
Expensive sex, even once, is enough to destroy you! Recommended for everyone to watch.

author:The little cake is tired of eating

Darkness covers you without limits. I don't know how many days and nights have passed. The girl's body was wrapped in a black curtain, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

With empty eyes, he was like a lifeless rag doll, "That's it, let the world do without him..." He took a bottle of sleeping pills, but stopped his cowardly cruelty. In the end, he is still teetering on the edge of life and death. Hospitals save lives.

The girl's preserved name is Zhu Yali. He was 22 years old, at his peak, kind by nature, and successful in school. He also gained romantic and happy international love. But this love pushed his life into the abyss.

Expensive sex, even once, is enough to destroy you! Recommended for everyone to watch.

"I love him, I dare not be silent, he is in my heart, I don't know where he is, but he will be my only love now."

Julia's favorite person to talk about is his boyfriend Ma Lang.

Ma Lang is a black student at Wuhan University. In 2002, Julia, a new student, met him in front of a video store. The more than two years with Ma Lang were Julia's happiest days. In Julia's mind, Ma Lang is an elegant, handsome, calm, charming and charming person. Many boys don't keep up with their behavior.

Julia didn't even think she was worthy of him. But such a "perfect girlfriend" hides an important fact - she is HIV-positive. Moreover, he is not a Bahamian as Julia suggests, but an African Zambian who is married and started a family in his hometown.

Expensive sex, even once, is enough to destroy you! Recommended for everyone to watch.

Julia occasionally noticed that his girlfriend had symptoms such as colds, fevers, and stomach pains, but he knew that Ma Lang was a graduate student in medical school and knew nothing about his physical condition, so he had no doubt that he had AIDS. During their relationship, his girlfriend rarely took any protective measures when "doing things", and Julia did not deliberately ask for it out of love for her lover.

"You know, he had AIDS and he was already showing symptoms – a quote from the teacher at the time that completely changed my life, including the length of my life." In an interview with the editor of People Weekly, Zhu Yali revealed his true feelings. "I'm 23 years old and I prepared for the worst for the future, but I didn't expect it to end like this. When I found out I had AIDS, I felt like I had gone further, I became a stranger to everyone around me, and I began to wrap myself in lies. ”

These lies allowed Zhu Yali to bury his pain deeper. Little by little, lies covered him, and the wounds in his heart kept cracking. But in the end, he decided to come forward and use his story to "save" thousands of young people in China.

"I'm here to save healthy people, not especially AIDS patients. Don't let healthy people face this enemy (AIDS). We can't beat it now. "As someone with an uncertain future, I urge others to stay away from dangerous situations."

Expensive sex, even once, is enough to destroy you! Recommended for everyone to watch.

Julia's story is over, but the AIDS story is not over.

According to the latest data from the mainland, from January to October 2019, 230 million people were tested in the mainland, 131,000 new cases of HIV infection and 127,000 new cases of AIDS treatment. In recent years, about 3,000 cases of AIDS have occurred among 15-24-year-old students in mainland China every year in one to two years, and the prevalence of AIDS among adolescent students has shown an increasing trend.

Studies have shown that the main reason for the increase in the prevalence of AIDS among students is changes in the sexual attitudes and behavior patterns of adolescent students. Han Mengjie, director of the AIDS Prevention and Control Center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that students' understanding of AIDS is not low, but his research shows that less than 40% of students who have had sexual experiences use condoms.

He said the group was sexually active and encouraged to practice safe sex and avoid infection.

How to practice safe sex?

Changing risky behaviors and maintaining a healthy sexual lifestyle can prevent future recurrence of old diseases. Proper use of condoms can effectively prevent AIDS and greatly reduce the risk of infection!

Expensive sex, even once, is enough to destroy you! Recommended for everyone to watch.

Likelihood of HIV infection by different routes

There is a cure for AIDS!

If you've ever had risky behaviors and are worried about contracting the disease, remember that there are medications that can prevent AIDS!

After taking anti-AIDS drugs, there is about a 99.5% chance of stopping AIDS. Currently, the effective mediation period is 72 hours after the dangerous act occurs. The sooner you start taking anti-HIV medications, the better the results. Therefore, it is best to take it within 2 hours of the occurrence of risky behavior.

Due to China's strict control of contraception, not all hospitals can provide it. If you need it, you can buy it at the following hospitals!

Expensive sex, even once, is enough to destroy you! Recommended for everyone to watch.

People Weekly Interview with Zhu Liya Finally, the reporter asked him what he would like to say most about Chinese students and teenagers. He thought about it and said:

"I want to tell young people in China that China has been open to sex for 20 years. It's time to stop this attitude and we should wake up. I'm not against love, but we need to control ourselves. The reason is because the current tragedy comes from many factors, one is that the state's inspection of the entry of international students is not thorough, and the other is that brothers and sisters must have sober behavior. National students. ”

Please protect yourself!

Reference: "AIDS infection cases rise among young Chinese students!" Young lives destroyed by ignorance! 》. Medical Messenger.2019-12-22

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