
History of the Three Kingdoms: What has been the weak strength of the Shu Han Dynasty has always supported Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition First: The decline of the Shu Han State strength can not fight Cao Wei at all. Second: Liu Bei's entrustment and the legacy of the Xingfu Han Room.

author:Mountain Eagle YZF

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the world was in chaos, the princes divided their territory. We all know that the territory of the Three Kingdoms of Wei Shu and Wu was laid by the three giants of Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan. During the Three Kingdoms period, the figures represented by "loyalty and righteousness" were all collected from Liu Bei's cysts, one was Guan Yu, Guan Erye, and the other was Zhuge Liang, the Marquis of Wu. We all know that Zhuge Liang compared himself to Guan Zhong, Le Yi, and the talent of saving the country through the ages, and after Liu Bei's death, he played Han Xin, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang alone, supporting the crumbling Shu Han, and his apprentice Jiang Wei inherited his legacy of reviving the Han Dynasty. Zhuge Liang and Jiang Weiming knew that the Shu Han state strength was weak, what supported them to continue the Northern Expedition?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > first: The decline of the Shu Han state could not spell Cao Wei at all. </h1>

We all know that the Shu Han Dynasty actually only has one of the nine states in the world, the Shu Han only has one Sichuan-Shu Plain, which is relatively rich, the army is only more than 100,000, only self-protection, the grain supply can not be compared with the rich Central Plains at that time, and the comprehensive national strength of Cao Wei is more than twice that of the Shu Han. Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei both knew the gap between the national strengths of the two countries. The reason why their Northern Expedition was on the one hand was to prevent the rapid development of Cao Wei, and Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei both knew that as long as Cao Wei was strong, he would definitely unify the world, and Shu Han would not be able to hold on to it for a long time! The reason why Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei went on the Northern Expedition was to lower the gap between the national strengths of the two countries, and Shu Han could also use war to raise war, and seek Taoguang to cultivate obscurity in the cracks in order to become strong, so that it was suitable for the crumbling Shu Han.

History of the Three Kingdoms: What has been the weak strength of the Shu Han Dynasty has always supported Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition First: The decline of the Shu Han State strength can not fight Cao Wei at all. Second: Liu Bei's entrustment and the legacy of the Xingfu Han Room.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > second: Liu Bei's orphan and the legacy of the Xingfu Han room. </h1>

We all know that the reason why Zhuge Liang went north was because of Liu Bei's sentence: Han thieves do not establish two kings and are not partial. Zhuge Liang six out of the Qishan Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, with the military strength of shu Han, the six northern expeditions can be imagined how difficult, not to mention that Zhuge Liang has several positions, the front and rear of a person to grasp, the Northern Expedition so difficult has been supporting Zhuge Liang only Liu Bei before his death, and his legacy of reviving the Han room, which has become the driving force for Zhuge Liang's northern expedition. And when it came to Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei was also unforgettable Zhuge Liang's dying entrustment, only he could inherit Zhuge Liang's unfinished business, Jiang Wei did not dare to live up to Zhuge Liang's heavy trust, which was also the driving force of Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition, and he spent his life in the Nine Central Plains, but in the end he could not save Shu Han!

History of the Three Kingdoms: What has been the weak strength of the Shu Han Dynasty has always supported Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition First: The decline of the Shu Han State strength can not fight Cao Wei at all. Second: Liu Bei's entrustment and the legacy of the Xingfu Han Room.

Judging from the above analysis, the belief that has always supported Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition is the weakening national strength of the Shu Han Dynasty and the legacy of Liu Beixing's fu Han Room! What do you think?

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