
The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"



Lu Yao once said: Everyone has an awakening period, and the sooner or later of awakening determines a person's fate.

Only when people break their original cognition and eliminate their inherent prejudices can they be called awakened.

In complex and changeable times, too many people follow the flow in their busyness, tired and numb in life.

As revealed in the book "Cognitive Awakening", we want to be diligent, but we are not lazy, we want to work hard, but we fall into inefficiency, we want to improve, but we always take detours. In the end, all efforts were in vain, and half a life passed without achieving anything.

And those who live wonderful and outstanding lives, without exception, are far ahead cognitively.

"Cognitive Awakening" is a tool book focusing on personal growth, published 3 years ago, reprinted 5 times within 2 months of its launch, selling 150,000 copies, and was given a high score of 8.7 by Douban netizens.

A senior book reviewer said:

"After reading this book, it was like being drunk on the head, and it was like suddenly raining, and I instantly sobered up."

In fact, the author of the book, Zhou Ling, is an ordinary person like you and me, and has the same confusion and despair as you and me.

His method of getting out of the predicament through awakening cognition can be said to be applicable to every ordinary person who is confused and helpless.

In the book, Zhou Ling wrote more than once:

Cognitive awakening is the driving force of self-change and the root cause of the gap between people.

In the current era, only by activating the mind and opening the mind will people not be eliminated.


People with numb minds

Can only be a poor "tool man"

The Argentine animated short film "Hired Life" has poked countless people.

This film, which is only 7 minutes, vividly shows people's "brainlessness".

Every morning at 7:15, the bald man mechanically turns off the alarm clock, then gets up, washes, rides, goes to work...

Throughout the process, he was expressionless and skillful, like a robot carrying out instructions.

What's even more embarrassing is that everything in the film is a "tool man".

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

Some people are used as desks, others are hangers, and the bald man's job is a floor mat in front of the office door.

This kind of "tool man", in "Cognitive Awakening", is more vividly compared by Zhou Ling to "awake sleeping people" - a group of people who seem to be awake, but in fact their heads and hearts have long been asleep.

If nothing else, he said, most people follow the established procedure of "study-work-marriage" and live by inertia.

It's not bad to mix well, it's not a good life, it's not that anything is wrong, but it's also boring.

Even if you occasionally muster up the energy to make changes, you can't hold out for a few days and then return to your original state.

Have you done the same?

I signed up for online classes with great interest, but I rarely read them carefully, and I felt bored when I learned to learn;

The purchased book only turned a few pages, read and read, and did not produce any qualitative changes in life;

There is no breakthrough in how to do it at work, and I want to go home to play games and play mobile phones as soon as I get off work...

Physically and mentally lazy, without goals, lacking in planning, people float like duckweed wherever they go, and end up stranded in the mud.

In the book, Zhou Ling also tells the story of a "garbage worker".

American man Carol won the 9.7 million lottery and went from garbage worker to super-rich overnight.

However, in Carol's cognition, living is nothing more than eating, drinking and having fun.

He bought a mansion, a famous car, and then became addicted to gambling, and after 7 years, Carol finally squandered his winnings and returned to garbage work.

This magical story makes people suddenly understand: fate, it is impossible to bypass cognition and change.

People with numb minds and shallow cognition can only be led by the outside world by the nose.

As the book says, cognitively without awakening, we will eventually not understand ourselves, have no claims about life, and have no choice about fate.

If you want to change from passive to active, you must awaken the brain and open up the exploration of the mental field.

And between people, from the moment of awakening, there are thousands of differences.


Awaken your cognition in order to continue to evolve

In the book, Zhou Ling shared an experience of his own.

A few years ago, he decided to learn a new skill, computer programming, outside of Jesus.

After studying for half a year, the leader wanted to upgrade the office software, so he invited programmers from outside.

However, the company's business is too professional, and outsiders are simply not sure of the requirements of the leadership.

At this juncture, Zhou Ling unexpectedly became a bridge between the two parties.

The reason is simple, because he understands both the business and the programming foundation.

When he solved this matter perfectly, he was successfully promoted and became the backbone of the company.

Zhou Ling, who tasted the sweetness of learning, soon got involved in the field of writing and set up a public account.

After three years of deep cultivation, he has not only gained countless readers, but also published 3 books.

Today, Zhou Ling is a standard "slash middle-aged", leaving a large number of peers behind.

He has said more than once that the reason why he is today is that he "opened his eyes" at the age of 36.

If he hadn't realized his decadence and admitted his past failures, he would not have been able to initiate change.

People, only after cognitive awakening, can achieve "re-evolution".

Only by waking up from the difficulties of reality can we see the current situation clearly and find a way to activate ourselves.

In an interview, Lei Jun asked Liu Qin of Morningside Capital: "What is the secret of your success?" ”

Liu Qin said: "Heaven rewards hard work, as long as you are diligent, you can become a good investor." ”

As soon as his words fell, Lei Jun shook his head and said: Heaven's Dao does not necessarily reward hard work.

If you just repeat inefficient efforts, no amount of diligence is useful.

There is a saying that the gap between people and people lies in three kinds of information gaps.

The first is resources, I have it, you don't;

The second is skill, I will, you won't;

The third is cognition, I understand, you don't understand.

Resources that can be found, skills, that can be learned.

