
Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

author:Yunyun Reading Club
Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family
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Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

In 2008, the financial turmoil was like a hammer, smashing into Liu Tao's marriage. Her husband Wang Ke, once known as one of the four young business rookies in Beijing, became a bankrupt in the blink of an eye.

The debt of hundreds of millions of yuan is like a mountain, which weighs down the family.

Wang Ke fell from heaven to hell, physically and mentally exhausted. He was getting thinner and thinner, and he couldn't even take care of himself. In the face of this sudden change, Liu Tao stood at a crossroads in his life: should he choose to leave this frustrated husband, or stay to tide over the difficulties together? Her decision will not only change her fate, but also test her understanding of love and marriage.

In this storm with no end in sight, Liu Tao is about to make a choice that everyone did not expect.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

In Liu Tao's emotional resume, the relationship with Li Weimin is like a tactful prelude. Their encounter was as romantic as a movie: while waiting for a flight at the airport, Li Weimin accidentally captured Liu Tao with his camera.

As fate would have it, the two became passengers on the same flight.

Li Weimin, a talented designer, attracted Liu Tao with his unique temperament. They chatted happily over their common literary hobby, but forgot to exchange contact information in a hurry.

Fortunately, a coincidence brought them together again - Li Weimin took over the renovation project of Liu Tao's new house.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

In the following four years, Li Weimin won Liu Tao's heart with a delicate and considerate attitude. He silently supported Liu Tao's acting career and sheltered her from the wind and rain. The relationship between the two is like a boiled frog in warm water, and it is gradually getting better in the bland.

Li Weimin even carefully customized a ring and proposed to Liu Tao.

However, as Liu Tao gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, busy work began to erode the time they spent together. The reality of gathering less and leaving more, coupled with the disagreement about the future, made this relationship gradually dyed with a bitter color.

Although both tried to save the day, they were unable to cross the gap in reality.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

Li Weimin chose silence and used his last gentlemanly demeanor to preserve his dignity for Liu Tao. Their story, like an unfinished symphony, comes to an abrupt end in the most moving chapter.

Although this relationship ended, it left a strong mark in Liu Tao's life, and also gave her a deeper understanding and expectation of love.

Fate always likes to joke. Not long after Liu Tao and Li Weimin broke up, a chance elevator encounter completely changed the trajectory of her life. Wang Ke, the man who claims to be a loyal fan of Liu Tao, quickly captured her heart with his unique charm.

Different from Li Weimin's subtlety, Wang Ke's boldness and directness brought Liu Tao a new experience. As the son of a famous entrepreneur in Shandong, Wang Ke not only has a prominent family background, but also breaks out in the business world with his own efforts.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

He has rich experience and extraordinary conversation, showing a charming charm in front of Liu Tao.

Liu Tao once said frankly that whenever he heard Wang Ke say, "Liu Tao, your brain is in water, right?" Her heartbeat would unconsciously accelerate. This slightly ridiculous intimacy made her feel an unprecedented emotional impact.

In front of Wang Ke, Liu Tao, who has always believed in herself, actually had a feeling of "at a loss", and this contrast deepened her attachment to Wang Ke.

After only twenty days of getting along, Wang Ke proposed to Liu Tao. The speed of this decision not only shocked the outside world, but even Liu Tao's parents only learned the news on the eve of the wedding.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

However, Liu Tao, who was carried away by love, accepted it without hesitation.

Their wedding was extravagant. With a huge budget of 4 million yuan, the exclusive occupation of two floors of The Peninsula Beijing Hotel, and the welcoming convoy of famous cars all show the noble status of the couple.

At the wedding scene, Liu Tao announced that he was pregnant, and said that he would bid farewell to the showbiz and concentrate on playing the role of a virtuous helper.

This lightning marriage has sparked a lot of speculation and discussion. Some people praise this as a fateful romance, while others question whether Liu Tao is too impulsive. Especially when people recall her four-year-long relationship with Li Weimin, they can't help but sigh at the tricks of fate.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

This lightning love is like a gorgeous firework, dazzling but fleeting. It not only changed the trajectory of Liu Tao's life, but also laid the groundwork for her perseverance and dedication in the future.

No matter how the outside world judges, at that moment, Liu Tao believed that she had found her true love and was ready to give everything for it.

The honeymoon period of a marriage is always short-lived. Liu Tao and Wang Ke's happy life lasted only one year before the 2008 financial crisis ruthlessly shattered. Wang Ke, who was once beautiful, suffered heavy losses in this economic storm, and fell from a young man in the capital to a bankrupt with debts overnight.

