
Shi Qinghua's Original Documentary Literature丨You Came from the Countryside (25,26)

author:Mantra chastity
Shi Qinghua's Original Documentary Literature丨You Came from the Countryside (25,26)

You come from the countryside (25, 26)


Text/Shi Qinghua

25 When you were in high school, from the time you registered for the first year of high school, only a few students with good conditions rented a house, and the housing price was not high and the area was large, which undoubtedly provided a lot of convenience for students who were willing to study.

In reality, many people are comparing, you rent, I rent, everyone rents, you save money, and you can't let your children lose. So in the limited space, the price becomes more expensive and the area becomes smaller. Where there was one student, there are now two, three, or even many students. Some are much worse than student dormitories. Originally, it was intended to provide some convenience for students' learning, but it backfired. Some landlords do not supervise in place, giving individual unconscious students an opportunity to sneak out to surf the Internet, which seriously affects their studies. Assuming all goes well, how much time do students have to spend studying in a rented house? Students arrive at the classroom around 6 a.m. and leave class at about 11:30 a.m., lunch, and a thunderous lunch break. Classes at two o'clock, extracurricular activities, evening self-study, and going to bed around eleven o'clock. Don't take a nap? Do you study for a few more hours in the evening? Everyone knows that this is not possible. Although we don't think it makes much sense to rent a house, we plan to rent it for you.

I'll tell you what I think, you said that there are not many people in the dormitory, and it is quieter. It's good to go back to the dormitory to wash up and rest for a while, and then you need to rest. He also said that every time he lay down, he recalled the content and knowledge points of each subject he studied that day. When in doubt, take a look with a flashlight. Many times I haven't finished recalling the knowledge points of the day, and I'm already asleep. Besides, school dormitories are much cheaper than renting a house, so it's better to use the money you save to buy books.

"Okay, listen to you. The house is not rented for the time being, and as for buying books, no problem. ”

You know that our families can't compare with the rich, so we have to be careful about what we do. It seems that it makes sense for boys to be poor.

Later, the trend of renting and accompanying students intensified. When some parents of students saw that their children had good grades in junior high school and hoped to go to middle school, even if the economy was not well-off and some were even poor, they quit their jobs early and spent nearly 10,000 yuan in rent to rent a house of more than 10 to 20 square meters around the school. As soon as the score is online, I can't wait for the arrival of the admission notice of No. 1 Middle School, that is, I take my child to the rental house to practice accompanying the student. Grocery shopping, cooking, eating, washing pots and dishes, washing clothes, etc. No matter what aspect of the child, the parents almost always overstep the bounds. It is normal for parents to attach importance and care to their children, and it is normal for them to hope that their sons will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes, but they must understand the situation in all aspects and plan in various ways to see if it is necessary. Assuming that your family has a lot of money, spending tens of thousands of yuan more every year is negligible, and such families are about to be rare. Even if it is a phoenix, it has to consider the child's future independent survival. High school follows, can college still follow? Can I still follow after I join the work? Assuming that they could follow, what would people think of it, and where would they put their children? Rather than that, it's better to let the child go early.

Poor grades can be seen by teachers, classmates, relatives and friends. Only parents can't see it, thinking that they haven't read anything famous in their studies, and vow to do their best to let their children read famous, and transfer the goals they haven't achieved to their children and must be achieved by them, how unfair it is. I have a distant relative who often gets together on holidays and gets to know each other. He had a son who was only of average intelligence. The family lives in the countryside and the economic conditions are not good, but they are reluctant to go to the market town to rent a house to accompany the kindergarten, spending more than 30,000 yuan a year. When I was in elementary school, I transferred to the county to rent a room to accompany me, plus cram classes for various subjects, which cost about 50,000 yuan a year. In the past, there were six people in a family: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, and now five people except for mother, the hard-earned money earned for more than ten years or even decades with their faces facing the loess and their backs to the blue sky will be spent before their children enter college. Suppose the child has good grades and can go to college, what should I do? Suppose you go to college and work, how much is the monthly salary, and how young will it take for the investment to return? These are things that the elders have not considered. Fortunately, when I was in the second year of junior high school, the results of each subject were relatively stable: Chinese was about 60 points, mathematics was about 60 points, English could sometimes get 60 points, and physics tests were more than 10 or 20 points. By the third year of junior high school, I went to vocational school and learned a skill to work as a good luck, which solved many problems about reading that parents would encounter. Of course, the hard work and expectations of two generations have also come to naught.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world. Still, I'm ready to rent a house for you.

