
How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

author:Dr. Jen says healthy

[Editor's note: This article is the original exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——[·Preface·] ——»

Melodious music flows gently in the bar, and the lively atmosphere is immersive, and Xiaoli stands at the counter chatting with friends. At this time, she noticed a strange man staring behind her.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

She turned and found the man's gaze focused on her ass with a judgmental look. This cold gaze caused Xiaoli's dissatisfaction, and she felt angry and helpless.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaoli asked aggressively.

The man was embarrassed for a while, but still replied in a contemptuous tone: "Look at the size of your ass." It is said that this is related to the fertility of women. ”

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Xiaoli smiled angrily, she was shocked and angry. "Do you really believe such ridiculous views? Is the value of women limited to childbearing? ”

The man nodded firmly, "Of course, as a man, I need a woman who can produce healthy offspring. ”

Xiaoli raised her glass and took a sip of her drink, thinking about how to teach the other party a lesson.

She said softly, "You know what? Fertility doesn't just depend on the size of your butt. It is a complex physiological process that is related to multiple aspects of the female body, including the health of the uterus and ovaries, among others. ”

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

The man obviously did not expect Xiaoli to answer like this, and he scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"And women's value shouldn't be limited to fertility alone." We have our own dreams, pursuits and talents. We can succeed in our careers and pursue our own happiness and achievement. Xiaoli continued.

Hearing these words, the man silently lowered his head. He began to reflect on his views and attitudes. "You're right, I never realized how ridiculous and rude my actions were. I sincerely apologize to you. ”

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Xiaoli smiled and felt her victory. This is not just a victory for a strange man, but a victory for prejudices that judge women's worth by the size of their asses.

That night, Xiaoli and her friends drank and danced happily, enjoying their own independence and freedom. She understands that every woman deserves to live for herself, unfettered by the eyes and judgments of others.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Women's value goes far beyond fertility, and they have unique talents and potential to excel in a variety of fields.

We should respect and value the value of each person, abandon one-sided views and judgments on women, and truly achieve gender equality and inclusive society.

Doctor reviews

Sexual health remains one of the most important topics of concern right now. However, some misconceptions and traditional beliefs persist that misunderstand how to judge women's abilities when it comes to sexuality. Especially the size of a woman's butt as a criterion is completely untenable.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

So, what are the criteria for judging sexual ability?

Sexual competence is a comprehensive concept that is not limited to the physical aspect but also includes psychological and emotional factors. Let's take a closer look at how to fully understand women's sexuality.

A woman's sexual performance is closely related to the health of the body. For example, whether a woman's endocrine system is balanced, whether the reproductive organs are normally developed and functional, etc. have an impact on sexual performance.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Regular gynaecological check-ups, understanding one's physiology, and maintaining good lifestyle habits such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and adequate rest can help women maintain good physical health and thus improve sexual performance.

A woman's psychological state is equally important for sexual performance. Negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. can negatively affect libido and sexual satisfaction.

Therefore, well-established, by learning to cope with stress and find ways to relax, can help women better enjoy sex and improve sexual performance.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Emotional interaction is an important part of sexual performance. A woman's trust in her partner, emotional connection, and quality of communication directly affect sexual satisfaction. Building a good relationship, maintaining open communication, and exploring and satisfying each other's sexual needs together will help boost the sexual performance of both partners.

Sex education and knowledge are essential for women to understand their bodies, sexual needs and sexual health. By acquiring scientifically accurate sexual knowledge, women can better understand their body and sexual function, so that they can better manage and enhance sexual performance.

Regular participation in sex education, reading reliable sexual health information and consulting with a professional doctor are all ways to gain correct knowledge about sexuality.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

To fully understand women's sexuality, we need to consider multiple factors such as their physical health, psychological state, emotional interactions, and sex education and knowledge.

Each person's sexuality is unique and should not be judged solely by appearance or a single criterion. Valuing overall physical and mental health and maintaining positive sexual attitudes and attitudes will help women achieve sexual health and sexual satisfaction.

Ass size has nothing to do with sexual ability

The size of the butt is an individual characteristic of a person, mainly determined by genetic factors, fat distribution, and bone structure. However, there is no direct relationship with sexual ability. Let's explore in detail the reasons why butt size has nothing to do with sexual performance.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

The size of the buttocks is mainly affected by fat distribution and the degree of muscle development, and does not represent the strength of the reproductive organs or related physiological functions. Sexual performance involves multiple physiological aspects, such as the health and function of the reproductive organs, the balance of hormone levels, and the process of sexual excitement.

