
Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

author:Agricultural Affairs Benji

<h2 class = "rich_media_title" > original title: donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulling strips, northerners eat noodles, there is really nothing for southerners</h2>

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Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

For most people in the north, especially in the northwest, pasta is an indispensable food for three meals a day.

In addition to a variety of cakes and steamed buns, long and short noodles are staple foods, without specially making topping juice, and a variety of meat and seasonal dishes appear on each family's dinner table.

Typical northern-style pasta is too varied to classify, so it is better to be simple and rough, and summarize it according to the length of the noodles! Today we will first come to the "long noodles" class.


The art of ramen

Kneading and wrestling are more exciting than action movies

Long noodles are prepared for the purpose of "long" noodles from the time of washi noodles, mixed with high gluten flour, salt, alkali noodles or eggs.

If you want to make a bowl of noodles, washi noodles are the first step to ensure the strength of the noodles.

The good dough needs to be repeatedly folded, kneaded, kneaded, and dropped to help adjust the gluten protein in the dough to form a neat structure, and the name of this link is very vivid, it is called "shun tendon", which is definitely a hard work.

The Lanzhou ramen that we can see when we go out, the smooth tendons are repeatedly kneaded by young and strong guys on the big case board.

The Japanese udon noodles are dried and hard, and it is more difficult to knead because of the addition of more salt, so the dough is wrapped in plastic film and stepped on with the feet, using the weight of the body to step on the hard dough to be smooth and soft.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Udon noodles need to be stepped on with their feet at the beginning of the noodles


Which one have you ever eaten?

Long noodles are mainly divided into two types from the method, ramen and cut noodles. Ramen is always based on the strength of human hands, and the dough after the tendon is rolled into a strip of noodles, and then it can be pulled.

Fingers pinch the two ends of the dough, stretch outward evenly, pull open and then fold the two ends and then pull again, each fold in half is called a buckle, one becomes two, two becomes four, and so on.

In a noodle restaurant, usually a noodle knot is two or three two, corresponding to a bowl of noodles, a skilled ramen master, ten fingers are all used, ten seconds to pull into a bowl of noodles, the noodles are even and continuous.

The common pull strips are basically above five buckles, the finer the number of buckles, the finer the number of buttons, the finer the lanzhou beef noodles, the strips are as fine as silk, are above ten buckles.

The pulled noodles are thrown directly into the boiling soup pot, and the thinner the noodles, the faster they are cooked.

There is also a kind of ramen that does not need to be divided into noodle knots, and the dough with good tendons is directly kneaded into finger thickness, a ball of noodles is not truncated, and while rubbing, it is coiled in a circle in the basin, and then a layer is coiled.

When cooking noodles, start from the end of the noodles, slowly and evenly, pull the noodles to your favorite thickness, keep it, put it into the pot while pulling, cook and fish out a bowl of truncated, and then put the second bowl.

The noodles are a whole one in the bowl, because soaked in cold water or oil, this kind of noodles is strong and smooth, and there is less flour in the soup pot than paste.

Ramen noodles are suitable for steaming, boiling, stir-frying, frying, frying, and various cooking methods have corresponding flavors.

Beef noodles - Lanzhou ramen

Lanzhou's clear soup beef noodles are the most prestigious soup water ramen, and its unified standard of "one clear (soup), two white (radish), three red (pepper), four green (coriander and other drifting vegetables), five yellow (noodle yellow liang)" makes it a representative of Chinese fast food, all over China's large and small cities.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)


Beef noodle noodles are very exquisite, round noodles have capillary, thin, two thin, three thin and coarse, flat noodles have large wide, wide, leek leaves, and there is a kind of angular "buckwheat len" ... Whatever shape is pulled has a corresponding name and taste.

However, if you want to eat authentic taste, you still have to go to Lanzhou to eat the local "beef bowl".

Yes, local people don't call it "ramen noodles.". These restaurants usually open in the morning and close after noon, but more and more beef noodle restaurants are now open until dinner.

After closing its doors, the ramen shop began to prepare for the opening of the next day, busy cooking soup and preparing vegetables.

Regardless of the cold and heat, every morning, Lanzhou people gather at the noodle restaurant, eat bowls of spicy noodles, drink hot soup and rush to school and work, warm their stomachs in winter, and sweat in summer.

Only Lanzhou in the country, beef noodle prices have risen, and it has been on the city's hearings to solicit opinions. In the minds of Lanzhou people, the best beef noodles may always be the one on the street corner of their own home.

Oily noodles

Shaanxi noodles can also be regarded as ramen, but it does not pay attention to how long and thin, that is, the slightly smooth and good tendon slip strips are pressed into a flat and wide piece of noodles, and then the hands pinch the two ends to pull, it is precisely because the slip strips are flat and wide, so the "biangbiang" sound emitted when the ramen is slapped on the board is particularly loud.

