
You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

In 2023, the domestic cinema line can be said to be getting more and more rolled.

This summer, it is crowded with all kinds of domestic films.

From suspenseful reasoning to domestic anime to mythological blockbusters, every once in a while, there is always a blockbuster work leading the theater trend.

Recently, this inward wave has gained strength again.

August has just begun, and the theater line has come to another super dark horse.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films
You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

This film is amazing.

Only 4 days after its official release, the box office has soared to 1.1 billion, and the audience's response in word of mouth is not bad.

In the comments of fans, some viewers said that the film reminds itself of the 9-point god film "I Am Not the God of Medicine":

The best anti-fraud propaganda movie of the year tastes a bit similar to "I Am Not the God of Medicine".

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Finally, someone is paying attention to this topic, hoping to attract as much attention as "I Am Not the God of Medicine".

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Speaking of which, the film and "Medicine God" can be regarded as "brothers of the same family", and they are both from the "Bad Monkey Project" led by director Ning Hao.

It is a film directed by director Shen Ao and produced by Ning Hao:

"All or Nothing"

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Thematically, this film is very "new".

It has its sights set on a rare theme in the field of domestic films - online fraud.

Through the realistic portrayal of the overseas online fraud industry chain and the restoration of the tragic experience of the victims, the film takes the audience to intuitively feel the harm of online fraud.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

"All or Nothing" was officially released on August 8, but in this lively summer file, it also opened on August 5.

On the first day of screening, word of mouth was released, and the audience's evaluation could be described as "hitting the nail on the head".

Some viewers bluntly said that the film was better than expected, and they even wanted to give it a 10-star rating:

The pace is so fast, the atmosphere is full, the movie is very catchy, and there are no pee spots at all.

Give 5 stars as an entertainment film, and give 5 stars to social significance!

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

The unexpected is not bad, some of the movie pictures really make people gasp.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Some viewers said that this is a movie suitable for the whole family to watch together, and the deceptive routine is clearly explained:

Cautionary but not boring, deceptive routines are clearly explained, it is highly recommended to bring more family members to watch!

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

"All or Nothing", which was not very optimistic before the screening, has now gone all the way to a high reputation, and it has already revealed the face of a dark horse in the summer file.

So, why can this new crime-themed film become a promising dark horse in the summer?

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

First, it dares to shoot, the plot is not taboo about scale, and the horror of fraudsters is directly presented

The most eye-catching thing about "All or Nothing" is that it really dares to shoot.

For the portrayal of online fraud organizations, the director team presents its "industry chain" without reservation and in an all-round way.

Many scam routines that we usually hear about or have come into contact with are also restored on a real scale, bringing people an intuitive impact.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Here, there are scam tricks hidden under the gimmick of "high-paying part-time work";

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

After attracting job seekers under the guise of "XX million salary", the fraud organization immediately forced the other party to work for themselves by force.

All kinds of beatings that did not agree with each other made the victim dare to be angry and dare not speak.

Pan Sheng, a programmer played by Zhang Yixing, was deceived into a fraud den and forced to become an organizational helper.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Here, there are also routines hidden under the appearance of the "sweet dealer";

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

It seems that this little brother and the gentle young lady are related because of gambling, and they can also get inside information provided by the other party.

But in fact, what is hidden behind the screen is not an Internet red face at all, but a black-hearted boss with a bad heart.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

What is even more eye-opening for the audience is the detailed restoration of the division of labor of the fraud group organization in the film.

Through the mouth of the leader of the organization played by Wang Chuanjun, we also learned the fraudulent term "Thousand Doors and Eight Generals" of "positive, mention, opposite, detachment, wind, fire, removal, and rumor".

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

These eight "wills" represent the eight divisions of labor corresponding to fraudulent organizations...

The programmer played by Zhang Yixing is arranged as the general in charge of "layout".

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

And the model Liang Anna, played by Jin Chen, was included in the anti-general department after becoming a beautiful dealer.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

In addition, the director also allows us to intuitively feel the evil of fraud organizations through the large scale of visual perception.

After tricking the victim into a scam base, the thugs' intimidation tactics are unbearable to look at.

When forcing the male protagonist to cooperate, the thug directly grabbed the ear and tore it, and the ear was about to crack and did not let go...

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

When the escapee was captured, the images of plastic bags wrapped around their heads, extreme electric shocks, and abuse in dog cages were also somewhat unbearable.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

When punishing an informant, operations such as sticking needles into people's nails also bring great audiovisual shock with the character's harsh scream.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

The scale is so large and the painting style is so miserable that people can't help but worry about the fate of the characters in the film, resulting in an immersive sense of immersion.

With such a "fierce" picture, I am afraid that the film will be scheduled for the largest scale movie in 2023.

Second, the character creation is very real, and these three forms of the human heart are performed

The large-scale painting style is the appearance of the film, and exploring the connection between "Internet scams" and people's hearts is the deep core of the film.

