
Zhuzhou Tianyuan clear soup chai duck

Zhuzhou Tianyuan clear soup chai duck

  The duck in the clear soup chai is characterized by rich nutrition, moisturizing and nourishing, and rich fragrance.

    Preparation method: 1, the fresh duck meat cooked, remove the coarse and fine bone, cut into 5 cm long, 0.7 cm square strips, water hair large fragrant ru to remove the stem and wash. Cut into 5 cm long and 0.3 cm square strips with cooked ham and magnolia slices. Cut the green shoots into coarse strips.

    2, take 4 duck strips, ham, magnolia slices, Xiangru silk each 2, a total of 10 sticks, with green shoot silk from the middle of the tight, bundled into a small firewood shape, a total of 24, neatly coded into the tile bowl, add cooked lard, refined salt 1.5 grams, chicken broth 250 grams, and then add the duck bones, steamed in the cage for 40 minutes to take out, remove the duck bones, the original soup into the wok, duck flip buckle in the big soup bowl.

    3: In the wok of duck soup, add 250 grams of chicken broth to a boil, skim off the foam, add 0.5 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, pour into a large soup bowl, sprinkle pepper, drizzle with chicken fat and serve. Note: Steam the duck with wood, high heat and steam for about 40 minutes.

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