And the male protagonist Liu Yuning is an Internet celebrity, non-professional actors also come to act, the threshold for actors is really getting lower and lower, acting skills naturally needless to say, embarrassed, stiff, full of performance traces, this is difficult to evaluate, interlaced like a mountain, wish him success.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

In addition, the appearance of the female number two Qin Hailu almost made people not recognize, she is quite thin and attractive in "Xiaomin's House", and in this new drama, the whole person has gained a lot of weight, with a brain door, her face is swollen like a hair bun, and the side face shot looks like a "birthday star".

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

I have to say that although Liu Tao's acting skills are embarrassing, at least his appearance is not out of shape, and Qin Hailu appeared in the same frame, the two really don't look like the same age, they are both 40+ actresses, how is this gap so big?

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

But fortunately, Qin Hailu's acting skills are online, and the aura is also obvious to all, as long as she stops in the camera, the strong sense of oppression that concentrates on her career and no one loves will come to her face, I only hope that her appearance can improve later.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent
Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Why have urban workplace dramas become more and more popular with audiences in the past two years?

On the one hand, because the story is too suspended, the characters of elites and strong women are entangled with millions of funds at every turn. More importantly, the director has to resonate with the public and create a false poor bridge, but it makes people feel unhappy.

On the other hand, the plot is too conventional, around the topic of marriage is indispensable to cheating plots, focusing on the workplace career and inseparable from the mid-life crisis, the story can look to the end, too much shooting, the director is not tired, the audience is tired.

And "Be Your Own Light" just poked these two thunder points, no wonder Douban has a bad review, coupled with the lack of performance of the actors, if the follow-up plot does not improve, it must be difficult to gain a foothold in the market.

Boy! Liu Tao's new drama received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the audience's reasons for bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

So do you think this drama is good-looking, or ugly?

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