
Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

author:Blue Music Story

Teacher Lejia, the original judge of "Do Not Disturb" who was not sincere, recently broke the inside story of the show on Douyin live broadcast, which attracted more than 5 million viewers!

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

The cause was that the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly asked: "Teacher Lejia, why do many guests stay in the show "Non-Sincerity" for a year and a half, does this column have a script, and are the guests on stage actors"?

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

In the face of such a "tricky" problem, Le Jia teacher will definitely not say it directly, lest he be caught by others. But a lot of things have been said in the live broadcast, and the answer is actually self-evident.

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

Teacher Le Jia revealed: "You also know that there are a total of 24 female guests on stage in "Non-Sincerity", and there are 5 male guests present in each issue, most of the male guests are actually very good, many female guests do not light up because they are afraid of missing the next better one, that is not regret to die"?

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave
Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

Then Le Jia said the real reason why the other female guests turned off the lights, and she said: "The reason I said just now was guessed, and I think your guess was also like this at that time." But the longer the female guests stay in the program, the less they want to leave, because there are 5 male guests per episode on stage, but once the show is broadcast, there will be 10,000 or 20,000 letters from suitors."

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

So you can see why so many female guests have been around. But if no one can hold hands and succeed, the audience in front of the TV is not a fool, they must be suspicious, they will say that "Insincerity" is a script and a lie. So many times the production team can only think of other ways to force them to quickly hold hands and leave.

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

However, if the popular and good-looking ones hold hands and leave, the audience will not be interested in watching, if you don't go for too long, you will scold, the program group is also difficult to do, sandwiched in the middle there is no way, then the program group will think of some "tricks".

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

Obviously, Mr. Lejia's expression is very implicit, but it also confirms the doubts of netizens, but it is too specific and too detailed to be disclosed. If the traffic is good, you will stay more, and if the traffic is poor, don't be cheeky and not leave, and quickly "arrange" to hold hands and leave.

In addition, Mr. Le Jia also expressed other views, he said that if you say that "Non-Sincerity" is a blind date show, I think it is not so appropriate, I think it should be called a "large-scale talk show", or an entertainment program. The purpose of the show is not to hold hands between male and female guests, in fact, it is the topics they bring that resonate with the audience, and whether this topic has high traffic.

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave
Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

For example, the girl has a very good family background, she is also very good and an only daughter, she wants to find a woman, the male guest conditions are average, and the brothers in the family can be considered for enrichment, and so on. In this way, it is easy to cause discussion and attract traffic. In fact, it is to create the personality of both parties for the sake of traffic.

In fact, it is not new to say that "Non-Sincerity" has a script, and it has also been revealed before. "I'd rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle" is said by a female guest, this person is named Mano, in 2010 to participate in the non-sincere do not disturb, at that time she was a "resident guest", high popularity, this sentence came out to make his traffic increase sharply, in the current words is an Internet celebrity, but at the same time the label of "gold worship girl" was also pasted on his face by the majority of netizens.

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

Although the Internet was not very developed at that time, Mano was scolded by the whole network. Unexpectedly, in 2019, she suddenly directly exposed the program group, saying that "everyone is for work, but only received instructions to refuse male guests, public opinion guidance is not brought by me, there are people who use me everywhere on stage, and the most profound thing learned in the past ten years is to treat others as good people and will be deceived miserably."

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

I didn't expect that this value would be imposed on Manor by the "Do Not Disturb" program group itself for the sake of traffic and topics, of course, there are many female guests. caused Mano to be exploded on the Internet, causing her reputation to be damaged over the years, and her spirit became very depressed!

Also impressive is a guest named Yu Yan, a wrestler due to his relative fatness. On the non-sincere stage, the 62nd issue still could not hold hands successfully, and suddenly a male guest in one issue directly said that he came for her, and finally held hands successfully. I thought that I had finally harvested my love, but not long after walking out of the studio, the male guest disappeared in an instant, and maybe Yu Yan didn't react to the fact that love had disappeared!

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

At this time, I understood that everything was a script, and everything on stage was fake. After staying on the stage for so long, he disappeared without a trace before holding hands, which was really unbearable, and later Yu Yan was also in poor spirits and suffered from depression!

Le Jia exploded the inside story of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere": The female guest did not leave for a long time, and the program team used means to force her to leave

Therefore, this kind of show can only be regarded as entertainment, as a variety show, whoever takes it seriously will be deceived, and whoever will only lose. It is pitiful that people who are used by the program group, are unspoken rules, are used as pawns, and finally suffer from mental illness.

So ah, the domestic entertainment industry should be rectified, and all kinds of entertainment programs should be rectified, what do you think?