
Full Table of Manhan: Ingredients and Methods of Jiangnan Famous Dish "Boiled White"

author:Three farmers forage

Zibai, also known as zibu shoots, bamboo shoots, zizu, is a special vegetable in China, and is known as the "three famous dishes in Jiangnan" with lettuce and sea bass. Because of its tender texture and sweet taste, it is regarded as a good product among vegetables


Ingredients: 700 g of russet white.

Ingredients: 25 g sesame oil, dried chili peppers, monosodium glutamate, salt 5 g each, soy sauce 30 g, 30 peppercorns.

Full Table of Manhan: Ingredients and Methods of Jiangnan Famous Dish "Boiled White"


1. Remove the old roots, shells and inner skin of the white and cut into 5 cm thick strips, cook them in boiling water, and then remove the salt and MONOS glutamate.

2. Fry the peppercorns in hot oil and then remove them, then fry the peppers into a black purple color, add soy sauce, boil and pour over the mixed russet, simmer for a while.

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