
The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

author:Pink elephants


The stage lights went out suddenly, and the audience fell silent. Suddenly, a spotlight hit the center of the stage, and Na Ying walked out slowly, smiling. However, only a few people noticed the subtle expression of pain on her face. Just as she was about to speak, the host He Jiong suddenly stepped forward and whispered a few words in her ear. Na Ying nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and then began her performance.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

This is the evening of June 28, 2024, the opening of the eighth phase of the competition of "Singer 2024". No one knew what Na Ying was going through, and it wasn't until the show ended that He Jiong revealed this distressing secret: Na Ying suffered from shingles, not only on her face, but even in her eyes.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

Herpes zoster is a skin condition caused by the varicella-zoster virus, often accompanied by severe neuralgia. Imagine being able to keep smiling when your face is covered in painful blisters? When your eyes are full of burning sensations, can you still concentrate on singing? Na Ying did it, she not only sang on stage, but also won the third place that night with her wonderful performance of "Night of a Star".

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

This scene can't help but remind people of the stories of many artists who insist on performing despite illness. For example, in 2003, Jacky Cheung had a sudden acute gastroenteritis at a concert, but he still insisted on singing the whole scene; Another example is in 2016, Jay Chou had a sudden acute gastroenteritis at a concert, but he still insisted on completing the performance. Na Ying's performance this time undoubtedly pushed this professionalism to a new height.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

However, behind this persistence is Na Ying's inner struggle and confusion. In the last episode, she unexpectedly ranked seventh, and this result made her cry on the spot. In an interview before the start of this episode, Na Ying said frankly: "I didn't think that I would be No. 7, obviously I am getting more and more relaxed, (now) I am suddenly confused." How did I mess around and get myself to seventh? "

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

This sense of confusion is probably something that everyone who is at the bottleneck of their career can empathize with. When you think you're good enough, but suddenly you find that you're far from what you expected, the sense of loss is indescribable. Na Ying's honesty allows us to see a real, flesh-and-blood artist, rather than a glamorous stage image.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

But Na Ying was not knocked down by the setback. She said, "Am I not able to sing?" I don't know. What do you think people like? Still expect too much from me. These questions are not only questions about oneself, but also a discussion of the audience's taste. In today's rapid iteration of pop music, how to cater to the taste of the public while maintaining their own style is indeed a difficult problem that every singer needs to face.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

Na Ying's persistence and thinking have been rewarded in this episode. Despite suffering from shingles, she managed to win third place with a consistent performance. This is not only a recognition of her strength, but also an affirmation of her professionalism.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

However, the biggest winner of this episode of the show is the fill-in singer Tan Weiwei. She amazed the audience with an adapted northern Shaanxi folk song "Orchid Flowers" and successfully won the first place. Tan Weiwei's performance integrates the style of national rock, with a majestic singing voice and a combination of Chinese and Western instruments, showing the modern charm of traditional Chinese music. This innovative spirit may be exactly what Na Ying and other singers need to learn.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

She was followed by international singer Faouzia Fanxia, who challenged Deng Ziqi's "The Devil from Heaven". Fanxia's performance can be described as "amazing": standard Chinese pronunciation, strong emotional expression, and clever integration of personal transliteration. Her performance sparked heated discussions, and "#凡希亚吃了几个邓紫棋#" once rushed to the top of the hot search. Netizens said: "I ate a few Deng Ziqi!" I thought Deng Ziqi was coming! This evaluation is not only a recognition of Fanxia's strength, but also reflects the audience's surprise at the high-level cross-language singing.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

In contrast, the first international chart-toppers Rukhiya Lucia performed slightly less. She brought the extremely difficult "All By Myself", although it was very technical, but due to language and cultural differences, it failed to resonate with Chinese audiences, and unfortunately failed to make the list. This also reminds us that in today's globalized world, cultural exchange is important, but how to impress audiences from different cultural backgrounds while maintaining its own characteristics is still a question worth pondering.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

It is worth mentioning that there are also some unexpected situations in this episode. Sun Nan performed Alan Tam's Cantonese classic song "Wordless Gratitude", but it caused controversy because of pronunciation problems and pronunciation, and topics such as "#孙楠破音##孙楠塑料粤语#" rushed to the hot search. This has sparked renewed discussion about whether singers should challenge songs in languages they are not familiar with. Some people think it's courageous, others think it's not respectful of the original. Regardless, this spirit of experimentation is commendable, but it also reminds us that we need to be prepared while challenging ourselves.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

Looking back at the whole show, we can see that every singer is trying to break through themselves and try new possibilities. Whether it is Na Ying's insistence despite illness, Tan Weiwei's innovative adaptation, or Fan Xiya's cross-language challenge, they all reflect the artists' love for music and awe for their profession.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

At the same time, this episode also reflects the tastes and expectations of contemporary audiences. They not only appreciate the innovative interpretation of traditional music, but also love cross-cultural music exchanges, and pay more attention to the professionalism and courage of singers. This diverse aesthetic is not only a challenge for singers, but also a driving force for the development of music.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

The stage of "Singer 2024" is not only a platform for singers to show their talents, but also a mirror, reflecting the development trend of contemporary music culture. It allows us to see the diversity and inclusivity of music, and it also makes us think about the relationship between cultural heritage and innovation.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

In this era of rapid change, how can musicians keep up with the times while maintaining themselves? How to spread Chinese culture in the context of globalization? How do you find a balance between business and art? These are all questions that deserve our in-depth consideration.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

Finally, let us once again praise Na Ying's professionalism. Even though she was suffering from shingles, she continued to appear on stage, showing her love for music and respect for the audience. This spirit is undoubtedly worth learning from everyone.

The latest ranking of singers was announced: Na Ying insisted on singing shingles around her eyes, and turned the tables against the wind and won third

Dear readers and friends, what do you think of the performance of this issue of "Singer 2024"? Which singer do you like the most? What do you think of the various attempts of the singers? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section and let's discuss music, culture, and what they mean in our lives.

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