
Jet Li went to the mountains at an altitude of 4,000 meters to practice, and the 62-year-old Li Zhi walked together, and the husband and wife held hands to practice good love

author:Snake Flying Tiger (1)


Celebrities choose to leave the entertainment industry and live an ordinary life with their families, such as Yao Chen taking his daughter to participate in the show, or Zhang Ziyi living an ordinary life with his family, which has aroused everyone's envy. But recently, netizens exposed the happy picture of Jet Li's family of three becoming monks and cultivating, which was shocking. Let's take a look at the story behind this unexpected picture!

Jet Li's whole family became a monk and practiced together, and the happy picture was exposed

Jet Li went to the mountains at an altitude of 4,000 meters to practice, and the 62-year-old Li Zhi walked together, and the husband and wife held hands to practice good love

When celebrities leave the entertainment industry, they often choose to live an ordinary life with their families, and these behaviors are also envied by ordinary people.

Jet Li went to the mountains at an altitude of 4,000 meters to practice, and the 62-year-old Li Zhi walked together, and the husband and wife held hands to practice good love

In a program like "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Yao Chen brought his daughter to participate in the show, and spent an unforgettable time with everyone without taking the star's shelf.

Jet Li went to the mountains at an altitude of 4,000 meters to practice, and the 62-year-old Li Zhi walked together, and the husband and wife held hands to practice good love

There was also "Struggle" where the "original cast" gathered to shoot the sequel, and many of the actors had become famous, but the crew still used the original set at that time, but it was renovated.

And Zhang Ziyi, who has been developing abroad all the year round, also lives with her husband and mother-in-law and lives a relatively ordinary life.

These behaviors actually reflect the essence of these stars, and there are actually only a few stars who really do this.

Some celebrities may have a shelf after becoming famous for themselves, thinking that they are not ordinary people, so as to keep their distance from everyone.

And some stars will also be strict with themselves because they have starred in too many works and have too much work pressure, resulting in abnormal behavior.

Even some celebrities were questioned because of their life style problems, and were finally "banned" by netizens.

However, just a few days ago, some netizens exposed the happy picture of Jet Li's family of three becoming a monk and cultivating, which surprised many netizens after watching it.

Jet Li has developed very well in the entertainment industry before, starred in many classic kung fu movies and action movies, and became an international superstar.

But after that, he also continued to look for his own position, and when the development of the entertainment industry did not go well, he chose to develop abroad, and he rarely saw his works over the years.

And the wives and daughters who appear in the photos of this ordination practice are the "Xiao Li Flying Knife" who rarely appeared in the public eye before.

Jet Li and his wife Wu Qili divorced and married two more wives and have 6 children, and this huge family member seems to have little to do with each other.

But Jet Li's current wife and two daughters, as well as a son, can be seen in the photo.

Although there are other children and wives at home, Jet Li's former wife Wu Qili and eldest daughter Chris also appear in the photo with family blessings.

But judging from some previous situations, it is almost certain that the current wife and children are more important to Jet Li.

It can be seen that although Jet Li and the children are monks and cultivators together, they are not completely separated from the world, they still live in a relatively comfortable environment, and the children seem to be having a lot of fun.

In the photo, the son can be seen wearing headphones and looking to be listening to music or playing games, while the two daughters put their hands into their father's arms to sell cuteness.

Although such cute behavior is not quite in line with the image that practitioners should have, as children, they don't understand these things in the first place.

It can be said that being able to achieve such a relaxed state in such an environment is also a recognition and trust of the atmosphere created in the father's environment.

And his father, Jet Li, sat in the shade of a tree and read a book, and did not have any dissatisfaction because the children were playing and disturbing.

It can be seen that he is very fond of children, and in previous interviews, he also revealed that he is a "super dad" and likes to spend time with children.

In addition to often taking children with him when traveling, he also took his little daughter to the set of "Baolian Lantern" for editing because he wanted to accompany his newborn daughter when he was filming "Baolian Lantern".

The youngest daughter even became a voice actor for one of the characters in the film, and the character eventually became one of the most popular characters in the series.

This monastic practice can be said to be carried out by the whole family, in a quiet environment and a warm atmosphere, the family seeks spiritual sublimation together.

And not only this trip to Nepal, Jet Li, his current wife and three children often take their wives and daughters to Nepal and other places for practice.

Despite its beautiful scenery and rich Buddhist culture, Nepal is a very poor and backward country, often ranking high in the list of poor countries in the world.

More than two-thirds of the country is located in the plateau area above 3,000 meters above sea level, and it is plagued by floods and earthquakes all year round, so the economic conditions are very difficult.

Therefore, Nepal is also known as "paradise outside of heaven", although the natural environment is beautiful and the people are simple and kind, but it has long faced problems such as insufficient infrastructure construction and economic difficulties.

However, Jet Li's family chose to go to Nepal to practice, and they were not intimidated by the environment and retreated, but became more and more courageous, and have been practicing there for many years.

They established their own Buddhist temple district in Nepal, where they held educational classes and other businesses, and stayed for spiritual studies all year round.

Whenever Nepal suffers from natural and man-made disasters, they will donate money and materials to support the disaster area as soon as possible, and personally go to the disaster area to help the victims tide over the difficulties.

In fact, Jet Li is not a native of Nepal, and in the eyes of the local people, they are just a foreigner, and they do not need to give up their lifestyle and values because of themselves.

But in the eyes of Jet Li's family, this is not the case, in their minds, the concept of "the world is full of heaven, and those who go are confidants" is deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and they can find the shadow and concept of their beliefs in any place.

Nepal is like a huge group of powerful believers, where they can feel the comfort and strength of the power of faith, which can allow them to study and practice more deeply in their faith.

And for such a deep-believed, contagious, and cohesive group, there is a certain degree of exclusion or discrimination around the world.

This rejection is especially evident when there is a presence in the regiment that is highly influential and belongs to a foreign race, paganism, and foreign background.

Even so, the Nepalese people have not rejected Jet Li's family, which is all the more precious in a world of exclusion.

In addition, there have been incidents of students being forced to leave the school during the local study, and there have also been cases where the local authorities have suppressed and restricted the local school and even forced to move their addresses.

But these difficulties did not defeat Jet Li's family's will to believe, but made them more determined to believe.

Jet Li went to the mountains at an altitude of 4,000 meters to practice, and the 62-year-old Li Zhi walked together, and the husband and wife held hands to practice good love


Jet Li's family's choice to practice in Nepal not only shows the unity and faith of the family, but also reflects the care for humanity and the dedication to faith. At a time when global exclusion is rife, their perseverance and strength in faith are admirable. What do you think? Come and share your thoughts in the comments!

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