
Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
This edition of GitHub Discover brings together 8 high-quality projects in areas such as deep learning, image processing, application development, backend management, scheduling, and algorithm learning. These projects have been carefully selected to be practical and innovative, and we hope to inspire you in your studies and work. Deep learning paper implementation

Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder


Stars as of press time: 50797 (added in the past month: 1728)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


This project collects simple PyTorch implementations of deep learning papers, with detailed explanations and annotations. The aim is to help readers gain a deeper understanding of these algorithms.

Project role

The project contains the implementation of more than 60 deep learning papers, covering topics such as transformers, optimizers, GANs, reinforcement learning, capsule networks, distillation, and more. These implementations are written in PyTorch with detailed annotations and visualizations.

Description of the warehouse

  • More than 60 paper implementations, including annotated documents
  • Visual annotations that provide clear and easy-to-understand explanations
  • Proactive maintenance, with new implementations added on a regular basis


  • Use transformers to build text-generated models
  • Leverage GANs to generate lifelike images
  • Use reinforcement learning to train agents in your game

Objective evaluation or analysis

The project was recognized for its high-quality implementation, detailed annotations, and extensive coverage. It is widely used in research, education, and commercial applications.

Suggestions for use

  • As a learning and reference resource for deep learning algorithms
  • Rapid prototyping and evaluation of new ideas
  • Build and deploy deep learning-based applications

conclusion Deep Learning Paper Implementation is a valuable resource that provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand set of implementations for the study and application of deep learning. It's a must-have for anyone who wants to dive deep into these algorithms or build deep learning-based applications.

2.Depth Anything: 突破单目深度估计的边界

Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder


Stars as of press time: 6288 (added in the past month: 377)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


This article explores Depth Anything, a pioneering solution for monocular depth estimation. Depth leverages a large dataset of more than 62 million unlabeled images and 1.5 million labeled images, providing excellent depth estimation capabilities.

Project role

Depth Anything revolutionizes depth estimation with its superior performance. It consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methodologies across multiple evaluation benchmarks to provide accurate and robust in-depth predictions.

Description of the warehouse

The repository for Depth Anything is an invaluable repository of resources, including:

  • Pretrained models for all sizes and requirements
  • Code for model loading and inference
  • Comprehensive documentation and examples
  • Community support and outreach


Numerous case studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Depth Anything in real-world applications, such as:

  • Integrate depth as a key input to the image generation model
  • Improve the accuracy of scenario analysis and operational tasks
  • Immersive experiences in augmented reality

Objective evaluation or analysis

In terms of accuracy and efficiency, Depth Anything delivers impressive results. Its models are lightweight and provide real-time inference, making them suitable for research and real-world applications.

Suggestions for use

Depth Anything is easily accessible, and pre-trained models are available through Hugging Face and Transformers. The project's exhaustive documentation provides clear instructions on how to load and utilize the model.


Depth Anything is a transformative solution for monocular depth estimation. Its unmatched performance, open-source features, and extensive community support make it an essential tool for researchers and developers.一款基于 Electron 的桌面绘图和白板应用程序


Stars as of press time: 47781 (added in the past month:643)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0

introduction is an Electron-based desktop drawing and whiteboarding application that encapsulates the core editor.

Project role

The core component of is the editor, which is developed in JavaScript and packaged as a standalone desktop application via the Electron framework. The app is completely isolated from the internet to ensure security while supporting basic updates.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains all of the app's source code, build scripts, and documentation. It uses the Apache License 2.0 license, which allows users to use and distribute the app for free.

Suggestions for use

Before using, make sure you have the latest version of Electron installed. The app can be downloaded through the release section.

conclusion is a free, isolated, and easy-to-use desktop drawing and whiteboarding app that's perfect for individuals and teams who need to create and edit diagrams in a local, secure environment.

4. Xiaoju-Survey Questionnaire System Base

Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder
Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder

Repository Name: didi/xiaoju-survey

Stars as of press time: 1823 (added in the past month:1321)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


This project aims to provide a lightweight, secure and comprehensive questionnaire system to meet the one-stop research needs of individuals and businesses.

Project role

该项目采用 Vue3 + ElementPlus 构建前端,Nestjs + MongoDB 构建后端,还计划引入 Java 语言和智能化基座。

Description of the warehouse

The repository includes questionnaire management, diversified question types, user management, data security and other functions.


The project has been widely used by the internal system, with more than 40 question types and more than 100 selected templates.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Xiaoju-Survey is comprehensive and professional, and at the same time, it has a lightweight design that can be quickly accessed and flexibly expanded.

