
Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

author:Wu Jianping


The friends living in the countryside have a very big advantage, that is, they can pick wild fruits in the mountains to eat all year round, and these wild fruits are all grown naturally, do not worry about any pollution, but when picking, you must distinguish which ones can be eaten and which ones are not edible. Don't pick poisonous wild fruits to eat, in the rural mountains 30 years ago there were a lot of wild fruits, such as rai grapes, tarragon fruits, sweet stalks, raspberries, horse bubble melons, ground fruits, lantern fruits, ground melons, etc., do you remember what these wild fruits look like, do you remember how they eat? You have eaten several, whether you can still find it in your hometown, in this issue we will talk about this topic together. Let's go into the countryside together, find those fond memories of childhood, and explore those familiar and familiar wild fruits.

The first type is Lai grapes

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

Lai grape is a wild fruit shaped like a small gourd, with an orange-yellow skin, fat flesh, and sweet and sour taste. Lai grapes are mainly distributed in the southern region and are a good product for cooling and relieving heat in summer. Lai grapes can not only be eaten directly, but also made into jams, preserves and other foods, which is a childhood memory for many people.

The second type is tarragon

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

Tarragon fruit is a small black fruit with a smooth appearance and sweet and juicy fruit. Tarragon fruit is mainly distributed in Asia, and likes to grow on roadsides, wastelands and other places. Tarragon fruit can be eaten directly or used to make drinks, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

The third type is sweet stalks

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

Sweet stalk is a plant that grows like sorghum, it is a fruit that rural children often ate in summer 30 years ago, as sugar cane to eat, it is sweet and watery, has a good thirst quenching effect, used to be planted by every family, now there are few people in the countryside to grow.

The 4th type is raspberry

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

Raspberry is a small red fruit with sweet and sour fruit and high nutritional value. Raspberries are mainly distributed in Asia and prefer to grow in mountain forests. Raspberries can be eaten directly or used to make jams, drinks, and other foods.

The fifth type is horse bubble melon

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

Horse bubble melon is a small melon fruit, also known as cat poop melon, which looks like a small watermelon, the skin of the fruit is yellow, and the flesh is crisp and juicy. Horse bubble melon is mainly distributed in Asia, and likes to grow in fields, meadows and other places. Horse bubble melon can be eaten directly, and can also be used to make stir-fries, soups and other foods.

The sixth type is the ground fruit

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

The ground fruit is a small red fruit with sweet and sour fruit and high nutritional value. It generally grows on the edge of rural fields, roadsides, and small rivers and ditches, and you can find this fruit by plucking its leaves, and used to go to the mountains to pick and eat during the summer vacation.

The 7th type is the lantern fruit

Common wild fruits in the countryside, tarragon fruit, sweet stem, raspberry, horse bubble melon, how many have you eaten?

Lantern fruit is a small fruit shaped like a lantern, the skin of the fruit is yellow, the flesh is thick and juicy. Lantern fruit is mainly distributed in Asia, and likes to grow in fields, meadows and other places. Lantern fruit can be eaten directly, and when I was a child, I used it as a toy to play with.

Friends, these wild fruits, do you still know what they look like? Remember how it was eaten? Do you still have it in your hometown?

Wild fruits are not only fond memories of our childhood, but also a gift from nature. They grow freely in the fields, mountains and forests, bringing delicacy and joy to people. If you have the opportunity to return to your hometown, you may wish to look for those familiar wild fruits and relive the fond memories of your childhood. Let us cherish the gifts of nature together, protect the environment, and let these wild fruits accompany us forever. What other delicious wild fruits are there in your hometown? Come and let us know in the comment section!