This noodle pays attention to "one continuous, three in a bowl", accompanied by a few pieces of clear turquoise rape leaves, served in a large bowl, with elaborate toppings, sprinkled with bright red pepper noodles, a spoonful of rolling oil poured on, prickly, the aroma rushes out, the noodles are smooth and flexible, full of strength.

The most common way to eat is to pour noodles without toppings:

The simple noodles are flattened with ingredients such as chopped green onions, pepper powder, salt, and a thick layer of chili noodles, and then a spoonful of boiling vegetable oil is poured on the seasoning, and the hot oil boils and cheers;

The hot pepper noodles and chili noodles make the whole bowl glow with dazzling light, and then put a few seasonal greens, and then mix well with the vinegar of Qishan, and a bowl of oil noodles with good color and flavor is good.

Pull the strip

Pulling strips is actually dry mixing, and people in the northwest will do it, that is, after the ramen is cooked, poured into the dish that has been fried in advance, and mixed and eaten.

And "Xinjiang strips" because of the rich vegetables and delicious beef and mutton stand out, a plate of Xinjiang strips in addition to the must have onions, almost can include all the common seasonal vegetables that can be seen in the market, plus bright color, rich juice of oily meat, a plate of belly, the top full of hunger.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Pull strip 丨wikipedia / Mizu basyo

Hollow ramen and sandwich ramen

Stuffed ramen is now largely passed down in legends or memories.

Both hollow ramen and sandwich ramen are actually stuffed in the noodles, but in order to create this hollow, the things added to the noodles will melt in the soup without affecting the strength of the noodles.

After slipping the dough into a finger-thick strip, place it on the board, use chopsticks to press a deep groove in the middle of the noodles, you can choose to fill the mixed filling, and then like kneading the dumpling skin, knead the noodles up and down, and then slowly pull it apart according to the method of ramen.

Of course, you can't expect the sandwich noodles to be able to pull four or five buckles and fill it with filling, and this bowl of noodles is already very sincere.

Sandwich noodles, which mainly determine the content of the filling according to the technical level of the noodle maker. For example, the chicken puree, or pork floss mixed with egg whites and lard and spices, the cooked noodles are mixed with stir-fry, or the marinade is poured and eaten.

Hollow noodles are filled with meltable ingredients, such as cotton sugar, so that there will be a hole in the center of the cooked noodles.

Because the noodles themselves do not absorb too much sugar, the noodles after draining the soup are slightly sweet, mixed with salty toppings, and each noodle is full of soup juice, which can stimulate all taste buds.

It is also possible to make a hollow directly with chopsticks without filling.

And because "China on the Tip of the Tongue" is well known as the Shaanxi hollow noodles, it can be found on the market. Because it has been hung and fermented many times, a hanging noodle can be pulled up to 3 meters, and the final noodle is only 1mm thick, which is such a thin noodle, there will be a hole the size of a needle tip.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Hollow Noodles in Shaanxi / China on the Tip of the Tongue


The greatness of the tool

There are many ways to make the face longer

Since the invention of the stone millstone in the Warring States period was popularized in the Han Dynasty, so that the wheat into flour eating method was popularized, the staple food of people in the Central Plains has increasingly chosen pasta.

Subsequently, the rolling stick has also become an essential tool for every family, a smooth wooden stick, thick in the middle and thin on both sides, the feel is heavier, heavy, and rolled up.

At the beginning, the rolling stick is mostly used to roll the dough, usually it is the same width as the shoulder, and the rolling cake is not tired.

Until the Song Dynasty wonton soup noodle eating method popular, the noodles are eaten longer and longer, and the rolling sticks are getting longer and longer, usually how wide the board is, and how long the rolling sticks are.

Roll out the dough folds up, plows it open with a knife, sprinkles some flour one by one, let the root noodles spread out, and when you eat it, you can just go straight down.

The effort to roll out the dough is all displayed on the round and thin and uniform thickness of the large dough cake. The thinner the dough roll, the thinner the dough will be cut accordingly.

It is said that the highly skilled master can roll out the degree to which the light can read through the bread, and then cooperate with the skilled knifeman to cut out noodles as thin as hair, such as the silver wire noodles in Jiangsu.

Northwestern people generally like to eat more chewy noodles, so they pay more attention to the length and strength of the noodles.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

The process of making the noodles is | Bean fruit food network netizen peach of the plum plum

Cheeky noodles

Speaking of hand-rolled noodles, the most famous is the noodles, thin, strong, light noodles, fried, thin, wang soup, sour, spicy, fragrant taste, making Shaanxi Qishan noodles famous.