Suggestions for use

The project provides a quick start guide and supports Docker deployments.


xiaoju-survey is a powerful, easy-to-use, and extensible open-source questionnaire system base for a variety of survey scenarios.

5.LX Music,基于 Electron 的音乐软件


Number of stars as of press time: 37921 (added in the past month: 783)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


LX Music-Desktop is a cross-platform music software developed based on Electron and Vue, providing multi-source music search and playback capabilities.

Description of the warehouse

The GitHub repository contains the source code, documentation, and related resources for LX Music-Desktop. Users can clone this repository to get the latest code, compile and run the software.


LX Music-Desktop is a powerful, easy-to-use music software that meets the needs of users for multi-platform and multi-source music. Its open-source and cross-platform nature makes it promising for a wide range of applications among music lovers, developers, and music-related projects.

6.SoybeanAdmin: Refreshing and elegant admin template

Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder
Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder


Stars as of press time: 8873 (added in the past month: 1023)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:MIT License


SoybeanAdmin is a clean, elegant, beautiful, and powerful admin template based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI, and UnoCSS. It has rich theme configurations and components, strict code specifications, and an automated file routing system.

Project role

  • 采用 Vue3、Vite5、TypeScript、Pinia 和 UnoCSS 等最新流行技术栈。
  • With the PNPM monorepo architecture, the structure is clear, elegant and easy to understand.
  • 遵循 SoybeanJS 规范,集成 eslint、prettier 和 simple-git-hooks 以确保代码标准化。
  • Strict type checking is supported to improve code maintainability.
  • Built-in with a variety of theme configurations and perfect integration with UnoCSS.
  • Multi-language support made easy.
  • Automatically generate route imports, declarations, and types.
  • Front-end static routing and back-end dynamic routing are supported.
  • Built-in rich page components and command-line tools.
  • Perfect support for mobile terminals and adaptive layout.

Suggestions for use

  1. Make sure the environment meets the requirements (git, NodeJS, pnpm).
  2. Clone the project and install the dependencies (using pnpm).
  3. Start the project (pnpm dev).
  4. Build the project (pnpm build).


SoybeanAdmin is a powerful and easy-to-use back-office admin template. It uses cutting-edge technology and offers a range of valuable features to help developers quickly build modern management systems.

Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder
Eight artifacts help you play with deep learning, image processing and music production, and create a technology all-rounder


Number of stars as of press time: 29630 (added in the past month: 578)

仓库语言: TypeScript

Repository open source protocol: Other

introduction is an open-source scheduling tool designed to provide an alternative to popular tools like Calendly. It provides complete control over data, workflows, and appearance, while also being API-driven and can be deployed on a custom domain name.

Project role

  • Build with:
    • TypeScript
    • Next.js
    • tRPC
    • React.js
    • Tailwind CSS
  • Characteristic:
    • Open-source and self-hosted
    • White label design
    • API-driven, easy to integrate
    • Take full control of events and data

Description of the warehouse's GitHub repository contains the source code for the application. It offers detailed documentation, a roadmap, and a vibrant community of contributors.

Case 已获得来自 Hacker News 和 Product Hunt 等各种来源的认可。 它还被特写为 Calendly 的开源替代品。

Objective evaluation or analysis

  • Pros: Open-source and customizable API-driven, easy to integrate with community support
  • Cons: Technical expertise may be required to set up

Suggestions for use

  • Use to schedule appointments, meetings, and events.
  • Use its API to integrate with other tools.
  • Customize the look and feel of the to match your brand.

conclusion is a powerful and flexible scheduling tool that offers a wide range of benefits. Its open-source nature, API-driven architecture, and active community make it a great choice for anyone looking for a customizable and reliable scheduling solution.

8. Java Algorithm Encyclopedia


Stars as of press time: 57491 (added in the past month:515)

Repository language: Java

仓库开源协议:MIT License


This article describes the complete set of Java algorithms in the TheAlgorithms/Java repository. This repository contains a variety of algorithms implemented in Java and is a valuable resource for learning algorithms and data structures.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains more than 500 algorithms implemented in Java. Each algorithm is accompanied by detailed documentation and examples for easy understanding and application. In addition, the repository provides additional resources such as tutorials, reference materials, and algorithm comparisons.

Suggestions for use

  • Use the algorithms in the repository as a learning tool to understand the characteristics and implementation of different algorithms.
  • Use these algorithms to solve specific problems in personal projects or real-world applications.
  • Contribute to the repository, add new algorithms, or improve existing ones.


The TheAlgorithms/Java repository is an invaluable resource that provides rich support for Java developers to learn algorithms and data structures. By using and contributing to this repository, you can improve your algorithmic skills and advance your computer science knowledge.

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