
Find someone! After traveling to Thailand with the group, he left the group, and the 28-year-old boy disappeared for half a year

author:Bright Net

In February this year, a 28-year-old young man from Binzhou City, Shaanxi Province, went to Thailand for a tour, but he lost contact with his family after leaving the tour group. His family in China tried all kinds of ways to find out his whereabouts, but there has been no news so far.

On August 17, Ms. Du, a 54-year-old mother, told a reporter from the Chinese Business Daily Gale News: "In the past six months, I have gone to Thailand alone to look for my son, and the Chinese embassy helped find the entry record but did not find the exit record. ”

Heng Jiawen, a 28-year-old native of Binzhou City, Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, has been working in Xianyang after graduating from technical school. His family bought him a house in Xianyang and was ready to introduce him to a girlfriend, but he said he wanted to fight for two years before talking about friends.

Ms. Du said her son Jiawen lived alone in his new house in Xianyang, and she and her wife lived in their hometown in Binzhou. My son is a very introverted person, not very talkative, usually after work like to watch some online lessons on the computer, and also taught himself computer programming and Japanese. The son rarely takes the initiative to contact the family, and will reply to a message on WeChat when something happens, and he did not tell the family about his trip to Thailand.

On February 16, her mother Ms. Du asked Jiawen on WeChat: "Is there a stir-fry spoon in Xianyang's new house?" No, I'll go and get you a new stir-fry spoon next time. Jiawen replied, "Good." What Ms. Du did not expect was that her son was not in his new house in Xianyang that day, but in Bangkok, Thailand, a foreign country. Since that day, Ms. Du has not been able to contact her son again.

Ms. Du said: "On February 17, I asked him about something on WeChat, but he didn't reply, and I called to find that he was turned off. At first, I didn't care, I thought my phone was dead, but then I called for three days in a row and turned it off. I was very anxious, so I contacted his cousin, who said that he had traveled to Thailand and said that he would come back after a week of playing. There is no way, I can only send him WeChat every day, hoping that he can wait to contact me after turning on. ”

Thai travel agency to sign up for a tour: leave the group to find friends for a few days

After waiting for a few more days, Heng Jiawen's phone was still turned off. Ms. Du went to the police station in Binzhou to call the police, and the police helped find Heng Jiawen's exit record.

Ms. Du said: "The Binzhou police helped find out that at 8:13 a.m. on February 12, Jiawen left Guangzhou Baiyun Airport to Thailand with a tour group. After checking his mobile phone call records and check-in records, he found that he went to Weinan on February 10, checked into a local hotel, took the high-speed train to Guangzhou the next day, stayed in Guangzhou overnight, and left for Thailand. I suspected that he was going to Thailand with a friend from Weinan, but I called Weinan's phone number on the call log and couldn't get through. ”

Ms. Du said: "After I called the police, Officer Huang of the Binzhou police went to Guangzhou Airport to check and found out that Heng Jiawen was following the group through Zhuhai Airlines International Travel Agency. But the travel agency said it was only responsible for booking tickets, and they were following tour groups from Deep Tours. ”

So, Ms. Du went to Shenzhen to find out why her son did not return to China with the tour group since he signed up for the tour group. She said: "After I called the police in Shenzhen, the relevant personnel of the Shenzhen tour responded that on February 17, Heng Jiawen chose to leave the group, he said that Chiang Mai had friends and wanted to go to play for a few days before returning to China, and signed the agreement to leave the group before leaving the group. ”

Mother looking for her son alone in Thailand Chinese Embassy: No exit records found

In May, three months after her son disappeared, Ms. Du went to Thailand alone to search for her son. She said: "I know I'm late, I've always wanted to go to Thailand to find my son, but my wife is not in good health and can't fly, I haven't been on a plane, I can't speak a word of English, I can't find anyone to accompany me to Thailand, I wash my face with tears every day, and I made up my mind to go to Thailand to find my son in May." ”

In Shenzhen, Ms. Du hired a lawyer to help find her son. With the help of Shenzhen Law Firm, she was contacted by Wenhua Law Firm in Thailand. After Ms. Du arrived in Thailand, Mandarin Law Firm found an interpreter for her to accompany her in her search for her son.

Ms. Du said: "The interpreter accompanied me to the hotel where my son last stayed, and I wanted to know who he left with that day, and he has not been active since he left the hotel. But because too much time has passed, there is no surveillance video. I went to the Chinese embassy to help find someone, and the embassy found out from the Thai immigration bureau that there was no exit record of Jiawen, and the embassy suggested that I call the police in Thailand. ”

Find someone! After traveling to Thailand with the group, he left the group, and the 28-year-old boy disappeared for half a year

Call the police in Thailand to file a case and present their departure agreement in Thailand

So, accompanied by an interpreter, Ms. Du went to the police station in Bangkok to call the police. After the police opened the case, they contacted the Thai ground pick up of the tour group at that time, and the Thai ground pick up provided the agreement to leave the tour.

