
Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

author:Aoki in the distance

A new round of the US presidential election will begin in November this year, and a televised debate of the presidential candidates will traditionally be held in September.

But this time, the televised debate of the US presidential candidates was brought forward to the end of June, as Biden's dementia began to worsen rapidly, and it was significantly worse every month.

In fact, the whole world already knows that Biden has such a situation, because there have been similar news sporadically leaked before.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

But few people knew that Biden's situation had deteriorated beyond the imagination of normal people, until this presidential candidate's televised debate competition.

This televised debate is part of the presidential election, and Biden can't avoid it anyway, so the Democrats want to bring this televised debate forward.

If Biden doesn't, then the Democrats have 100 days to make substitutions, and early debate is good for the Democrats.

And for Biden, because his physical condition has deteriorated significantly, the later he drags on, the worse his physical condition will be, so it is also good for Biden to debate in advance.

And Trump is also betting that he can use this to create a little public opinion in the next 100 days after Biden's dementia is exposed, so he agreed.

Therefore, this televised debate was brought forward.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

At the strong request of the Biden team, the rules of the presidential candidate televised debate were also changed, which greatly benefited Biden.

First of all, the debate was broadcast live by the pro-Democratic CNN, and the pro-Democratic CNN host was responsible for presiding over the live broadcast signal, which was changed from the traditional delay of 7 seconds to a delay of 1~2 minutes to ensure that extreme footage would not be broadcast.

Then the traditional interjection rule was also removed, and one side could forcibly turn off the other's microphone when speaking, ensuring that the other party would not interject and trigger the quarrel that Trump is best at.

In the end, there are only 90 minutes of debate in total, with an intermission every 30 minutes, and the debate will continue only after the professional doctor has "relaxed".

In the end, all the topics were informed to the two presidential candidates in advance, and the teams of both sides prepared the materials in advance, as long as they memorized the script, which was very beneficial to Biden, because the on-the-spot reaction to the competition was definitely not as good as Trump's.

In order to prepare for this televised debate, Biden has already conducted a retreat 10 days in advance, specifically memorizing the script.

Judging from these rules, the Democratic Party has very low requirements for Biden, and has done everything that can be done for Biden, as long as Biden can memorize the materials prepared by the team, can speak like a normal person on the debate stage, and stick to it for 90 minutes, it will be considered a victory.

But as a result, Biden's performance was catastrophic, globally recognized as catastrophic, the kind that Biden and Democratic supporters wailed about.

In the 90-minute debate, Biden can't concentrate most of the time, and he breaks every 30 minutes, and after the professional doctors of the behind-the-scenes team deal with it, Biden will come to the stage in good spirits, but basically he can only hold on for about 15 minutes before he falls back into a state of inability to concentrate and brain pause.

Biden looks weak and trembling, often babbling to himself and not knowing what he is saying, and often making logical mistakes to say things that others can't understand.

As long as Biden can read out the manuscript prepared by the team, he can win, but Biden has reached the point where he can't remember the manuscript at all.

Biden was also very old in 2019, but at least the spirit was still there when he spoke, and Biden in 2024 has been completely drained of his spirit.

It only takes a simple comparison of Biden's eyes and momentum in 2019 and 2024 to know how weak the 81-year-old is now.


Maybe every word and deed of the president will be planned by a professional team, but at least this president must have the basic ability to execute and express it.

Biden's problem is no longer just a matter of age, but a health problem, and it is clear that there is a health problem with the brain, and there are already obvious signs of deterioration in his cognitive abilities and nervous system.

And the 78-year-old Trump is still very strong, logical and sharp, and he can be called a one-sided sling of Biden in this TV debate.


Although the microphone off rule prevents Trump from stealing words, Trump still hits his opponent Biden with a variety of complex expressions of contempt, disdain, and mockery.

And the rule of not stealing words even makes Trump not show his crazy side, making Trump more like a mature politician in this televised debate.

As a result, Trump emerged as the biggest winner, with 95 percent of Americans in Fox News' online poll believing Trump had won the debate.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

You have to know that there are far more than 5% of people who are extremely annoying and brainless against Trump, and the data of this proportion shows that Biden is doing really badly.

Biden's disastrous performance in the televised debate sparked panic among the Democratic Party, and a large number of pro-Democratic media began to call for Biden to withdraw from the race, hoping that the Democratic Party would urgently replace him.

The New York Times published an editorial on the 28th, saying: "In order to better serve his country, President Biden should withdraw from the competition." ”

The article points out that Biden appeared as a shadow of a great civil servant in the first televised debate, and he struggled to explain what he would achieve in his second term, and it was difficult to respond to Trump's provocations and hold Trump accountable for lies, failures and chilling plans, and Biden struggled to finish his words more than once.

