
The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

author:Ordinary people who love to travel
The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

At the beginning, my hometown was bustling day and night, and there were fireworks everywhere. Every festival, the streets and alleys are full of lanterns.

Villagers also often chat and play cards in the streets and alleys, talking and laughing. In the evening, young men and women sang mountain songs in groups of three or five, spreading their songs into the distance.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Now back home, but no longer the hustle and bustle of the past. The former bustle and prosperity have disappeared with the passage of time.

The streets that used to be crowded are now empty, leaving only the whimpering of the wind. The singing and laughter that used to be have been replaced by silence, only some chickens and dogs smell each other.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

I walked alone in the village with great emotion. Every grass and tree here still retains my childhood memories, but the familiar faces are long gone.

The ruins of the ruins were left untended and covered with moss and weeds. The old branches and leaves of the streets are falling and mourning in the wind. I didn't have a taste in my heart, and I couldn't help but sigh.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

"Lao Li, you're back too?" A familiar voice interrupted my recollection. I turned around and saw Lao Wang waving towards me.

We hugged warmly, found a shady place to sit down, and chatted over tea.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

"Yes, my son bought a house in the city and asked me to live with them for the New Year. But what is the city as cozy as our hometown.

I smiled and told Lao Wang what happened to me.

Lao Wang nodded to show understanding: "Me too, last year my daughter had to pick me up to live in the city, saying that the countryside is too hard."

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Now young people are running away, and this is the case at home. These old bones of ours are still the most accustomed to in our hometown.

I echoed: "That's right, our generation has adapted to life in the city." Indifferent everywhere, the neighbors don't know, I work much harder than in my hometown.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

"Yes, after entering the city, I was the same as you, I couldn't find acquaintances everywhere to talk to, and after a long time, I panicked in my heart.

When Lao Wang mentioned his life in the city, his face was full of displeasure.

I looked at Lao Wang with deep empathy, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Okay Lao Wang, let's be optimistic, who makes us countrymen, or the hometown is the most comfortable."

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

"Good! Deal. Lao Wang heartily agreed. I smiled too. Reuniting with my old friends made me feel like I was going back to the good old days.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter not far away. It turned out that several families were eating in the courtyard, chatting hotly while eating.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Although the village is no longer prosperous, as long as there are these simple and kind villagers, this will always be our hometown.

Maybe I shouldn't blindly follow my children just because they're in the city, because I'll never be able to adapt there.

The familiar fields unfolded before my eyes, and I took a deep breath of the fresh air of the countryside and felt more grounded than ever.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Because for me, there is no place more reassuring than home.

I am Uncle Li, and I am 63 years old this year. My body is already weak, and in recent years, I have bent my waist badly, my legs are a little weak, and I often need crutches to barely walk.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

One cold winter night two years ago, I suddenly started to feel hot and had a splitting headache. I lived alone in the country, and I could only toss and turn in bed and moan.

I called Li Hong again, and she said that it was too far from her hometown and that she would come back tomorrow. I had to survive the painful night alone.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

The next day I burned even more and was so weak that I couldn't even drink water. At this time, my neighbor Uncle Zhang noticed my abnormality and immediately called Li Ming to inform him.

"Dad, how are you?" Li Ming rushed to my bed in a panic, and his eyes were red when he saw my painful appearance. I shook my head weakly, speechless.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Seeing that I was really uncomfortable, he immediately drove me to the county hospital.

In the hospital, I was diagnosed with COVID. The doctor gave me an infusion, prescribed medicine, and told Li Ming to take good care of me. Li Ming kept watch in front of my hospital bed, carefully taking care of my living.

"Dad, are you okay? Do you want me to feed you a mouthful of soup? Li Ming looked at me worriedly, and I smiled weakly at him.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

"I'm much better, but I'm still a little weak. Thank you for taking care of me these days and making me feel so warm. ”

"Dad, you are my relative, this is what I should do. You are just in good health, I have already taken care of it, and I will take you to move to the county seat to live with us in the New Year.

Li Ming held my hand and said softly.

I nodded reluctantly, but there was a faint taste in my heart. I understand my son's good intentions, but I'm used to living alone in the country.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Sure enough, after entering the city, I felt more and more that life in the city was no longer free, and I became a burden to my son's family.

When I came to the county, I found that life here was very different from what I was used to in the countryside. Everything was new and new to me.

The first thing I, an old man, did not adapt to was the daily life. In the country, I am used to being free and uninhibited.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

When going to the toilet, I often forget to turn on the exhaust fan, resulting in a peculiar smell in the room, which makes my daughter-in-law extremely bored.

One day, our family was eating, and I couldn't help but snort a few times.