The departure agreement provided by Thailand reads: "Due to my own reasons, the Thai Mamba requested to leave the tour after the trip and did not return to China." During the departure period, all expenses will not be refunded, and your own personal safety and expenses after leaving the tour shall be borne by yourself, and there is no relationship with travel agencies and tour guides, which is hereby certified. Finally, there is Heng Jiawen's signature, dated February 17.

Find someone! After traveling to Thailand with the group, he left the group, and the 28-year-old boy disappeared for half a year

Ms. Du said: "The signature of the detour agreement looks like it was written by my son, but the content is written crookedly, and I am not sure if it was written by my son. I wondered if my son was alone or a few people who left the group, but I never got an answer. The Thai law firm contacted the Thai police and replied that there was no progress in the case for the time being. ”

After a week in Thailand, Ms. Du chose to return to China first. "In Thailand, I didn't even dare to leave the door without an interpreter," she said. Every day, the interpreter dropped me off at the hotel, where I ate cookies and drank water until the next day when the interpreter came to pick me up. The translator is charged by the day, and it is not a way to wait, I can only return to my country first. ”

The Chinese embassy confirmed that it was still awaiting the Thai police's findings

On August 18, a staff member of the consular protection department of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand told the Chinese Business Daily Gale News reporter: "In May this year, the embassy entrusted the Thai immigration bureau to check Heng Jiawen's entry and exit records, he entered Thailand from February 12, but has no exit record." Heng Jiawen's family has opened a case with the police in Thailand and is still waiting for the results of the Thai police's investigation. ”

If a Chinese citizen goes missing in Thailand, what should the family do? The staff member said: "If a Chinese citizen is missing in Thailand, if the family does not know his specific location in Thailand, he can provide relevant materials with the embassy, and the embassy will help check the entry and exit records. ”

Heng Jiawen has been missing in Thailand for half a year, what should the family do next? The staff member said: "We recommend that Heng Ka Van's family continue to liaise with the Thai police. In this situation, only the police have the right to deal with this matter. Heng Jiawen's family has hired a Thai lawyer, and the specific matter can also be handled by a lawyer. ”

Posting a search notice in the Thai media Chinese media: People are on the Myawaddy side

Ms. Du tried everything she could to find her son, and she asked a Thai lawyer to help post a search notice in the local Chinese media. The lawyer's secretary replied that Chinese media said that there was news that people had arrived in Myawaddy, Myanmar. When Ms. Du asked her son's location in Myanmar, she never received a reply.

On the morning of August 18, Ms. Liang, the lawyer's secretary of Thai Mandarin Law Firm, told the Chinese Business Daily Gale News reporter: "In May this year, Ms. Du reported to the police in Thailand, and our lawyer has been communicating with the police, and the police have also contacted the Thai place of the tour group to take notes, but there is no progress in the case so far." This old aunt is quite pitiful, she came to Thailand alone to find her son, and her son has an entry record in Thailand but no exit record. We also helped her contact the Chinese media and sent her a search notice for free. The Chinese media replied that they found out that his son was on the Myawaddy side, but did not say the specific location and how he found it, but only told me an answer. ”

Find someone! After traveling to Thailand with the group, he left the group, and the 28-year-old boy disappeared for half a year

When the reporter asked the name of the Thai Chinese media that sent the search notice, Ms. Liang said that it was not convenient to disclose and needed to ask the opinion of the Chinese media. On the afternoon of August 18, when the reporter asked Ms. Liang again, she said: "The time will not be so fast, the Chinese media has not replied, and it is not convenient for me to tell you." ”

Follow the news from Myanmar every day, hoping to send information about people in the Myawaddy "park"

Today, Ms. Du is looking forward to the news of her son every day. "The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to call, call my son, call the embassy, call the lawyer's secretary," she said. My son's phone kept turning off, and I was afraid that he would not be able to contact home without a phone bill after turning it on, so I also charged him with a phone bill. ”

Recently, there have been frequent reports in Myanmar about foreign criminal gangs luring and forcing Chinese citizens to participate in illegal activities, and even carrying out kidnapping for ransom. Hearing these news made Ms. Du very anxious. After learning that her son might be in Myanmar, she said that her next step was to find someone to post the search information in some "parks" in Myawaddy, Myanmar.

On August 18, Ms. Du told the Gale News reporter: "I follow the news in Myanmar every day, and I just saw a news that the doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was deceived into coming to Myanmar for a year. Doctors will be deceived, and my son should have been tricked into Myanmar as well. Every time I see this kind of news, my heart is like a knife, thinking day and night. Where the hell is my son? I hope that the well-wishers will provide clues, and if anyone knows his whereabouts, I will definitely thank you for the rest of my life. ”

Guo Ji, a reporter for the Gale News of China Business Daily

Source: China Business Daily

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