
People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

author:Dr. Xu's popular science

If you have a cold, you will eat vitamin C; When the body is tired, you will still eat vitamin C; Even if you have insomnia, you have to eat a piece of vitamin C.

It seems that the small vitamin C tablet has become an omnipotent "miracle medicine", however, does vitamin C really have such a magical effect?

In order to explore the mystery of vitamin C, we may wish to take a look at the vitamin C products on the market, the same vitamin C, some products are priced only 2 yuan a bottle, and some are as high as 98 yuan a bottle.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

So, what is the difference between these two dimensional C products?

First of all, we need to understand the basic role of vitamin C, as an important water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C plays many important roles in the human body.

So, why is there such a big difference in the price of vitamin C products on the market? In fact, this is mainly because of the difference in efficacy and quality of products.

On the one hand, high-priced vitamin C products usually adopt more advanced production technology and stricter quality control system to ensure the purity and stability of the product.

These products are often also fortified with other nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, etc., to provide a more comprehensive nutritional supplement.

On the other hand, the production process and quality of low-priced vitamin C products may be relatively poor, resulting in poor purity and stability of the product. These products may contain only basic vitamin C and lack other nutrients.

In short, vitamin C can alleviate some symptoms to a certain extent, but it is not a "miracle medicine", when choosing vitamin C products, we should choose the right product according to our own needs and budget, at the same time, we should also rationally look at the role of vitamin C, do not blindly rely on.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

Eat vitamin C every day, but do you understand the role of vitamin C?

Vitamin C, the magical element, is like a silent guardian, silently exerting its indispensable role in the human body.

I believe everyone has heard of a classic case: those sailors who have been sailing for a long time, because of the lack of vitamin C, their health gradually deteriorates, and eventually suffers from terrible scurvy.

This story makes us understand in an intuitive and visual way that the human body needs to supplement vitamin C to maintain its own health, and vitamin C silently nourishes our body and keeps our life alive.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

Vitamin C plays a variety of important roles in the human body, and here are the main benefits of vitamin C:

1. Improve immunity: Vitamin C can enhance the function of the immune system, so that the body can better cope with infections and diseases.

2. Antioxidant: Vitamin C has a strong antioxidant capacity and helps protect the human body from free radical damage, thereby slowing down aging, preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease.

3. Promote iron absorption: Vitamin C can reduce oxidized iron ions in the intestine to reducing iron ions, thereby promoting the absorption and utilization of iron and helping to prevent anemia.

4. Improve skin health: Vitamin C can promote collagen synthesis, enhance skin elasticity and firmness, reduce wrinkles and stains, and help maintain healthy skin.

5. Relieve colds: Vitamin C helps reduce the symptoms of colds and other viral infections and shorten the course of the disease.

6. Improve cardiovascular health: Vitamin C can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

7. Protect respiratory health: Vitamin C can reduce the symptoms of respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and protect respiratory health.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

One tablet of vitamin C a day, is it health regimen or chronic suicide?

The human body cannot make vitamin C on its own, so it must be supplemented by an external diet, and as long as you eat more vegetables and fruits, you can meet the daily demand for this valuable nutrient.

To understand in more detail the natural sources of vitamin C, we can compare these sources to treasure chests full of treasures such as citrus, kiwi, tomatoes, mangoes, leafy greens, etc., all of which are rich in vitamin C.

But when the conditions are limited and these fruits and vegetables cannot be supplemented in time, we can also get the nutrients we need by taking vitamin C tablets, so in addition to a balanced diet, is it necessary to take additional vitamin C tablets?

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

The need for vitamin C is closely related to the human body, and there are different needs and supplements in different situations.

First of all, when the body's demand for vitamin C increases, such as pregnant women who eat a lot of fruit and lead to excessive intake, the dosage can be easily controlled by taking vitamin C tablets.

However, if the expectant mother's vitamin C intake exceeds a certain standard, the fetus may become dependent on it and even cause "conditional scurvy".