The policeman played by Yongmei in the film has this line, which impressed me very deeply:

Man has two hearts, greed and unwillingness.

And this also breaks two types of psychology that are often used by online fraudsters.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

The first type of psychology of the deceived, greed;

The gambler Ah Tian played by Wang Continent is typical.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

The character was originally a well-off college student, but after clicking on the gambling program, he "won" the first hand, but he grew greed.

As greed grows fatter, he also sinks deeper and deeper into the gambling quagmire, and his fate changes radically.

Under the interpretation of Wang Continent, the character's obsessive posture, and even viciously speaking to his relatives for money, is pitiful and pathetic.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

the second type of psychology of the deceived, unwilling;

Pan Sheng, a programmer played by Zhang Yixing, belongs to this category.

After being squeezed out of his position at a former company, he was eager to find a new job that matched his abilities.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

And his "unwillingness" to fate was exploited by fraud groups with ulterior motives, and unfortunately became the latter's helper.

However, it needs to be bolded and important that the film side does not deny the character's yearning for a better life, the victim is not wrong, the real culprit is the perpetrator himself.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

And Zhang Yixing, as the main actor, also made a positive interpretation of the role.

He has all kinds of dirty and messy shapes, but he can't hide the light of his eyes, and the character's flexible painting style stands very steady.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

In Bluestone's view, behind this online fraud bureau, there is actually a third type of psychology.

This kind of psychology, that is, the "black heart" posture of the wicked to destroy humanity for financial gain, is the culprit in this scam.

The online fraud leader played by Wang Chuanjun is typical.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

In order to maximize his own interests, the character performs various operations without regard for the lives of others.

On the one hand, he ordered thugs to coerce the deceived into submission, thereby expanding the fraud territory.

On the other hand, he does the most murderous things with the gentlest words under the hypocritical gesture of "everyone makes money together".

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

The madness and treachery of the characters were also revealed with Wang Chuanjun's excellent performance.

Thanks to the brilliant performance of the three actors, we were also able to look at this online scam from different perspectives.

Third, the stamina is really great, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Different from other crime films of the same type, "All or Nothing" not only ensures the viewing effect, but also polishes the authenticity of the film, so that this film brings great stamina.

Frankly speaking, Bluestone pondered for a long time after watching this film.

What made me ponder was the deafening 8-word narration in the film:

Based on real cases

The plot of the online fraud organization in the film is presented by the film side based on tens of thousands of real cases.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Shocking film plots such as finger piercing and closing the dog cage are all prototypes in real life.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

What is even more frightening is that the prototype cases that were not filmed in the feature film are larger in scale.

In the tidbits released by the film side, many online fraud victims appeared to say that they warned the world by revealing their scars.

And their experience is much worse than in the film.

Their hands are cut off for "disobedience," and videos of abuse are even sent to parents.

All kinds of inhumane behaviors make people intuitively feel the rampant of overseas fraud groups, and also deeply appreciate the harm of online fraud.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

From the perspective of social significance, the impact of this work is somewhat similar to the "I Am Not the God of Medicine" in the past.

As the work shines into reality, some viewers are also touched by this impact of reality, reminiscent of past experiences.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

At the screening, the music blogger "Ribs Sect Leader" touched the scene, shared his past experience of being deceived by hundreds of thousands, and used this to advise others:

The lesson I ate, I paid for the tuition, I hope this movie is seen by more people, don't fall into the pit I fell into.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Director Shen also said that he has also encountered fraud in people he knows in reality.

During his investigation, some police officers shared with him the unfortunate news that "5 college students committed suicide due to online fraud in a month".

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

After feeling the tragedies of online fraud, the Olympic bid also conveyed his attitude in the way of "leaving the plot blank".

In the middle and later plots, including the ghosts in the northern Myanmar police station who reported the fraud group, and the local forces in northern Myanmar that obstructed the handling of the case, the plot line did not expand too much.

The director's obvious foreshadowing operation here is also a metaphor for the phenomenon of online fraud that is difficult to cut off.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

In this context, the director also used the film to call on the audience to improve their anti-deception awareness and remind the people around them as much as possible.

From this point of view, this "All or Nothing" is not only a theatrical film, but also the most direct and effective anti-fraud movie.

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

It can be said that although "All or Nothing" is only more than 2 hours, it reflects the lessons of countless real victims in months, years and even a lifetime...

At this point, this "All or Nothing" with strong social significance will surely be the "first choice for the whole family" this summer!

Everything, just in response to that sentence:

One more person to watch the movie, one less person to be deceived!

You can rest assured that the plot is not taboo about scale, and "All or Nothing" has made the conscience of domestic films

Bluestone Movies | Lele De

This article is the original content of Bluestone Film, please do not reprint it in any form without authorization!

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