
How wonderful the PLA's Taiwan naval exercise was: In just one morning, the US military dispatched seven reconnaissance planes

author:Tianxing Jiuge was confused

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On August 5, according to the latest news from the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness Platform, the United States actively launched operations in the first half of the day, sending a total of seven reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft to the skies over the Taiwan Strait of China to carry out enhanced aerial reconnaissance missions. This series of moves indicates that the United States is extremely concerned and vigilant about the PLA's military exercises in the Taiwan Strait region.

How wonderful the PLA's Taiwan naval exercise was: In just one morning, the US military dispatched seven reconnaissance planes

According to data from the World Civil Aviation System, on the morning of August 5, a US military KC-135R tanker cruised near the border of the "Taipei Aviation Information Region" south of Taiwan Island, and then turned over the East China Sea and the Ryukyu Islands. At the same time, another RC-135V strategic reconnaissance aircraft quietly entered the South China Sea area, and the previous KC-135 tanker apparently supplied it. The US military has further strengthened its aerial reconnaissance forces on the island of Taiwan, dispatching one RC-135S strategic reconnaissance plane, one RC-135V strategic reconnaissance plane, one E-3 early warning plane, one U-2S reconnaissance plane, and three P-8A anti-submarine planes. In addition, it is estimated that at least six KC-135 tankers were involved in the operation.

How wonderful the PLA's Taiwan naval exercise was: In just one morning, the US military dispatched seven reconnaissance planes

According to the flight trajectory map released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness Platform, these reconnaissance and early warning aircraft mainly came from South Korea, the Japanese archipelago and the Ryukyu Islands, and are likely to depart from US bases in these areas to carry out reconnaissance missions in the Taiwan Strait.

During the reconnaissance operation on the morning of August 5, the RC-135V, RC-135S and P-8A became "regulars" in the skies over the waters around China. In particular, the RC-135V strategic reconnaissance aircraft has become the most active member of the waters around China, and its frequent presence in this area shows that the US military is very concerned about the dynamics of the PLA.

How wonderful the PLA's Taiwan naval exercise was: In just one morning, the US military dispatched seven reconnaissance planes

The U-2S Dragon Lady strategic reconnaissance aircraft, developed by Lockheed Martin, has an important feature - an ultra-long wingspan width of 31 meters. As the latest model in the U-2 family, the U-2S has a 30% increase in fuselage and wingspan compared to the older U-2. In addition, the E-3 watchtower AWACS aircraft is an all-weather airborne AWACS aircraft developed by Boeing in the 70s of the last century, and its 9.1-meter-diameter rotating radar gives it excellent detection, identification and command capabilities. However, U.S. Air Force Commander Wilsbach has criticized Boeing's E-3 AWACS aircraft for not being able to detect platforms such as the J-20 at long ranges, which may also highlight the challenges faced by these aging models.

Interestingly, 6 aerial tankers were also dispatched during this reconnaissance operation. Although US reconnaissance aircraft from the direction of South Korea and Japan do not need to refuel in the air in the Taiwan Strait area in theory, because these areas are relatively close to the Taiwan Strait. However, the US military not only used tankers, but also sent reconnaissance planes to plan to carry out reconnaissance missions over the Taiwan Strait for a longer period of time.

In fact, the PLA's military exercises in the waters of the Taiwan Strait are a rare opportunity for the United States to spy on. This year's military exercise on the Taiwan Strait Surrounding Islands is unprecedented in scale, troop strength, and equipment, and is markedly different from previous exercises. Since 2018, the United States has officially launched the strategy of "great power competition", viewing China and Russia as major strategic competitors. However, despite greater understanding of Russia's military capabilities, judgments of the PLA's strength are still relatively limited. As such, the Taiwan Strait exercise provides the United States with a rare opportunity to gain insight into the PLA's military capabilities.

On August 5, the US military not only dispatched an RC-135S Cobra Ball missile observation aircraft, but also sent seven reconnaissance and early warning aircraft and six tanker aircraft. These moves show that the US military is highly concerned about the PLA's military exercises, and also indicate that the PLA's Taiwan Strait exercises will take on a more complex and noticeable situation.

All in all, the high-altitude reconnaissance operation of the United States highlights the tense situation of the PLA's military exercises in the Taiwan Strait. For the United States, this is an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the PLA's military strength, and it also adds more variables to the development of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. In the future, there may be more waves.

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