"Dad, can you stop making that noise? It's unbearable. The daughter-in-law said with an ugly face.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

I stopped the movement in my mouth in embarrassment, thinking that this was a habit that I had been used to for many years, and it was really difficult to change.

Washing clothes and drying often displeases the daughter-in-law. I used to leave my clothes hanging on the balcony, sometimes blocking her view.

Over time, I gradually felt like a burden, a burden on my son's family. I no longer have the freedom I used to have, and I was always careful for fear of angering my daughter-in-law.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Financially, I also gradually felt that it was difficult to be independent. I tried to grow some vegetables myself, but lacked land; I also want to raise some chickens and ducks to make money, but I can't raise them in the apartment.

Seeing me wandering around the house, my son kindly persuaded me:.

"Dad, don't worry about money, just have me to support you." Just rest at home. ”

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Although I agreed, I couldn't hide my frustration at relying on others. It's embarrassing that I'm old, and I can't even afford my own life.

Other than that, the biggest problem was that I didn't have a social life in the city. I don't have any acquaintances, my son is busy with work, and my daughter-in-law often goes out.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Once, I tried to walk around the neighborhood hoping to meet some new people, but everyone was in a hurry and ignored me as an old man.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

This kind of life makes me feel lonely and bound like never before. I found that I could no longer adapt to modern life in the city.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

After living in the city for a while, I gradually felt the coldness and complaints of my daughter-in-law.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Late one night, I couldn't sleep, and when I got up to go to the bathroom, I overheard my daughter-in-law talking to my son.

"My dear, can you persuade your father to go back to his hometown? He really affects the quality of life in our house. The daughter-in-law's voice was a little distressed.

"He is already old, let him retire with us, you can also be considerate and considerate of him." The son exhorted.

"I tried my best, but I really couldn't stand so many bad habits from him. He doesn't dry the floor after taking a shower, and I often almost fall; He always forgot his keys to go out, so I had to stop what I was doing to open the door for him; He littered and made a mess of the kitchen.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Listening to my daughter-in-law some of my bad, my heart sank. It turned out that I not only failed to take care of myself, but also kept blocking my daughter-in-law.

The next day, while my son was out, I plucked up the courage to say to my daughter-in-law, "Daughter-in-law, I overheard your complaint about me last night.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

You are right, I am old, and it is indeed difficult to change my bad habits. You don't have to force yourself, I think I'd better go back to my hometown to live, so as not to continue to cause chaos for you.

As soon as my daughter-in-law heard me say this, she immediately had red eyes and held my hand affectionately: "Old uncle, what do you say, you are a part of our family, and this will be your home in the future."

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

What our family wants most is for you to be healthy and healthy.

I looked at my daughter-in-law gratefully, but I already had a decision in my heart. I knew that my return was a drag, struggling in an environment that didn't suit me, delaying myself and affecting others.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Now I just want to simply go back to my hometown and spend my last leisurely time.

So the next day, while my children were away, I packed my bags alone, left a letter behind, and set off on my way home.

When I returned to my hometown, I felt very comfortable after a long absence in the countryside.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

I was worried at first that I would be lonely, but to my delight, many of my old friends still lived in the village, and when they saw me back, they hugged me warmly, which made me feel the enthusiasm that I had lost for a long time.

"Lao Li, you can be counted back! We miss you so much! ”

"Yes, without you in the village, we have no fun playing cards and drinking."

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

I smiled and exchanged pleasantries with my old friends, and my heart surged with long-lost joy and emotion. It turned out that I was still so popular with the villagers.

During the day, I would go to work in the fields, and at night I would sit with my old friends and chat and drink. Although my movements are no longer agile, I can still do what I can.

"Lao Li, let's go to the mountains to pick some wild vegetables, I'll invite you to drink in the evening!" Lao Zhang cheerfully invited me.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

"Okay! I also boiled some home-brewed rice wine, so I will definitely have a drink tonight! "I also happily agreed.

The simple fun makes me feel extremely satisfied. I don't need much material life, the important thing is that I feel happy and free inside.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

Of course, occasionally I think of my children, but I don't feel lonely. I know they are all doing well in the city, and I am relieved and proud to be a father.

I often send them vegetables I grow and village gadgets as gifts. Receiving my package, they always called happily and made me feel how much they missed.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back

I would say to them, "Children, pay attention to your bodies when you live in the city. Dad, I'm doing well in my hometown, you don't have to worry about it.

Although my tombstone will eventually turn in this small mountain village, I have no regrets. Because I have lived a simple and happy life, I will also spend the last part of my life in the most familiar and comfortable way.

The 63-year-old said that after staying at his son's house for 10 days during the Spring Festival, he never planned to come back