Faced with hundreds of millions of yuan in debt, Wang Ke fell into unprecedented despair. He washed his face with tears all day long, his physical condition deteriorated sharply, he was skinny, and even had incontinence.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

The once high-spirited business elite is now like a helpless child who needs to be cared for around the clock.

At this time, Liu Tao was facing the most difficult choice in his life. She can choose to leave this frustrated husband and re-pursue her acting career and life; You can also stay and spend time with Wang Ke.

To many, leaving seems like a wiser choice. However, Liu Tao made a decision that everyone did not expect.

Not only did she not leave Wang Ke, but she stood firmly by his side when he needed help the most. Liu Tao took care of Wang Ke day and night, giving him meticulous care.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

At the same time, she resolutely decided to return to the entertainment industry and use her own efforts to pay off her husband's debts.

Since then, Liu Tao has lived an unprecedented busy life. With amazing perseverance and intensity, she shoots at least five films and television productions a year, while also actively participating in various commercial activities.

On set, she was often exhausted, but never complained to anyone. She knew that only she could save the family.

This almost masochistic rhythm of work lasted for three full years. During this period, Liu Tao not only had to take care of heavy work, but also took care of the family and her husband's physical and mental condition.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

Her dedication has finally paid off. After three years of unremitting efforts, Liu Tao helped Wang Ke pay off all his debts, and the family returned to peace.

Liu Tao's choice and dedication not only saved her marriage, but also won widespread praise from the public. She used practical actions to interpret the marriage concept of "marrying a chicken and marrying a dog with a dog", and became a model of "national good wife" in the eyes of many people.

The perseverance she showed not only touched those around her, but also became a role model for many people who were in trouble in their marriages.

However, Liu Tao's choice has also caused a lot of controversy. Some people questioned whether she was sacrificing herself too much and whether it was worth paying so much for Wang Ke. In the face of these doubts, Liu Tao has always maintained his position.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

She once said: "Since you have chosen him, you must have no regrets." This is my responsibility as a wife.

Liu Tao's story is like a realistic version of an inspirational drama. She used her actions to interpret what true love is and what is the responsibility and responsibility of marriage.

In her view, love is not only a vigorous pursuit, but also a perseverance in sharing adversity. Her choice may have taught us a profound lesson about love and marriage.

Liu Tao's choice and dedication have sparked extensive discussions in society, forming a complex picture of both praise and doubt.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

On the one hand, she is known as "the biggest virtuous wife in the entertainment industry". Many were impressed by her tenacity and courage, believing that she exhibited the most valuable quality of marriage—sharing adversity through adversity.

Her story became a model in the hearts of many, seen as a symbol of true love and loyalty.

However, on the other hand, there are also voices of skepticism. Some people think that Liu Tao sacrificed too much for Wang Ke and was not worth paying so much. Especially when Liu Tao and Wang Ke participated in the "Longing Inn" program together, the controversy reached a climax.

Wang Ke's frequent calling of Liu Tao a "fool" on the show was interpreted as disrespectful by some viewers, and some even pointed out that this behavior is similar to PUA (mind control).

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

At the same time, the recent situation of Liu Tao's predecessor Li Weimin has also become the focus of attention. It is rumored that he has formed a new family and lived a peaceful and happy life.

These different voices not only reflect the public's concern about Liu Tao's choice, but also reflect people's different understandings of love and marriage. Whether it is praise or doubt, Liu Tao's story has maintained continuous popularity in the public eye.

In the face of the criticism of the outside world, Liu Tao has always maintained his position. She once firmly said: "Since you have chosen him, you must have no regrets." This is my responsibility as a wife.

These words not only reflect her deep understanding of marriage, but also show her strong personality.

Liu Tao's black and red love history At the age of 29, he abandoned his boyfriend for 4 years and turned around to marry a wealthy family, and repaid hundreds of millions of debts in 3 years to become a good wife of a wealthy family

In Liu Tao's view, love is not only a vigorous pursuit, but also a perseverance in sharing adversity. She interprets the responsibilities and responsibilities in marriage with practical actions, showing a view of love that transcends the world's vision.

Liu Tao's story is like a mirror, reflecting everyone's understanding of love and marriage. Her choice may not be understood and accepted by everyone, but it undoubtedly teaches us a profound lesson in the true meaning of love.

In Liu Tao's world, the essence of love lies in supporting each other and facing the ups and downs of life together.

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