One day, I found a classmate who was engaged in logistics work in No. 1 Middle School, explained his intention and requirements, and asked him to pay attention. He said that his daughter Shushu was in the same class as Dongfang Yimin.

Later, I asked: There is a girl named Shushu in your class, do you know her? I thought about it and said that there seems to be, but I don't know.

"How's she doing?"

"I haven't paid attention to it, I heard from my classmates that her father is a teacher at school, and she has repeated a grade in the class, and she is not the same as us at all."

I saw the meaning of things gathering like and people grouping. Know that you have a clear goal in mind – to get into a prestigious university.

One Saturday I couldn't agree with you. I was fine after dinner, and I couldn't help but come to school. When entering the school gate, the school police smiled: "Come to see the students so late?" ”

"Well, let's take a look."

On the court, there are several students dribbling and throwing under the lights, and under the woods, some students are shaking their hands and walking. We went to the corridor of the classroom, but the windows were bright and the fluorescent lights were very bright. At the top of each desk, a third-of-a-kind table with 16, 25, and 32 open books and workbooks are vertically placed. The back of the book is facing the student, and the title of the book is on the back, if there is none, write it on a piece of paper and paste it so that it is easy to find when you use it. Keep it in a cardboard box next to your desk when you don't use it for the time being. The books on the desks are stacked like walls and connected to each other. Next to the desks are a long causeway made of cardboard boxes for books, separating the students from each other. We searched from back to front, behind the city walls, and saw a few treasures who were immersed in studying, but we didn't see you, so we continued to search. At this time, a girl sitting by the window raised her eyes and saw us and asked enthusiastically, "Which one are you looking for?" ”

"One people in the East."

She pointed with her hand: "In the third group, Dongfang Yimin, someone is looking for you." ”

Looking in the direction, you are in the third row of the third group, because you are too small, and the front and back walls are too high, so you have not been searched. You stand up and look out, "Mommy, Dad." With that, he put down his pen, closed his book, packed up his belongings, and walked over to us happily.

"It's so late, why are you here?"

In order not to worry you, say play at the same school, come out and take a look.

Seeing that you are so willing to work hard and endure hardships in learning, I regret a little that I shouldn't have guided you to aspire to study since I was a child. If you were only a manual worker, you wouldn't have worked so hard. Only when we see your hard work can we understand the beauty of the mountain of books, where there is a diligent path and endless hard work in the sea of learning.

26 In the second semester of the third year of high school, the textbook knowledge of each subject has been completed. In the minds of teachers, especially homeroom teachers, it is already clear what kind of university students will be admitted to. Individual students also have minimum and maximum goals. There have been some changes, but there is not much difference.

The county party committee, government, and schools have also tried every possible means to improve the county's visibility in the region, province, and even the whole country. As the highest school in the county, the first middle school in the county is the best gathering place for students in the county. Theoretically, students in the same grade in the first middle school also scored higher in the last place than in the first place in other high schools. If you can't get good grades, I'm sorry for the people of the county. The criterion for good results is first of all how many students are admitted to famous universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University. There are more than 100 students in the province who can be admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University every year. More than 70 counties in the province, as well as prefecture-level cities and provincial capitals, which are gathering places for excellent teachers and students, will occupy most of the places by virtue of their advantages. When it's the county's turn, it's good to have one or two students go to Peking University and Tsinghua University every year. The results of the college entrance examination in Han'an County are good in the province, except for a few years that did not go to Peking University and Tsinghua University, and the rest of the years have been to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

A few days after the second semester of the third year of high school, the school formed 22 of you into the special training classes of Peking University and Tsinghua University. We're glad you're on the list. I'm proud to have you, but it's more stress, and it's more worry.

With your consent, not far from the classroom, a dormitory of about eight square meters was rented for the school teacher. Sharing the bathroom with the landlord, washing and washing can give you priority, and electricity can be used without restrictions, but you must pay attention to safety. The host promised to help us supervise: guaranteed breaks. When the time comes, he does not sleep, does not get up, and is responsible for shouting. Although I spent a little more money, I was still satisfied.

We also come more often, almost once every three or two days. The classrooms of your special training classes are in the teacher's office area on the third or fourth floor. It turned out to be some of the teachers' group room. The small classroom has a curved white wall on the north side. There is a banner with the words "Peking University and Tsinghua University are waving to you" written in red silk. Under the banner are two rows of desks, a total of 22 desks. There is a large blackboard in front of the direction of the center of the circle, and a large desk is used as a podium, and the conditions in all aspects are much better than those of ordinary classrooms. Looking at the solemn banner, it is enviable, desirable and intimidating.

