
United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

author:Look at the world is beautiful

Look at the world is beautiful

Editor|Look at the world is beautiful

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

On the global stage, the international situation is constantly changing and unpredictable.

Now, let's focus on this complex international landscape, and next we will take a look at the latest news from the international stage.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

News 1: "Taiwan Island withdrew its flag" suddenly sounded, and 182 countries in the world agreed and Chinese mainland made heavy statements

Recently, an unprecedented international event occurred in the world, and Taiwan announced the removal of the original regional flag.

The decision has sparked widespread discussion not only inside and outside Taiwan.

The removal of the flag on Taiwan Island was not sudden.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This shows the Taiwan government's differing views on the one-China principle, as well as long-standing cross-strait tensions.

Chinese mainland government's firm support for the one-China principle, the incident triggered an urgent response from the Chinese government.

The incident provoked a unanimous reaction on the international stage.

182 countries around the world have unanimously called on Taiwan Island to restore its original regional flag.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

They believe that any action that undermines regional peace and stability is unacceptable.

This international voice underscores a shared commitment to international norms and regional peace.

The Chinese mainland Government has made a resolute response to the incident of flag withdrawal on Taiwan Island.

A Chinese government spokesman stressed that China resolutely defends its core national interests and adheres to the one-China principle.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

The Chinese government reminds all organizations or individuals not to underestimate the determination and strength of Chinese mainland.

Foreign media also actively reported on the incident, emphasizing the seriousness and impact of the incident.

Some media believe that the withdrawal of Taiwan's flag represents a solid step towards independent development, and at the same time, it also reminds Chinese mainland must maintain a high degree of vigilance in safeguarding national unity and territorial integrity.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This incident has brought new challenges to cross-strait relations, which have been tense.

The Chinese mainland government once again emphasized its position of peace and moderation and hoped that the two sides of the strait could work together to maintain regional peace and tranquility.

The "Taiwan Island Flag Withdrawal" incident has triggered extensive debate and focus on the international stage.

The Chinese government stressed the need to safeguard the core interests of the country and adhere to the one-China principle, and called for the settlement of disputes through peaceful means.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

The common position of the international community reflects a broad commitment to international rules and regional peace.

It is hoped that all parties will handle this incident in a calm and rational manner and jointly make positive contributions to the prosperity and tranquility of the region.

News 2: The United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

In 2023, the Sino-US technology competition continues to heat up, and Huawei has become the focus of this competition.

The United States has been using a series of sanctions to try to limit Huawei's development, however, this race is making new progress.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

U.S. sanctions against Huawei include a ban on the supply of critical chips and technology to Huawei, as well as restrictions on its U.S. market.

The measures are aimed at curbing Huawei's expansion, but have also triggered a mixed set of reactions.

Recently, the news of the visit of senior US official Raimondo to China has attracted widespread attention.

Although she represents an anti-China stance in the United States, the visit to China shows that the United States is willing to cooperate with China in some areas.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This move sends a positive signal and is of great significance to China-US relations and global stability.

At the same time, the United States has put forward a demand that Huawei must stop its independent research and development activities before it can possibly lift sanctions against it.

This request has sparked widespread debate and speculation.

Huawei has been investing heavily in independent research and development after facing sanctions, trying to wean itself off dependence on foreign technology.

This condition may seem friendly, but may have other underlying motivations.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

However, Huawei made a big decision at this moment.

They suddenly announced the sale of a new phone, the Huawei Mate60 Pro, without holding an official conference.

This decision was considered a risky move, as consumers did not know the performance and configuration of the phone and made purchases based solely on information on Weibo.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

However, the results were unexpected, the phone sold out quickly, and the performance of its self-produced chip (Kirin 9000s) was also satisfactory.

Huawei's achievement shows that China's tech industry is on the rise.

The launch of the Kirin 9000S chip marks that China has been able to achieve a major breakthrough in the chip field and get rid of its dependence on the United States and other countries.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This achievement has demonstrated the strength and potential of Chinese science and technology to the world, and also established a firm foothold for Chinese science and technology in international competition.

From China's standpoint, China believes that the US sanctions have had a certain impact on Huawei.

But Huawei's persistence and independent research and development capabilities have allowed it to fight back, demonstrating the resilience and innovation of Chinese technology companies.

The rise of China's technology industry can not be ignored, especially in the field of chips.

In the future, it is expected that the United States may continue to increase sanctions against Huawei, but Huawei will also take corresponding measures to fight back.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

As a representative of Chinese science and technology, Huawei has paved the way for the future of Chinese science and technology, showing the more brilliant prospects of Chinese science and technology.

China stressed that innovation, cooperation and fair competition are the keys to achieving win-win results, and hoped that international scientific and technological competition could be conducted on the basis of equality and fairness to promote progress and development in the field of global science and technology.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This story is not just part of the U.S.-China relationship, but part of the global tech competition, and we can look forward to seeing what the future holds.

In this competition, innovation, cooperation and fair competition will be the keys to achieving a win-win situation.

News 3: Political leaders from many countries have visited China one after another, the United States has released a signal of dialogue, and Japan has been shut out

September 2023 saw a series of notable diplomatic developments on the international political scene.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

Underscoring the concern of many dignitaries on China, the United States sent signals of dialogue, while Japan seemed to be shut out.

