
won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?


The unexpected success of the TV series "The Wind Rises" can be said to be a clear stream in the TV drama market in the first half of 2021. During that period, star dramas seemed to have reached a kind of stalemate, popular dramas were rare, and the audience's expectations for TV dramas seemed to have become more and more critical. However, in this context, "The Wind Rises" has quietly become the crown of satellite TV with its unique charm and high-quality production, which has undoubtedly brought a lot of shock to the entire industry.

First of all, we have to talk about the star of this show, Nazha. Her performance in the play is remarkable, not only her appearance is online, but her acting skills are also good. Nazha's character has both the gentleness of an ancient woman and the independence and strength of a modern woman, and the multifaceted nature of this role makes her performance full of layers and makes the audience deeply resonate with this character.

Let's talk about the plot. The story of "The Wind Rises" is set in the Tang Dynasty, an era full of legends. In the play, there are not only palace struggles, but also grievances and grievances, and emotional entanglements, which are intertwined to form an intricate story world. Moreover, the screenwriter has also put a lot of effort into the advancement of the plot, and each plot is interlocking, making people want to watch the next episode after watching one episode.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Of course, in addition to the actors and plot, the success of this drama is inseparable from the excellent production. From costumes to props, from sets to special effects, every detail reveals the production team's intentions. Those gorgeous court costumes, those exquisite ornaments, and those realistic palace buildings all make people feel as if they have traveled back to that glorious Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the music of this show is also a highlight. The melodious sound of the guqin, the passionate sound of war drums, and those touching interludes all add a lot to this drama. The perfect combination of music and plot allows the audience to get auditory satisfaction while enjoying visually.

The success of "The Wind Rises" also reflects the audience's desire for high-quality dramas. In today's era of information explosion, the audience's tastes are becoming more and more diverse, and the requirements for TV dramas are getting higher and higher. They are no longer satisfied with simple entertainment, but hope to get emotional resonance, ideological enlightenment, and even cultural edification while watching TV series.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

The success of this drama has also brought some inspiration to the entire industry. First and foremost, high-quality production is key to engaging your audience. Whether it is the performance of the actors, the arrangement of the plot, or the details of the production, we need to keep improving. Secondly, innovation is the driving force for the development of TV dramas. Only by constantly trying new themes and new expressions can we attract more audiences. Finally, respecting the audience and satisfying their needs is the foundation of TV drama production.

Overall, the success of "The Wind Rises" is not accidental, it is the result of a combination of factors. The success of this drama is not only an affirmation of the production team, but also an encouragement to the entire TV drama industry. It tells us that as long as we do it with our hearts, innovate with our hearts, and meet the needs of the audience with our hearts, we will be able to produce works that satisfy the audience.

The drama "Warm Taste" can be said to be a bold attempt by Mango Channel. TV dramas with rural themes are not common in the current market, but Mango TV dares to introduce such a work, which is a kind of courage in itself. Moreover, this drama is followed by "8090", a drama that is also loved by the audience, which undoubtedly brings a lot of pressure to "Warm Taste".

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

But what is surprising is that "Warm Taste" won the first place in satellite TV ratings on the first day of broadcasting. Among them, the high ratings of the leading actors Jin Dong and Sun Li contributed a lot. Jin Dong, a powerful actor, has always been a guarantee of ratings. His performance in the play is not only superb in acting, but also in his interpretation of the role is also very in place, allowing the audience to see a three-dimensional and plump character image. And Sun Li, as a senior actress, her acting skills are also convincing. Her role in the play has both the tenderness of a woman and the tenacity of a rural woman, and the complexity of this role makes her performance full of tension.

In addition to the starring role, the script of this drama is also a highlight. "The Taste of Warmth" tells a story that takes place in the countryside, but it does not stop at the superficial depiction, but digs deep into the inner emotions and human brilliance of rural life. The characters in the play are distinct, and the storyline is close to life, which makes people resonate after watching it. Moreover, the realistic reproduction of rural life in the play also made the audience feel a long-lost warmth and cordiality.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

In terms of production, "Warm Taste" has also put a lot of effort into it. From costumes to props, from sets to photography, every detail strives for authenticity and sophistication. The rural scenery in the play, the fields, the river, and the old houses, all make people feel like they are in it. This grasp of details not only enhances the texture of the series, but also allows the audience to have a more immersive viewing experience.

In addition, the director and production team of this drama are also among the best in the industry. They have their own unique insights and methods for the grasp of rural themes and the advancement of the plot. Thanks to their joint efforts, Taste of Warmth has not only reached a certain height artistically, but also achieved commercial success.

The success of "Warm Taste" has also brought some inspiration to the TV drama market. First of all, the choice of subject matter is not limited to popular or popular, as long as the script is solid and well-made, even niche themes can be successful. Secondly, the choice of actors is equally important, and good actors can add a lot of points to the series. Finally, the real reproduction of life and digging deep into the hearts of the characters is the key to attracting the audience.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Overall, the launch and ratings performance of "Warm Taste" proved that Mango Channel's attempt was successful. It not only brings a high-quality rural TV series to the audience, but also provides new possibilities and directions for the TV drama market. The success of this drama is worth thinking about and learning from all of us.