The article believes that the biggest public service Biden can do now is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election, and judging from the current situation, Biden is making a reckless gamble.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

The CNN host almost burst into tears when talking about Biden's debate performance on the show, saying that the debate brought not only panic, but also pain, euphemistically saying that President Biden should withdraw from the race, and calling on the president to adopt a "different approach".

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

The funders of the Democratic Party have also fallen into pessimism, and many big funders have made it clear that they will not continue to donate to the Democratic Party, triggering an emergency visit by the Biden team to extinguish fires everywhere.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

The cover image produced by Time magazine is blank in the center, and Biden is stepping out of the cover.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

And outside the media of both parties, ordinary Americans are also wailing, because Biden's performance is so bad, so bad that it makes people who hate Trump's policies cold.

Biden is certainly senile, but Trump is also identified as a liar, and this time Trump is not a lie mixed with a pile of truth, but a pile of lies in a pile of lies, which is considered a liar by the American media.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

Therefore, this US presidential debate is considered a "family ugly" by the American people, Biden and Trump continue to refresh the lower limit of the US president, and no matter who comes to power, these two people are destined to be a disaster for the United States.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

As for those Americans who support the Democrats and Biden, they directly believe that the United States is finished.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

One person's judgment may be problematic, but everyone judges this way, then there can be no problem, so if Biden continues to run against Trump, the probability of losing is extremely high, and it is almost impossible to judge that Biden will lose without starting a formal vote, which is unacceptable to those who support Biden and those who oppose Trump.

That's why so many media outlets that support the Democratic Party and Biden call for Biden to withdraw from the election and demand that the Democratic Party urgently replace him.

But this thing is not so easy to operate, because Biden is the final winner after many rounds of Democratic Party elections, and the other candidates of the entire Democratic Party can't beat Biden, if there is a candidate who clearly defeats Biden, the Democratic Party has already been launched, and there is no need to wait until today.

If the Democratic Party is replaced, there is no doubt that the person who replaces will definitely get fewer votes than Biden.

And there are only 100 days left before the election, which is a typical change of generals, which is a taboo for soldiers.

In addition, this is all based on the premise that Biden voluntarily withdrew from the election, voluntarily handed over all his political resources to the new candidates put forward by the Democratic Party, and voluntarily assisted the new candidates of the Democratic Party to run for president.

If Biden is unwilling to hand over his political resources and assist the Democratic Party in launching a new candidate, then the Democratic Party's victory rate will be zero after the change of general.

Although Biden's performance is disastrous, although there is a high probability that Biden will lose if the status quo continues, even a single-digit win rate is a win rate, and you can't say that Biden's win rate has fallen to zero.

But if there is a change of leadership and Biden does not cooperate, then the Democrats' chances of winning will undoubtedly be zero.

But for Biden, his physical condition has deteriorated severely, rapidly deteriorating every month, and this campaign is already the last chance of his life, and it is difficult to say whether he will even survive the next 4 years.

According to human big data, the average probability of 81-year-old men dying in the next 4 years is as high as 30%, and if it is an 81-year-old man like Biden, who has been significantly weakened and has cognitive decline, the probability of not surviving the next 4 years is higher than 60%.

Even with a top-notch medical team, Biden has half a chance that he will not survive the next 4 years, and it is even more foolish to run for president in 4 years.

Biden doesn't have long to live, as a politician his life dream is to be re-elected president, the Democrats can't give whatever Biden wants in exchange for all this, a dying man doesn't need anything.

Even if the probability of Biden winning is terrifyingly low, and even if Biden succeeds in being re-elected as president, there is a high probability that he will not live for 4 years, Biden will continue to run and never take the initiative to withdraw.

Biden's catastrophic debate shows that Europe will quickly tilt towards China

As for whether this will be detrimental to the Democratic Party and the United States as a whole, Biden does not care.

Asking Biden to sacrifice his own personal interests to take care of the overall situation and give up his personal political self-interest for the future of the American people, Biden cannot do this and resolutely disagrees.

Therefore, this US election will still be a contest between the lying Trump and the Alzheimer's Biden, and for the American people this is "-flavored chocolate" and "chocolate-flavored", and one of them must be eaten with their heads shut, and there is no other option.

Judging from the current situation, it is a high probability that Trump will win the election, because Biden's situation is too bad, and it is impossible to compete with Trump from the perspective of personal strength, and how many votes Biden can get depends entirely on how many people are brainless against Trump, as long as Trump is not so extreme and crazy and arouses the strong disgust of some people, it is impossible to lose.