These events reflect, to some extent, the turbulence and complexity of international relations.

First of all, many national dignitaries have successively traveled to China, which has become the focus of international public opinion.

This reflects the gradual expansion of China's position and influence in international affairs.

The visits of senior officials not only demonstrate the importance of diplomacy for China, but also help promote international cooperation and dialogue.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This series of visits has undoubtedly injected new impetus into the development of Sino-foreign relations.

At the same time, the U.S. government has shown a willingness to signal dialogue.

Although Sino-US relations have faced some challenges and differences in recent years, the willingness of the United States to ease the issue of bilateral economic and trade relations through dialogue is positive.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This change in posture offers hope to the international community that disputes can be resolved diplomatically, rather than by hostile actions, between important states.

This openness is expected to create more opportunities for international cooperation in the future.

However, unlike visits by senior officials from other countries, the Japanese government appears to have been turned away.

This may reflect the current complexity and tension in Sino-Japanese relations.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

Although China and Japan are geographical neighbors, some historical and territorial disputes have led to tensions in bilateral relations.

Against this backdrop, the Chinese government may have adopted a cautious approach and temporarily restricted visits by senior Japanese government officials.

The dialogue signal released by the United States is a positive sign that is expected to contribute to the improvement of Sino-US relations and global stability.

However, bilateral relations, which have complex issues, also need to be carefully managed to ensure the maintenance of peace and stability.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

Dialogue, cooperation and compromise remain effective ways to resolve international issues, and the international community should make concerted efforts to make positive contributions to global peace and prosperity.

News 4: Japan did not expect that the plaintiff could also become the defendant, and China's layout one year ago was prevented from this day

On August 24, 2023, the international community was shocked by the Japanese government's discharge of contaminated water into the sea.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This move has generated widespread concern and criticism and poses a potential risk not only to the environment, but also to the health and safety of the international community.

What the Japanese government may not have anticipated, however, is that their actions have turned them from plaintiffs to defendants, and behind this is China's ingenious layout a year ago.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

In 2022, China passed the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign State Immunity, adding a strong line of defense to its tools to defend its rights and interests in international courts.

Under this regulation, Chinese courts have the power to hear civil cases involving a foreign state as a defendant.

This means that if the actions of a foreign state infringe on the rights and interests of Chinese citizens, the courts can accept such cases.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

Chinese courts have the power to hear and adjudicate.

The passage of this law is not accidental, it is the Chinese government's deliberate consideration of international affairs to defend the rights and interests of the country and citizens.

The Japanese government's discharge of contaminated water into the sea is widely seen as a potential threat to China's coastal fishermen and the environment.

The Chinese government acted quickly to completely suspend imports of Japanese seafood to protect the health and safety of its citizens.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This measure is widely supported by the Chinese public, because health is always priceless.

South Korea has also expressed disgust at Japan's sea drainage and has banned seafood supplies from primary and secondary schools.

This reflects widespread concern among Asian countries about the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water.

The Japanese government may have hoped to downplay the issue through various means, but they underestimated the international community's concerns about nuclear security.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

As an ally, the United States has expressed support for the Japanese government's discharge of contaminated water into the sea, arguing that it meets globally recognized nuclear safety certification standards.

Even in the United States, however, there are voices questioning the act.

It is undeniable that this issue has aroused extensive discussion in the international community and cannot be ignored.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

The Japanese government may have expected a series of propaganda to prove the safety of the drainage, but that did not change the international community's concerns.

The IAEA report does not back up the Japanese government's claims, stressing the importance of scientific facts.

In the diplomatic arena, the Chinese government has stressed the need for Japan to respect scientific facts, and all reports should be based on scientific facts.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

This position has not only been recognized by the international community, but also demonstrated China's attitude as a responsible major country.

On January 1, 2024, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign State Immunity came into effect, providing a legal basis for Chinese courts to try civil cases in which foreign countries are defendants.

This means that if Japan's discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea causes damage to the property and health safety of Chinese citizens, they can file a lawsuit in a Chinese court to demand compensation from the Japanese government for economic losses.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

The implementation of this law further strengthens China's position in international affairs and defends the rights and interests of the state and citizens.

The Japanese government's actions in draining the sea have not only raised concerns in the international community, but also caused serious domestic and diplomatic difficulties for itself.

The economic loss of aquatic products is tens of billions of dollars, and the government has had to take urgent measures to calm the mood of fishermen.

All this is the result of the Japanese government's disregard for the facts and the indignation aroused.

United States: Huawei must not develop its own technology, otherwise increase sanctions! Huawei: The light boat has passed the 10,000 mountains!

All in all, the Japanese government's act of discharging contaminated water into the sea has aroused widespread concern and resentment in the international community.

The Chinese government has skillfully defended the rights and interests of the country and its citizens through legal means and demonstrated a firm stance.

Perhaps the Japanese government should reflect on its actions and seek forgiveness from its people, rather than insisting on doing so.

Stopping the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea is the basis for negotiations between China and Japan, and a key step in protecting the global environment and health.

What do you think about the above news? Comments are welcome!

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