
How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

According to the Forbes Global Tax Burden Index, the tax burden of the Chinese people ranks second in the world, from our birth to death, every consumption behavior and income we actually have to pay taxes, and buying a car is actually the majority of our taxes, then we will calculate, from a new car bought are scrapped, a total of how much tax to pay.

Taxes to pay on the purchase of a car

When buying a car, you need to pay five major taxes, there are value-added tax, purchase tax, consumption tax, vehicle and vessel tax and customs duties, we take a 200,000 car as an example to calculate how much tax you need to pay.

How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

1. VAT

Value-added tax is the largest tax in the mainland, and it implements an extra-price tax and is borne by consumers. The current VAT rate is 13%, and its calculation formula is: naked car fare (including tax) ÷ 1.13×0.13 = VAT.

If you drive a car with a fare of 200,000 yuan, you need to pay a value-added tax of about 23,000 yuan. Many people say, is VAT not paid by car companies? In a word, the wool is out of the sheep.

2. Purchase tax

The purchase tax rate is 10%, and the calculation formula is: naked car fare (including tax) ÷1.13×0.1 = VAT. Recently, due to the policy of halving the purchase tax, we only need half of the original purchase tax.

It is still a car of 200,000 yuan, the purchase tax is 200,000÷ 1.13× 0.1≈ 17699.12 yuan, half is about 8800 yuan, so if you buy a car now, you can save a lot of purchase tax.

3. Consumption tax

Excise tax is levied on car manufacturers, but the same wool comes out of sheep, and there are different excise tax rates for different displacements. The consumption tax calculation formula is: "consumption tax = (dutiable value + actual customs duty) / (1 - consumption tax rate) ×consumption tax rate".

How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

A car priced at 200,000 yuan with a displacement of 2.0 liters will incur a consumption tax of 7,500 yuan.

4. Vehicle and vessel tax

Vehicle and vessel tax is familiar to everyone, the standards of different provinces and cities are different, but the specific difference is not much, taking Beijing as an example, each

At the same time of buying and paying strong insurance, you should pay 400 yuan of vehicle and vessel tax.

How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

5. Tariffs

The tariffs are only for imported cars and are taxed at 25%. Import duty amount = customs value × import duty rate, a car with a dutiable value of 200,000 yuan must pay a tariff of 50,000 yuan.

Taxes to pay when using the car

Don't think it's over, in fact, from the time you buy a new car to the time the vehicle is scrapped, you have to pay taxes all the time during use.

How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

For example, refueling to pay taxes, now the price of No. 92 oil a liter is 9.33 yuan per liter, after 2009, the mainland began to implement refined oil prices and tax reform, and the road maintenance fee and so on into the price of refined oil, now the domestic refined oil price contains about 40% of the tax, calculated down to each liter of taxes and fees about 4 yuan, We calculate according to the scrapping of vehicles that you drive 15,000 kilometers a year and drive for 15 years, and the fuel consumption is 8 liters per 100 kilometers, that is, from buying to scrapping, you need to pay 72,000 yuan in taxes and fees just for refueling.

Insurance costs are also subject to tax, we will calculate according to the general commercial insurance 3,000 yuan per year, 15 years of insurance costs are 45,000 yuan, the VAT rate is 6%, a total of 2,700 yuan of taxes.

There is also maintenance and repair also need to pay tax, the tax rate is 13%, in fact, it is still passed on to the consumer, we will calculate according to a car from buying to scrapping, maintenance cost of 50,000 yuan, luxury brand car maintenance may be more than this money, to pay taxes are about 6,500 yuan.

How much tax does a car have to pay for its lifetime? After settling the score, I scared myself

Calculate down, in fact, not counting the cost of buying a car to maintain a car, a car is just a tax cost is so high, if within 15 years of use cycle, from buying to scrapping, the car has to pay more than 100,000 taxes, is it very scary, can buy a new car, it seems that a celebrity said, buying a car is the worst investment, may be really right.