Only cognition, which depends on the awakening power of each person, is difficult to surpass.

That is why, we always say, that a person can only live within the limits of his cognition.

Under the same luck, those who have insight into the essence and laws can transform luck into strength;

Under the same conditions, those who see deeper and farther can find more opportunities.

In the book, Zhou Ling writes:

"Only by deliberately improving ourselves can we slowly throw off the big team and walk in the forefront."

If you also want to be the best, you must first awaken your cognition.

Only when cognition awakens can the situation of life be opened.


Expand the broadband of thinking and use cognition to stimulate life

A traveler, on a journey, came across a migrating tribe.

Curiously, he leaned over and asked the elders: Did you migrate because the previous living environment had deteriorated?

Unexpectedly, the elder said:

On the contrary, it is because it is so comfortable that we have to migrate. Otherwise, a comfortable environment will degrade the survival skills of the clansmen. Only by migrating regularly can we force ourselves to learn our skills.

Survival has always been an evolving race.

In contemporary society, what needs evolution the most is our minds.

In this regard, the book also gives the following suggestions:

1. Use the "rational brain" to find the "fusing point" of thinking.

In the book, Zhou Ling compares the human brain to a company.

In the company, there are only three employees - the instinctive brain, the emotional brain and the rational brain.

The first two only care about the comfort and comfort in front of them, and only the rational brain will drive deep thinking.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

If the rational brain is not deliberately used, people will indulge in low-level enjoyment in the nature of "taking refuge and rushing to achieve results".

That's why, we unconsciously pick up our phones to swipe videos, instead of reading books, testing titles, and learning skills.

Therefore, the first step in awakening cognition is to fight the lazy nature and develop the habit of using the brain.

So how exactly do you think?

Zhou Ling gave an example.

For example, if you read a book, once you see a difficult point, or an inspiring place, you stop.

Around this "circuit breaker" point, ask yourself: What is this talking about? What is the use for me? How can it be practiced?

Many times, thinking is like a rope, constantly pulling, and may end up pulling an elephant in your head.

2. Temper deep learning power and exert compound interest effect.

In 1946, American scholar Edgar Dale proposed a "learning pyramid" theory.

This theory, which exposes human learning, is divided into two levels: passive and active.

Passive learning, such as listening, reading, audio-visual, and presentation, has only 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% retention rates in the mind.

Active learning, like discussing, practicing, and teaching to others, has retention rates as high as 50%, 75%, and 90%.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

The root cause of the difference is that passive learning is mostly superficial, while active learning can go deeper.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

Deep learning is not easy, and this process, like the compound interest curve below, requires enough concentration and patience to usher in the turning point of qualitative change.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

After signing up for online courses, I will study carefully and explore further study;

Learn skills, and don't stop until you apply what you have learned;

Don't stop reading halfway, arm your mind with lifelong learning.

Only long-term and in-depth learning can bring out the power of time.

3. Stand on the edge of your "comfort zone" and walk outward little by little.

Have you ever had this experience?

Make a running plan, either the goal is too easy, the run is too simple, or the goal is too difficult to stick to for a few days;

In daily study and work, either do not put pressure on yourself, or suddenly give yourself "high standards and strict requirements".

As a result, we either have no motivation to continue, or we simply cannot complete the challenge.

Zhou Ling said that if we want to maximize our potential, we need to identify the "stretch zone" of our capabilities.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

In this area, we have the desire to explore forward, but we will not be overwhelmed by too high difficulty.

The famous psychologist Mihaly proposed such a model in the book "Flow":

When people get bored with the current activity, the state should increase the difficulty;

When people feel anxious about their current activity, it states that they should maintain this level of focused practice.

This alternation allows you to enter the flow channel and immerse yourself in it.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

No matter what you learn, find the edge of your "comfort zone" and gradually expand outward.

Step by step, you will expand your knowledge territory and gain a wider knowledge map.

4. Open the "Eye of God" and transform in the reflection.

The book mentions an astronomical event in 1959.

On August 7 of that year, the American "Exploration 6" satellite took the first panorama of the earth, and mankind has since had the "eye of God".

Satellites allow the earth to see itself, and each of us should also use the "flying self" to jump out of our own limitations and reflect on ourselves.

The biggest gap between people is in "Cognitive Awakening"

Realizing this, Zhou Ling began his "reflection plan".

He bought a notebook and wrote down his observations every day like a diary.

So far, he has written more than a dozen diaries, each stroke is like a carving knife, carving himself into a better look.

Learn to review your words and deeds, and only then can you transform in the reflection.


Zhou Ling once opened a Q&A column on the Internet and worked as a "growth consultant" for a period of time.

Whenever asked how to get out of his immediate predicament, he said:

"Awareness has been an elite way of self-cultivation since ancient times."

And this sentence is also the core meaning of "Cognitive Awakening".

All the leaps that a person can achieve, in essence, is the awakening and ascension of cognition.

Someone summed up a "metamorphosis formula" from "Cognitive Awakening":

Strong will + deep thinking + self-reflection + action = change.

In the current world, competition is already a competition of mental resources.

Only those whose cognition prevails will win in the end.

Give it a thumbs up! Wake yourself up from your slumber, wake up your brain, and think positively.

Please believe that after awakening, your future will be limitless.

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