
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte

author:Hongfei Surveying and Mapping

3D modeling software.

Aerial survey projects are inseparable from drones, and internal industries are inseparable from mapping software, and the following is an introduction to seven commonly used in-house software for fans' reference.

ContextCapture software, abbreviated as CC, is a Bentley software that can automatically generate detailed 3D reality models from simple photos and point clouds. ContextCapture has high compatibility and can accurately and seamlessly reconstruct a variety of objects and data sources, from centimeters to kilometers from the ground or from the air, as long as the resolution and accuracy of the input photos are sufficient, the resulting 3D model can achieve infinite fine detail.

2.2PIX4DPIX4D software planning version and mapper version. The MSC version can effectively deal with data analysis problems in agriculture, vegetation and other aspects, monitor crop health, improve operation efficiency and increase crop yield; It can accurately convert multispectral and lightable images of farmland into index maps (such as NDVI) and orthophoto mosaics to better understand crop growth trends.

The PIX4 and Dmapper process is fully automated and more precise, with a good integration of drone equipment. Simply operate the pilot to process and view the results and send them to the end user. The PIX4Dmapere supports not only drone data, but also aerial oblique and close-up photogrammetry, rolling shutter effect correction scale and orientation-constrained image masking (removing unwanted pixels from an image), object creation and vectorization, and radiometric correction (generating accurate exponential maps and heat maps). Data can be processed without GPS, new GCP add interface, increased speed of control point addition, new raycloud editor and more.

AgisoftPhotoScan is a reality modeling software that automatically generates high-quality 3D models based on images, which can photogrammetry processing digital images and generate 3D spatial data for GIS application cultural heritage documents and visual effects production, as well as indirect measurement of objects of various scales, visual effects affect production and indirect measurement of objects of various scales.

PhotoScan eliminates the need to set initial values, eliminates the need for camera correction, and processes any photo according to the latest multi-view 3D reconstruction technology without the need for control points. Control points, on the other hand, allow you to generate a 3D model of your true coordinates. Whether it is aerial photography or high resolution, images captured by digital cameras can be used. The entire workflow, whether image orientation or 3D model reconstruction, is fully automated. PhotoScan generates high-resolution true projectile images (up to 5cm accuracy using control points) and DEM models with fine color textures.

Fully automated workflows that allow even non-specialists to process hundreds or thousands of aerial imagery on a single computer, generating professional-grade photogrammetry data.

·4 DJI Smart Map. DJI Smart Map is a PC application software of DJI that mainly focuses on 2D orthophoto and 3D model reconstruction, and provides 2D multispectral reconstruction of LiDAR point cloud processing, refined inspection and other functions, transforming real scenes into digital assets.

·5 Reconstruction master GET 3DCluster, through the deep learning neural network algorithm, automatically identify building floors, surface vegetation, etc., to realize the real single 3D model into real 3D attribute query. Applications such as one-standard N real attribute association provide the necessary data support. G-Engine's three-dimensional automatic reconstruction engine's space-three free net adjustment algorithm has a very high error tolerance rate for oblique images and attitudes. Geometry optimization reduces the workload of post-refining by 20%, supports multi-task parallel optimization cache mechanism to solve 10 bottlenecks, and improves computing efficiency by 40%-50%.

Integrating image intelligent recognition technology, automatic identification of moving vehicles, pedestrians and other interference objects in the process of model reconstruction, and automatic deletion and replacement to improve the cleanliness of the model, to ensure the quality of the model 6M3D--Mrauge3D, Mirauge3D is a professional fully automatic, efficient two-dimensional integrated image intelligent modeling system.

It is not limited to image acquisition methods and equipment, but also supports the processing of oblique photography data, and can generate more than 100,000 images with high precision and high definition. 3D models support the export of mainstream model formats, and support the production of digital elevation model (DEM), digital orthophoto (DOM), fine digital surface model (DSM), real projection image (TDOM) and other geographic information products. Mirauge3D's M3AT module intelligently processes framed camera photos such as aerial drones, while processing data from multiple sources.

AAT design can cope with massive amounts of data, and high-speed processing is not limited by the amount of data. GPS information can be introduced for the processing of massive data, which will effectively speed up the processing. 130,000 images of a single project in a large-area survey area, three times passed.

3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte
3D modeling software. Aerial survey project field industry is inseparable from drones, internal industry can not do without mapping software, the following is an introduction to seven commonly used internal software for fans' reference.·1.Conte

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