
China and Japan went head-to-head, and Director Wang Yi warned Japan not to insist on going its own way, and Lin Fangzheng had a tough attitude

author:Achan River

The issue of nuclear sewage discharge in Japan has recently attracted much attention, and there are many disputes among various parties. In the context of the series of ASEAN meetings, the confrontation between China and Japan has become more tense.

Director Wang Yi put forward three suggestions at the ASEAN-China-Japan-ROK Foreign Ministers' Meeting to point out the direction for the next stage of cooperation. He clearly expressed his concern about Japan's nuclear sewage discharge plan, pointing out that this is not only related to the safety of the marine environment, but also to human life and health. He stressed the importance of the matter and urged Japan not to act arbitrarily, which would lead to serious consequences.

China and Japan went head-to-head, and Director Wang Yi warned Japan not to insist on going its own way, and Lin Fangzheng had a tough attitude

At the same time, during the meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng, Director Wang Yi talked about the key stage of China-Japan relations. He criticized the Japanese side's exaggerated concept of "China threat", believing that it was not in line with the existing consensus on cooperation between the two sides. Director Wang Yi hoped that Japan can view China-Japan relations objectively and rationally and improve the prospects for cooperation between the two sides with practical actions.

However, Lin Fangzheng's views on Sino-Japanese relations and the issue of nuclear sewage discharge are at odds with Director Wang Yi. Although Lin Yoshimasa said that Japan wants to strengthen people-to-people exchanges with China, he still adheres to the Japanese government's position on the issue of nuclear sewage discharge. Mr. Hayashi dismissed China's concerns at the meeting, saying Japan would follow international standards and treat nuclear wastewater in line with international practice.

China and Japan went head-to-head, and Director Wang Yi warned Japan not to insist on going its own way, and Lin Fangzheng had a tough attitude

However, Lam's argument seems to be confusing. Director Wang Yi clearly pointed out that nuclear sewage and nuclear wastewater cannot be compared, and nuclear wastewater discharge is completely different from nuclear sewage generated by nuclear accidents. Lam's argument seems to be an attempt to mislead and justify the discharge of nuclear sewage under the guise of international standards, when in fact there is no international practice of discharging nuclear sewage directly into the ocean.

Further, Lam's rhetoric seems intended to inflame relations between ASEAN countries and China. He stressed the importance of the International Convention on the Law of the Sea, although he did not explicitly name States. The move sparked speculation as to whether it alluded to China's claims and actions on the South China Sea. Nevertheless, Director Wang Yi made it clear that Japan's attempt to sow discord will not succeed, and China's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering.

China and Japan went head-to-head, and Director Wang Yi warned Japan not to insist on going its own way, and Lin Fangzheng had a tough attitude

However, Lam's tactics may be aimed at diverting attention from the issue of nuclear effluent discharges. According to reports, Japan is ready for the discharge of nuclear wastewater, which is scheduled to be implemented in mid-August. China's staunch opposition may have prompted Mr. Lam to try to distract himself from the South China Sea. However, it should not be ignored that in any case, Japan must account for the discharge of nuclear sewage to the world, because it is related to the safety of the entire earth's ecological environment.

To sum up, the confrontation between China and Japan at the series of ASEAN meetings revealed the differences between the two sides on the issue of nuclear sewage discharge. Director Wang Yi clearly expressed China's concerns and position, and hoped that Japan would take the concerns of all parties seriously and not act rashly. By contrast, Lin is trying to ease the pressure on Japan's nuclear effluent discharge problem by diverting the topic and creating disagreement. However, the problem will not go away, and Japan needs to take responsibility for its actions and account for its nuclear wastewater discharge plans to the world. This is also a necessary challenge for Japan and the international community.

China and Japan went head-to-head, and Director Wang Yi warned Japan not to insist on going its own way, and Lin Fangzheng had a tough attitude

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