Many of Trump's speeches are very good at canvassing votes, and people will vote for him when they listen to them.


If Trump comes to power, the United States will indeed be strong again, at least stronger than Biden. Because Biden is an establishment and a good man, he will resolutely not touch any vested interest groups, hello, hello, everyone, as for the future of the country and the people, it is not the focus of Biden's team.

Trump, on the other hand, was the first US president in decades to dare to send auditors to the US military, and he sent more than a group of people to check the US military's account books, and finally forced the US military to do such an unseemly thing as shooting down the auditor's plane.

As an empire that has lasted for more than 200 years, there are too many vested interest groups in the United States, and there has been too long and no president who dares to care about them, after all, the president will be in office for a maximum of 8 years, and these vested interests will be vested interests for the rest of their lives, and there are too many people who have offended in power, and their lives will not be easy after stepping down.

Therefore, Trump's coming to power will definitely improve the strength of the United States itself, even if all vested interest groups cannot be eliminated, Trump will more or less clean up some, which will inevitably continue the life of the United States.

But for us, Trump's coming to power is not a bad thing, because anti-China is a bipartisan consensus, whether Trump comes to power or Biden comes to power, it will be anti-China, Biden establishment will indeed not reform vested interest groups, but Biden establishment can maintain relations with allies very well, which is conducive to attracting allies in the international community to encircle and block China.

Strictly speaking, Biden is causing more trouble to China than Trump.

If Trump comes to power, his America-First political platform is not divided between friend and foe, and allies are also part of vested interest groups, and Trump's extreme lack of ability to unite allies will lead to a rapid deterioration in relations between the United States and Europe, giving China the opportunity and space to break through the vertical and horizontal alliances.

The last time Trump took office, in just 4 years, Europe was almost pulled over by China, and after Biden took office, he did not hesitate to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines and set off a Russian-Ukrainian war, only to pull Europe to the side of the United States again.

If Trump can come to power again, it is true that the United States itself will be stronger, but the Nord Stream pipelines will be blown up in vain, and the Russian-Ukrainian war will be fought in vain, and Trump will take the initiative to create countless opportunities for China to win over Europe.

As for the strength of the United States itself, China does not care about this, even if it is a small European country, the comparison between the increase and decrease of the strength of the two sides is far greater than the little bit that Trump has strengthened the United States.

Don't think that Biden is a good old man, he doesn't dare to check this and that doesn't dare to touch, and he doesn't care much about the people at the bottom of the United States, so it's not good.

Don't think that Trump is determined to reform, this one dares to investigate and that one dares to touch, and he cares super about the bottom people in the United States, so it's good.

The United States is not a simple country, the United States alone is not so terrible, the United States is only so powerful after attracting a vote of allies around itself.

Therefore, we don't care who comes to power, because whoever comes to power will not affect the continued decline of the United States, it is just that the ways and methods are different.

In fact, there is only one core reason, that is, the United States has lasted for more than 200 years, belongs to the old empire, many systems were established more than 200 years ago, and match the current situation of the United States more than 200 years ago, and the United States today does not match each other, the problems caused have been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and the difficulty of reforming this issue has far exceeded the limit of the rights of the democratically elected president.

As far as those problems in the United States are concerned, they are really not capable of being solved by a democratically elected president, and even a saint cannot be born into the world.

Therefore, Biden, a pastemaker, can paste the establishment president one day at a time, but it will bring more trouble to China, because Trump can't solve the core problem, and he can only solve the peripheral problems by changing the country code without authorization, which will lead to a faster disintegration of the United States.

Is the ancestral mountain so easy to change? If you don't have enough strength, you want to fix the code of Mountain, and the consequences are very serious.

Trump has the heart to reform, but he is not capable enough, and he can't do anything, let alone reform the core of the United States, even if it is a border wall, Trump can't build it, and the vested interest groups that will be held back will make you a waste product that costs people and money every minute, this is the limit of Trump's ability.

So I'm quite looking forward to another Trump victory, the president of the United States who is full of nonsense has brought us so much joy, I haven't seen him for 4 years, I miss Chuanbao.

More importantly, if Trump wins the election, European countries will be quickly divided by China in the face of China's ancestral art of combining vertical and horizontal, which will quickly tilt the balance of confrontation between China and the United States in China's favor.

There is no second Nord Stream pipeline in Europe to blow up, and there is no second Russian-Ukrainian war to fight.

After another four years, the overall situation has been decided, and no one who comes to power will be able to recover it.

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