These are not necessarily related to the size of the butt, let alone accurately judge the strength of sexual ability through appearance.

Sexual performance depends not only on the physical aspect, but also on psychological and emotional factors.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Sexual desire, sexual excitement, and sexual satisfaction are all closely related to psychological state. Whether a person has good sexual performance is related to their self-confidence, emotional connection, and mental health, not the size of the butt.

Each person's physical characteristics are unique, including the size of the butt. Therefore, we cannot judge a person's sexual performance based on this characteristic alone.

Each person's sexual performance is influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, environment, health status, and personal experience, which are far more important than physical appearance.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Evaluating and commenting on the physical characteristics of others is an act that does not respect the privacy of individuals. Everyone has the right to protect their physical privacy and personal space. A person's sexuality should be judged on the basis of mutual respect and understanding, not through superficial physical observation.

A correct understanding of what constitutes sexual competence and abandoning the prejudice of judging by appearance is an important step in establishing the concept of sexual health and equality. We should treat sexual performance with science and respect, and actively promote inclusive and equal sex education and sexual concepts.

Scientific assessment of sexual competence

To scientifically assess a woman's sexual performance, we can use professional medical methods and measurement tools. Here are some commonly used scientific assessment methods to help us get a complete picture of a woman's sexual health.

1. Sex hormones:

Sex hormones play an important role in female sexual function. Information about the functional state of the endocrine system can be obtained by measuring the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and other related hormones through blood or urine samples.

This test is usually performed by a professional physician and combined with a detailed medical history and physical examination to identify any underlying sexual health problems.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

2. Sexual quality of life questionnaire:

The Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire is a commonly used scientific tool to assess an individual's libido, sexual satisfaction, and sexual function.

These questionnaires typically include a range of sexual health-related questions, such as libido levels, levels of sexual excitement, satisfaction during sexual intercourse, etc. By analyzing the questionnaire results, doctors can better understand a woman's sexual health and provide recommendations and treatment options accordingly.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

3. Seek advice and consultation from a professional doctor:

For sexual health issues or concerns, women can seek advice and counseling from a professional doctor. Doctors make a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis based on the history, physical examination, and the results of relevant laboratory tests.

This may involve specialized doctors in different fields, such as gynecologists, sex therapists, psychologists, etc. They will give personalized advice and treatment plans based on individual circumstances to improve women's sexual performance and sexual satisfaction.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

4. Psychological factors:

Psychological factors play an important role in a woman's sexuality. Psychological assessment tools are widely used to assess a woman's psychological state, emotional connection, and sexual satisfaction. These assessments may include questionnaires, psychological tests, and interviews.

By understanding women's mental health, emotional needs, and sexual attitudes, doctors can provide appropriate support and treatment to promote improved sexual health.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

However, we should also be aware that assessing sexual competence is a sensitive topic that requires respect for the principles of individual privacy and voluntary participation. Women have the right to decide whether they wish to participate in the assessment and it is carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

At the same time, society should promote open and inclusive sexuality education to better understand sexual health and discard unnecessary prejudices and stereotypes. By scientifically assessing and fully understanding an individual's sexual health, we can better promote sexual equality and sexual satisfaction, and build a social environment of understanding and respect.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

Reinvent the concept of sexuality to achieve sexual equality and respect

Sexual ability is a complex and multidimensional concept that cannot be measured simply by physical characteristics. To achieve sexual equality and respect, we need to reinvent the concept of sexuality.

Sexual ability should be understood as an individual's unique characteristics, influenced by a variety of factors such as physiological, psychological, emotional and social.

How to judge whether a girl is strong in that aspect? Is it okay to look at the size of the butt? Doctor: No

We should protect and respect everyone's right to privacy and not judge them by their physical characteristics. It is our shared responsibility to establish a social environment of sexual equality and respect.


Let's abandon the misconception that women's sexuality is judged by the size of their butt, and truly realize the values of sexual equality, respect and health.

Everyone should be treated with respect and equality, regardless of physical appearance or physical characteristics, and we should focus on scientific and integrated assessment methods.

Through comprehensive, scientific and inclusive sexuality education, we can break down stereotypes and prejudices and establish correct sexual attitudes. Only in a society that understands and respects everyone's right to sexual health can we achieve sexual equality and promote sexual satisfaction for all.

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