Therefore, ensuring adequate vitamin C intake during pregnancy is very important for childbirth and fetal development, and the demand for vitamin C at different times has a certain range, and it is convenient and safe to use vitamin C tablets to control intake after consulting a doctor.

Second, if mild symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are already experiencing and may not be relieved quickly by food intake alone, combining supplements is a quick and effective approach.

A lack of vitamin C can lead to a decrease in immunity, making the body vulnerable to respiratory infections, while also affecting wound healing.

Of course, for patients with severe vitamin C deficiency, you can also choose a more direct intravenous injection to supplement.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

In short, vitamin C intake should be adjusted according to personal constitution and situation, if there is excessive vitamin C intake, timely adjust the diet structure, and take vitamin C tablets under the guidance of a doctor to help control intake.

When the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency occur, a combination of dietary supplements and medicinal supplements can be used to alleviate them, but the specific intake still needs to be determined according to the doctor's advice.

In addition, middle-aged and elderly people can also properly supplement some vitamin C, and a study in The Journal of Nutrition shows that vitamin C content is closely related to skeletal muscle mass.

In other words, adequate vitamin C intake can slow down muscle loss during aging, and it goes without saying that like the aforementioned elderly American man, his eating habits do not conform to China's consistent "moderation principle".

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can be filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine, so it is rare for acute conditions caused by excessive intake of vitamin C.

However, if the recommended maximum tolerable intake (2 g) is exceeded for a long time, there is a risk of developing acute renal failure.

However, whether this condition occurs after a long period of accumulation or occurs at the moment of overdose varies from person to person.

Therefore, for a healthy adult, as long as the diet is balanced, there is no need to take additional vitamin C, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

However, in the phased situations listed above, taking 1 vitamin C tablet per day can provide better protection for health.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

How to eat safely? 3 points to keep in mind

1. Priority food supplements

Fruits and vegetables are a treasure trove of vitamins, which are rich in vitamin C.

For example, sour dates contain 900 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, which is a treasure trove of vitamin C;

Kiwi contains 62 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.

And among vegetables, cabbage (dehydrated) contains 187 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams;

Kale contains 76 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, and these foods, like the sweet spring of life, infuse our bodies with healthy energy.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

2. 4 types of people use with caution

Vitamin C supplementation is important, but not everyone is suitable for supplementation, and caution should be exercised for the following four groups of people:

First, patients with pernicious anemia require special attention. Pernicious anemia is a disease caused by malabsorption in the stomach or intestines, or because the body is unable to utilize vitamin B12. If such patients consume vitamin C, it will interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12, thereby aggravating the condition.

Secondly, people with iron deficiency anemia should also be especially careful. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body. After ingesting vitamin C, such patients will cause a decrease in plasma activity, thereby affecting the body's iron absorption and utilization, aggravating the symptoms of anemia.

The third group of people is diabetics. If diabetic patients take a lot of vitamin C, it may lead to inaccurate blood glucose test results, which will affect the doctor's judgment and treatment.

Finally, patients with urinary tract stones should also be cautious about vitamin C supplementation. One of the side effects of vitamin C is the cause of urate or oxalate stones, and urinary tract stones can worsen the condition if they consume too much vitamin C.

Therefore, vitamin C supplementation is not suitable for all people, and for the above four groups of people, it must be carefully considered before supplementation.

People who eat a tablet of vitamin C every day, what changes do they have in the end? Reminder: Take it safely, remember 3 points

3. Take it as needed

Vitamin C intake varies from population to population:

30 mg per day for children under 6 years of age;

Children 6 years and older 45 mg per day;

Children 12 years and older 60 mg per day;

60-70 mg per day in healthy adults;

80 mg per day for pregnant women;

Breastfeeding women: 100-120 mg per day;

Postoperative patients or population in extreme climate zones need to be increased to 180-350 mg;

Smokers need to increase the dose to 300mg ~ 500mg.