Add the alkali noodles, the color is slightly yellow, the rolled noodles are ploughed with a large knife, cut into evenly slender noodles, and the harvest is placed on a large board one by one, while eating.

The thin cut noodles become translucent and shiny after the pot, but they will not break when they go down to the pot, and they are chewy in the mouth.

Qishan noodles are very exquisite from noodles to boiled cheeks and soup.

In fact, like the noodles, in the northwest, the noodles are also a homely dish, except for the process of hand-rolling noodles, the rest of the soup and cheeks, each family is the most fragrant taste made by the mother.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Five-color dishes | Bean fruit food network netizen a small kitchen

Donkey hoof noodles

The most chewy hand-rolled noodles should be shaanxi "donkey hoof noodles", listen to this name, you can feel the solidity of this side.

Northwest pasta is usually named from the most direct feeling, this donkey hoof noodle is said to resemble a donkey's hoof, which I did not think, but the chewiness of the noodles and the temper of the donkey are similar.

The noodles are hard, rolled out thickly, and cut thickly. There are edges and angles, usually about five or six millimeters of square long thick strips.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Donkey hoof noodles made by yourself 丨dou fruit food network netizen ai Ruruwa

The noodles come out of the pan and the noodle master quickly fills the noodles into several large bowls lined up in a row.

Under the steaming water of the cauldron, in a trance, it feels as if the rough noodles have run into the bowl by themselves, standing upright and lying down.

Tomato eggs, meat cubes, fried sauce, small green cabbage leaves, green onions, chili noodles are laid out in turn, and finally sprinkled with a hot spoonful of rapeseed oil, a hissing sound, the aroma of oil, pepper, and green onions rises in the air.

A bowl of dried donkey hoof noodles is brought to the front, and the old diners throw a few slices of garlic peeled when they are waiting for noodles into the bowl, pour in vinegar and mix well to eat.

Donkey hoof noodles are chewy and strong, noodle plates are in a large bowl, and people who are not used to eating eat a bowl of noodles down, feeling that their cheeks are tired of chewing.


In addition to hand-rolled noodles, there is also a long-noodle dish in the north, that is, dumpling noodles.

The tool used to make the dough is traditionally the "bird's nest". Usually choose wood with dense wood, because the date tree usually has too many twists and turns, and it is not easy to use to create furniture, so it has become the first choice for making a bird bed.

Now with an electric panning machine, it is labor-saving and small.

When using, put the bird bed on the pot, and then put the reconciled dough into the cavity, the bottom of the cavity is installed with a circular mesh of steel sheet, the use of the principle of leverage, with the long bar, drive the cork to squeeze the dough, the noodles are rolled into thin strips from the leak hole, directly leaked into the boiling water in the pot. Once cooked, remove and pour over the soup to serve.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Rolled dumpling noodles 丨Baoji foodie

In order to make the noodles chewy, the noodles should also be added with alkali noodles, which taste similar to the noodles.

Therefore, in Shaanxi and Shanxi, the local flowing water mat is not only the noodles, but also the noodles.

Pack a cavity of good noodles, press a pot, then put a cavity, press a pot... The thin, white noodles, non-sticky, continuous thread, boiled in the pot, scooped, put in a bowl, poured with cheeks, and passed out bowl by bowl from the pot table.

A meal does not stop, does not divide the meal, the guests eat, hungry and then serve. A meal of flowing water can be made into thousands of bowls of noodles.

In addition to wheat flour, the traditional noodles are made with soba noodles in a continuation of the ancient method.

The chapter "Buckwheat" in the "Book of Agriculture" written by the Yuan Dynasty agronomist Wang Zhen in 1300 AD introduced the "river leak": "After the northern mountains, the counties are diverse, the skin is removed, and the flour is milled, which is called the river leak." ”

Buckwheat has a higher protein content than wheat, so it is difficult to thin or roll thin by hand, and the dough rolling machine is considered to be a dough press in the sense.

The light brown soba noodles give off a unique faint bitterness that is suitable for both cool and hot notes.

Mustard oil is added when it is cool, and the feeling of choking the nose is complemented by the slight bitterness; when it is eaten hot, the soup is prepared with lamb cheeks, and a bowl of soup fresh gluten is comfortable.

Donkey hoof noodles, biangbiang noodles, pulled noodles, northerners eat noodles and southerners are much different from this article is from the Foodie Research Institute (ID: Food_Lab)

Buckwheat noodles 丨eat.cnwest

The introduction of long noodles is over, here is just a few typical long noodles to write, if you look at the itchy hand, put down the phone to try ah!

<h1 class="rich_media_title" > This article is from the Foodie Institute (ID: Food_Lab).</h1>

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