
The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

author:A purse that will eat

Babao rice is the finale dish on Chinese New Year's Eve rice, which can be used as a staple food or dessert. Eight treasure rice is served on the table, and there is a grand ceremony. As a well-known snack, "Eight Treasure Rice" is indispensable for traditional Chinese New Year's Eve rice in many places in China. It is not only delicious but also has a very good meaning, eight treasure rice is like a cornucopia, the so-called "eight treasures gathered, is the reunion", it uses sweet taste for us to open a happy life in the new year. The Year of the Ox has arrived, the old tradition still can't be lost, hurry up and learn to make this Eight Treasure Rice! The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

Why can I eat eight treasure rice in the New Year? Naturally, its ingredients are more exquisite than those of ordinary dim sum. Red dates, walnuts, melon seeds, red and green silk, raisins with glutinous rice, bean paste, not only good look festive, nutritious, often eat can also enhance human immunity.

Eight treasures of rice color and fragrance, meaning auspicious: lotus seeds mean that the children and grandchildren are full of halls, reunion; walnuts symbolize auspiciousness and harmony; red dates have a deep blessing meaning since ancient times; preserved fruits such as raisins are symbols of sweet honey; melon seeds represent peace; red and green plums contain the meaning of encouraging progress and blessing smoothness.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

In the New Year, no matter how rich or poor, every household must have eight treasures of rice. I don't know if you feel the same way, every time you eat in a restaurant or the semi-finished product of Babao rice, you will feel that the material is not enough. In fact, as long as you prepare the ingredients, and then learn a few small skills, the homemade Eight Treasure Rice is full of ingredients, soft and sticky sweet taste, adults, children and the elderly love to eat.

Eight treasure rice is very simple to make, but there are some details to pay attention to in the production process: how to make the ingredients embedded in the eight treasure rice firmly scattered? How to steam the eight treasure rice sweet soft glutinous without sandwiching? These tips, purse will be in the production method for you to answer, you will see it.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

How to make Eight Treasure Rice? If you want a New Year reunion, sweet and sweet, hurry up and join the Chinese New Year's Eve meal menu!

【Brown Sugar Eight Treasure Rice】

150 grams of white and black glutinous rice, 100 grams of red bean paste, 1 handful of red dates and lotus seeds, 25 grams of brown sugar, a little white oil or butter, nuts and preserved fruits. Tips on how to store eight treasure rice I have put together in the tips at the end of the article, you must remember to read.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

Mix the two kinds of glutinous rice and rinse well. Soak in water for at least 3 hours in advance. Soaking the glutinous rice thoroughly is a trick to make the Eight Treasure Rice delicious.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

In addition to the traditional lotus seeds, melon seeds, walnuts, dates, and raisins, you can also add other nuts and dried fruits to your liking without sticking. The lotus seeds are soaked in advance, and the dates are pitted and cut into strips for later.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

After the glutinous rice is soaked, pour it into the rice cooker and add water to cook the rice. Because the glutinous rice is soaked and absorbs some water, it adds less water than usual when cooking rice, and the water is slightly less than the rice, so that the texture of the eight treasure rice cooked will be soft and sticky.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

After the eight treasure rice is steamed, mix in brown sugar and about 10 grams of white oil while it is hot. If there is no white oil at home, you can use butter instead.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

Give the eight treasure rice shape. Prepare a large bowl that is slightly deeper, spread a layer of white oil evenly on the inside of the bowl, put dried fruits and nuts on the bottom of and around the bowl, and pose as you like. The details that need to be paid attention to are: red dates and walnuts must remember to put the front outward, so that when the eight treasure rice is ready, the front will be exposed.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

Lay a layer of sticky rice on top, this layer of sticky rice does not need too much, mainly plays a role in fixing the position of the ingredients, after laying the sticky rice needs to be gently pressed.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

Continue along the inside of the bowl with nuts and preserved fruits, and spread a circle of sticky rice, leaving a small pit in the middle, and fill the space with red bean paste.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

After the bean paste is put away, it is then spread with sticky rice, flattened and compacted, and covered with plastic wrap. The sticky rice should be spread evenly and tightly, so that the shape of the eight treasure rice will be beautiful.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

Steam the Babao rice in a pot and steam for 25 minutes. After steaming, take it out, and when it is hot, it is upside down on a beautiful plate, and a sweet, soft and sticky sweet, eight treasure rice that means reunion is ready.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet


If you want to eat the eight treasure rice, the oil is soft and sticky, and after the glutinous rice is cooked, it is necessary to mix the sugar and white oil while it is hot, so that it is easier to mix well.

For a bowl in the shape of steamed Eight Treasure Rice, be sure to apply oil to the inside of it, otherwise it will not be able to release the mold.

Self-made eight treasure rice without preservatives, delicious and healthy, we can take advantage of the New Year to make a few eight treasure rice out, cool after wrapping with plastic wrap, frozen in the refrigerator, want to eat when hot on the line, with eat as you go especially convenient.

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet. Present this "Eight Treasure Rice" at the Family Feast of the New Year to add festive color. The whole family laughed and laughed, and shared the delicious eight treasure rice together, which is a portrayal of sweetness and reunion.

Eight treasure rice, listen to this name to know how festive. Do you think this eight-treasure rice is delicious? What ingredients do you use for your homemade Eight Treasure Rice? Hurry up and share it with everyone!

The New Year's must-have eight treasure rice, full of ingredients, good looking and festive, meaning reunion, sweet and sweet

"Eight treasure rice" is shared here, your family Chinese New Year's Eve rice menu has eight treasure rice? Every message you have, and every like, is my motivation to move forward! I like to remember to collect and share with my friends around me, we will see you in the next issue!

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