
Hayashi Yoshimasa is about to serve as Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Prime Minister Kishida "broke off" and ushered in the coolest era of governance

author:Mystic Drifting Bottle IoSe

Headline: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida reshuffles cabinet, testing the influence of the Abe faction

Hayashi Yoshimasa is about to serve as Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Prime Minister Kishida "broke off" and ushered in the coolest era of governance

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently announced a key cabinet reshuffle, a move that has sparked widespread attention in political circles. It is reported that Prime Minister Kishida has decided to replace the current Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno and replace him with former Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi. The announcement of this personnel change is expected to be officially announced on December 14.

Hayashi Yoshimasa is about to serve as Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Prime Minister Kishida "broke off" and ushered in the coolest era of governance

The Chief Cabinet Secretary plays a vital role in the Japanese government, not only as the actual spokesperson for the government, but also as the coordinator and handling of the Cabinet's affairs. As a result, the Chief Cabinet Secretary is often referred to as the "Prime Minister's wife", which shows his weight in the government.

Hayashi Yoshimasa is about to serve as Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Prime Minister Kishida "broke off" and ushered in the coolest era of governance

However, two major political scandals erupted during the Kishida administration, both of which implicated numerous lawmakers. In particular, the scandal of the "party ticket" smuggling linked to Shinzo Abe's faction has led to the forced resignation of many cabinet members belonging to the faction. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is the ruling party, and there are many factions within it, among which the Abe faction has a large number of members and cannot be ignored. Nonetheless, after the aforementioned scandal, the power of the Abe faction within the party has taken a hit.

Hayashi Yoshimasa is about to serve as Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Prime Minister Kishida "broke off" and ushered in the coolest era of governance

It is worth noting that in the face of the presidential election, the Abe faction showed its cohesion and unity. They formed a five-member leadership team to ensure a consistent stance in the election. Despite being affected in the latest round of cabinet reshuffle, the Abe faction still retains a certain level of strength and puts pressure on Prime Minister Kishida.

Prime Minister Kishida has strengthened his own faction by removing members of the Abe faction from key positions and may have weakened the power of the Abe faction inside and outside the party. The move may reflect Kishida's attempt to pursue his own philosophy of governing the country independent of the influence of his predecessor. While the cabinet reshuffle may have temporarily eased the pressure from the scandal surrounding him, the complex and delicate power struggle within the LDP appears to be set to continue.

The article concludes with a thought-provoking question – does the Abe family really mark an era, or is the family's political buildup so powerful that it will take until Shinzo Abe's death to begin a complete reckoning? Whatever the answer, it shows that the Abe family and the faction they represent have had a profound impact on the Japanese political scene.

Overall, at a time of global turmoil and complex international relations, Fumio Kishida's decision to reshuffle his cabinet is not only of great significance to Japan's domestic political landscape, but may also have a certain degree of ripple effects on the international community. With the imminent appointment of the new Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi and other related changes, there is a lot of curiosity and concern about the future direction of Japanese politics and the way it will handle international affairs.

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