
Yelena sent the box to her widowed sister, and the scene at the beginning of the movie appeared. The widowed sister found Yelena's place according to the clues, and the two met again after twenty-one years, but as soon as they met


Yelena sent the box to her widowed sister, and the scene at the beginning of the movie appeared. The widowed sister found Yelena's residence according to the clues, and the two met again after twenty-one years, but as soon as they met, they began to move, and the sisters fought each other and fought without saying a word. They are all secret agents, fighting each other up and down, the younger sister hugged the widow sister, the widow sister went down the curtain to entangle each other, after a stalemate, the sister informed the widow sister that rescuing the other members of the organization is the key. As soon as the words fell, the explosion sounded, the uninvited guest appeared, the sisters dodged the bullets and climbed onto the roof, the black widow chased after them, and the two hugged the pipe and prepared to transfer. Who knew that a widow also chased after him.

The widow sister who fell down wanted to save the other party, but did not expect to be prevented by Gretoff in the control background to prevent the two from riding a motorcycle all the way, the armored car behind chased domineeringly, and it was the copy master widow sister who drove the curve to throw off the armored car, and the back rode the motorcycle in pursuit one after another, and a precise shot burst the widow sister's tires. The two crashed into the wall and rolled down, and they didn't have time to grab the car and continue to flee. The widow in the back broke the window with a strafing shot.

Yelena grabbed the steering wheel and turned around on the spot to teach you to be a man, the copy master retreated savagely, domineeringly shot a cloud-piercing arrow, the vehicle climbed into the subway station with a rolling belt, the sisters did not have time to be blindfolded, a shield flew straight in, the two hid in the ventilation pipe to avoid a disaster, and brutally chased and killed completely angered the widow sister. The sisters decide that they must rescue the rest of their kind and escape Drekoff's control.

They remembered their father, Ariel, who was serving a prison sentence and bullied these prisoners every day with his strengthened body. On this day, Ariel received a letter, opened it and found a surprise, and the voice of the widowed sister came from the earphones. And at this time, the widowed sister is over the prison, and it must be a good position. Ali kicked open the cell door with a violent kick, while the widow jumped down the cable and easily disposed of a few small karas.

After successfully leaving Ariel, Ariel informs the widow sister that if she wants to find Grekov, she must first find their mother Melina. Their mother was a black widow of the previous generation who still works for Grekov to this day.

Yelena sent the box to her widowed sister, and the scene at the beginning of the movie appeared. The widowed sister found Yelena's place according to the clues, and the two met again after twenty-one years, but as soon as they met
Yelena sent the box to her widowed sister, and the scene at the beginning of the movie appeared. The widowed sister found Yelena's place according to the clues, and the two met again after twenty-one years, but as soon as they met
Yelena sent the box to her widowed sister, and the scene at the beginning of the movie appeared. The widowed sister found Yelena's place according to the clues, and the two met again after twenty-one years, but as soon as they met
Yelena sent the box to her widowed sister, and the scene at the beginning of the movie appeared. The widowed sister found Yelena's place according to the clues, and the two met again after twenty-one years, but as soon as they met

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