
Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

author:Turn around Qi Chen

In recent years, the world is experiencing an unprecedented epidemic crisis, which has not only caused a huge impact on the economic and social development of countries around the world, but also taken many precious lives.

However, in addition to the threat posed by the pandemic, there are a series of more hidden dangers that many people are unaware of.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

With the improvement of people's living standards and the continuous upgrading of dietary needs, the food industry is also booming, and food additives, as one of the indispensable elements, play a role in improving food quality and extending shelf life.

However, the improper use and abuse of food additives has gradually evolved into a potential health disaster beyond the pandemic.

Food additives were originally designed to improve the quality and stability of food.

They can prevent food spoilage and improve the taste and color of food, increasing the commercial value of food.

However, over time, some manufacturers began to abuse food additives, using them in different kinds of food to increase yield, extend shelf life, or make food products look more appealing.

This abuse has caused serious health problems, especially for those who have been eating highly processed foods for a long time.

Among them, artificial colors and preservatives are one of the most common food additives, and they are widely used in candy, carbonated drinks, fast food and many other foods in people's daily diet.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

However, research suggests that certain artificial colors may be associated with ADHD and inattention deficit symptoms in children.

This has raised concerns among scientists and doctors, especially for the consumption of children's food.

In addition, some preservatives have been linked to serious health problems such as cancer. This has led people to re-examine their dietary choices and seek healthier alternatives.

More worryingly, the misuse of food additives is not only present in highly processed foods, but also in many common foods.

For example, many canned foods, instant foods, and even packaged drinking water contain some form of food additives.

This makes it difficult for people to avoid exposure to these chemicals, even as they try to reduce their intake by choosing natural foods.

In addition, the use of food additives may also have a negative impact on the body's microbiome.

Therefore, inappropriate use of food additives can have potentially negative effects on these important physiological processes, further exacerbating health risks.

To be vigilant, we first need to recognize the health risks posed by the abuse of food additives.

This includes learning to read food labels and identifying and avoiding foods that contain too many food additives.

At the same time, regulators should also more strictly monitor the use of food additives to ensure that they are within reasonable limits and meet safety standards.

In addition, manufacturers also have a responsibility to take self-regulatory measures to avoid the abuse of food additives to ensure that the health of consumers is not harmed.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

In this digital age, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives.

Not only have they changed the way we work, they also provide easy access to entertainment, socializing and information.

However, with the popularity of smartphones, we also inevitably face the problem of indulging in mobile phones, which is a disaster beyond the epidemic, and perhaps we have not yet truly recognized its potential harm.

Let's look at the impact of excessive smartphone use on our physical health.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

Staring at the phone screen for a long time not only causes eye strain, but can also trigger eye problems such as dry eyes and myopia.

As people use their phones more and more frequently at work and at work, the eyes become part of the great pressure.

In addition, incorrect posture when using the mobile phone can also lead to neck and back problems, which is known as the "phone neck" or "culture neck".

More worryingly, the excessive use of smartphones has had a negative impact on our social abilities and mental health.

When people get stuck in their phones, they tend to ignore the people and things around them and fail to establish true face-to-face social relationships.

This leads to a decrease in social interaction, an increase in loneliness, and possibly even psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

At the same time, social media and online interactions can also lead to social comparisons and anxiety, as people constantly compare their lives and achievements, which can erode self-esteem and well-being.

In addition, the excessive use of smartphones has affected our time management and quality of life.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

Many find themselves wasting a lot of time on social media, mobile games, and endless news updates that could have been used for more meaningful activities like exercising, reading, studying, or spending time with family and friends.

People with mobile phone addiction often feel that they don't have enough time, but they are stuck in endless scrolling and clicking, unable to extricate themselves.

This situation not only negatively affects an individual's life, but can also harm job performance and career.

So, how do we respond to this catastrophe that transcends the pandemic?

We need to be aware of the problem and take proactive measures to control mobile phone use.

This includes setting limits on how long your phone can be used, avoiding excessive use of your phone in social situations, and doing regular digital detoxes to completely disconnect your phone for a period of time to restore focus on real life.

In addition, we can also alleviate the health problems caused by mobile phones by establishing a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising more, maintaining a good sitting posture, and regular eye care.

Schools and families should educate children on how to use smartphones properly and tell them about the dangers of overuse.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

Developing children's self-control and helping them build healthy digital habits can help them better cope with the temptations of mobile phones.

In addition, the development of social skills is crucial, so that children understand the importance of face-to-face interaction and how to build real interpersonal relationships.

With the rapid development of the Internet, the e-commerce industry has now become an important force in the global economy, providing people with unprecedented shopping convenience and choice.

However, the problem that comes with it is that overdeveloped e-commerce is hitting the traditional real economy hard, an economic disaster that surpasses the pandemic.

The rise of e-commerce has changed the way we shop.

From convenience, wide selection of goods, to the convenience of online payments, e-commerce has become a part of modern life.

However, as consumers increasingly choose to shop online, many traditional brick-and-mortar stores are starting to suffer.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

Especially during the global pandemic, many brick-and-mortar stores had to close due to the loss of consumer traffic, resulting in a large number of job losses and business bankruptcy.

Physical stores are the backbone of many neighborhoods and cities, not only providing employment opportunities but also creating unique cultural and social places for the community.

In e-commerce, consumers can easily compare prices and get more promotions and discounts, which makes many people more inclined to shop online rather than visit a physical store.

This not only affects the sales of physical stores, but also hurts their profitability.

In addition, e-commerce has led to turmoil in the commercial real estate market.

The commercial real estate market is facing rising vacancy rates and falling rents due to declining demand for physical stores.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

This poses a huge challenge to those involved in the real estate industry and related industries.

In addition, the closure of physical stores can also lead to depression in central urban areas, reducing the attractiveness and vitality of the community.

However, we cannot simply look at e-commerce as the source of the problem.

E-commerce also provides consumers with more choice, reduces the cost of shopping, and prompts businesses to pay more attention to customer service and product quality.

However, addressing the challenges posed by e-commerce to the real economy requires a comprehensive range of measures.

Measures are needed to support the transformation of traditional brick-and-mortar stores and adapt to the demands of the e-commerce era.

This includes providing training and technical support to help brick-and-mortar stores establish online sales channels and improve digital marketing capabilities.

Tax policies can also be adopted to encourage people to spend in physical stores and reduce the financial burden of physical stores.

In addition, e-commerce platforms should also assume certain social responsibilities.

They can take steps to support small businesses and encourage consumers to support local brick-and-mortar stores.

Wary! A catastrophe beyond the pandemic is looming, are you ready?

Some e-commerce platforms have begun rolling out specialized features that enable consumers to find nearby brick-and-mortar stores, encouraging them to shop in brick-and-mortar stores.

Above all, we as consumers also have a responsibility.

We can choose to shop in physical stores, especially in local small businesses. This not only helps support the local economy, but also promotes the prosperity of the community.

In addition, we should encourage brick-and-mortar stores to adopt innovative methods to attract customers and provide competitiveness with e-commerce.


These issues cannot be ignored, and we must act for our own future and that of the next generation.

Only in this way can we effectively avoid a catastrophe that transcends the pandemic and make our societies healthier, more stable and more prosperous.

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