When I first saw it, my hair stood on end, my legs were weak, and my heart was pounding. Son, this is the trust of the people, schools, teachers, students, and parents of the county.

Some people may say that Mr. Dongfang, you are showing off. What's the big deal, who doesn't have children, who doesn't give? Maybe someone else has paid more than you, and the result may not be as good as yours, it's just that your luck is better than others. Heck, luck is a good thing, as long as you like it, and you pursue it tirelessly, it can come to you at any time.

We see you rising towards the morning star, taking a nap with the sun in the sky, watching the twilight rise at night, and watching the moon sink in the west at night. I saw you sitting in the classroom, sticking to your desk, and perusing your books. Sweating, fighting with lights, it is difficult to distinguish between east and west, north and south. His hands were weak, his legs trembled, and his hair was dizzy, and he didn't flinch at all, and he never thought of giving up. You are a role model for your peers, a proud son of your hometown people, and the hope of your country.

Maybe it's because we've been to school too many times, maybe it's because you're young and you're in a high grade, maybe it's because you've won the Kaile Award too many times, but I don't know why, I don't know when we entered the school gate, the school police didn't want us to register and sign. Later, the school police actually said: "Parents of Dongfang Yimin, hello. ”

"The school police are good. How do you know that we are the parents of the Oriental People? ”

"We're all acquaintances. Your son's grades are so good, he will definitely be able to go to a prestigious university, and you can educate him well. ”

"Thank you. His good grades are due to your school's good education. ”

When you enter the campus, as long as you meet acquaintances and occasional acquaintances, they say that you can be admitted to a prestigious university. Whenever this happens, we are terrified, and an invisible pressure hits our hearts. Even if you usually get good grades, you are worried about your exams. Guess you're going to be more stressed. The extremes of things must be reversed, just as the rubber band will break if it is pulled too tightly, and the spring can no longer bounce up if it is too loaded. In the face of this, we are overwhelmed and powerless. Pray only in my heart for you: Son, may the god of luck patronize you.

Before walking into the exam room, at your request, bring back the books you don't need. After packing up, I packed two sacks, and when I got home, I cleaned up, sorted and put them away. In the cleanup, I especially carefully read the 25-page math workbook in the second year of high school, a thick book with more than 600 pages, and all the problems were done, so how much time did it take?

Cleaned up the math sprint training materials to the third year of high school: two 100 pages each of the 16-page test papers. Two 16-page test papers from Danzhou University are 200 pages each. The four books have a total of 600 pages, and you have done it from beginning to end, without missing a question and densely. If you make a mistake, stroke it out with a black pen, write it in the spare space, connect it with an arrow. Some questions are wrong at a certain step, write them in a white slip of paper and stick them in the corresponding position. If the whole question is wrong, write it on a piece of white paper and stick it in the place where the question is located. Scars like these can be seen at any time, and how much effort does it take. The teacher has a lot of "√", and a little "x". There are so many students, so many assignments per student, and how much time it takes to correct them, I can't count them. It can be seen how heavy the burden is on the teacher's shoulders.

After reading it, I want to settle accounts for you.

Generally, a set of 16 test papers is open to two sheets and four pages, and the training usually takes two hours. Assuming you finish all the way, it will take you 300 hours to finish the 600 pages. But we don't think you're perfect, so it's going to take more than three hundred hours. Assuming that you spend about 40 minutes reviewing and correcting each set of papers in addition to two hours, then it will take another 100 hours. It takes at least 400 hours to complete and correct these test questions with excellent math scores. There are also weekly exams, monthly exams, county exams, city exams, joint examinations, etc., and there will be no less than 20 times a semester. If each exam and evaluation is set to be three hours, then the evaluation time should be about 70 hours. It took about 500 hours for mathematics alone. According to the total score of 750 points in the college entrance examination, it takes 2,500 hours to do and mark the test papers for the five subjects. Even if the other subjects take a little less time, it will take 2,200 hours. In the second semester of the third year of high school, students need to spend fifteen hours a day to complete these learning tasks after five months and 150 days (including holidays and weekends). This means that students start studying at 6 a.m. every morning and have lunch at around 11:50. I went to bed from 2 o'clock in the afternoon to 11 o'clock in the evening. This is close to your schedule.

Your every minute, your strokes, and your tinkering have built your broad road to the world.

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