Jin Dong, this name is well-known in the TV drama industry, and his title of "Grandma Killer" is not in vain. In the drama "Warm Taste", Jin Dong played the first leading role, and once again won the hearts of the audience with his unique charm and superb acting skills. He plays Sun Guangming, a typical urban elite, but is arranged in the countryside in the plot, and this role setting itself is full of drama.

The role of Sun Guangming has both the shrewdness and decisiveness of the urban elite, and the simplicity and kindness of rural people. When Jin Dong played this role, he skillfully fused these two completely different temperaments together, allowing the audience to see a three-dimensional and plump character. Every look and every action of his eyes reveals the inner world of the character, which makes people have to admire his acting skills.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Moreover, Jin Dong's appeal should not be underestimated. Almost every one of his works can become a hot topic, and this time is no exception. Since its launch, "Warm Taste" has received widespread attention, and the ratings have been red. Among them, Jin Dong's appeal played a great role. Many viewers came to him to watch this show, his fan base is strong, and his influence should not be underestimated.

In the development of the plot, the character of Sun Guangming has also undergone a lot of changes. From an urban person who knew nothing about rural life, he gradually integrated into rural life and experienced the ups and downs of rural life. Jin Dong performed this process very well, and he showed the growth and changes of the character vividly. Through his performance, the audience can feel the inner struggle and transformation of the character.

In addition, Jin Dong also pays great attention to details when creating characters. Whether it's the character's costumes, or his words and deeds, he strives to be authentic and believable. This kind of in-depth excavation and careful shaping of the character makes the audience have a deeper understanding of the role of Sun Guangming and love this role even more.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Overall, Jin Dong's performance in "A Taste of Warmth" once again proved his strength and charm as an actor. His role Sun Guangming not only adds highlights to the plot, but also allows the audience to see an actor's deep understanding and wonderful interpretation of the role. Jin Dong's appeal and character interpretation are undoubtedly one of the important factors in the success of this drama. 2346710

Wu Yue and Gao Lu's performance in "Warm Taste" can be said to have brought a lot of surprises to the audience. Wu Yue, a powerful actor, plays the image of a rural woman in the play this time, which is very different from her previous roles, which is eye-catching. Her groundbreaking looks, from unpretentious clothing to unadorned makeup, reveal the character's rustic flavor in every detail. And her performance is even more impressive, whether it is the authentic dialect or the unique behavior of rural women in her gestures, she has performed it vividly, as if she is an ordinary peasant woman living in the field.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Wu Yue's breakthrough in this role is not only in terms of styling, but also in her deep excavation of the character's heart. The character she plays has the tenacity and kindness of a rural woman, but also has a helpless struggle against reality and a desire for a better life. Wu Yue vividly showed these complex emotions through delicate performances, making the audience deeply resonate with this character.

And Gao Lu, an actor known for his intellectual temperament, played the professional reporter Yue Lan in the play this time, which is also eye-catching. Her professional outfit, with a simple and neat hairstyle, coupled with that pair of rimless glasses, exudes a professional and gentle temperament. When Gao Lu created the role of Yue Lan, he paid great attention to the professional characteristics of the character. Her words and deeds in the play reveal a kind of professionalism and keen insight of a journalist.

Gao Lu's performance is not only professional in appearance, but also in her grasp of the character's heart. As a professional journalist, Yue Lan has a love and dedication to journalism, as well as a deep reflection on social phenomena. Through her performance, Gao Lu vividly showed the intellectuality and professionalism of the role of Yue Lan, and made the audience feel the professional charm of a journalist.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Wu Yue and Gao Lu's role breakthrough is not only a challenge to their own acting skills, but also a bold attempt to create characters. Their performances let people see the infinite possibilities of actors in character building, and also made the audience have a deeper love and expectation for their roles. This kind of breakthrough and attempt in the role is undoubtedly a highlight of the drama "Warm Taste", and it is also one of the important factors to attract the audience.

The drama "Warm Taste" skillfully combines modern online media with rural stories, making the whole plot closer to the lives of modern audiences. Sun Guangming, the protagonist in the play, is not only the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Commerce Bureau, but also a food V with many fans. The mystery of his daily live-streamed three meals a day and sharing his food tips without ever showing up has made his fans curious.11

And the heroine Xu Weiwei, as the spokesperson invited by Houshigou Village, her role setting is also closely related to online media. Xu Weiwei's journey through the village, while driving and broadcasting live, is a vivid and lively form that not only shows the vitality of the modern countryside, but also allows the audience to feel the daily life of the characters in the play, as if they are on the scene, experiencing the bits and pieces of the village with the characters13.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

The online live broadcast element in the play is not only a means of entertainment, but also an important tool to promote the development of the plot. For example, when the "poisonous vegetable incident" occurred in the village, Sun Guangming and Xu Weiwei conveyed the real situation in the village to the outside world through live broadcast, which attracted widespread attention from the society. This use of online media for crisis public relations not only reflects the close integration of modern rural areas with the Internet, but also shows the wisdom and courage of the protagonists.11

In addition, the play also shows the way of interpersonal communication and information dissemination in the network society through Sun Guangming's perspective. Sun Guangming's online communication not only helped him collect information about the village, but also allowed him to establish a deep emotional connection with the villagers. This networked relationship, virtual but equally genuine, exemplifies a new way of connecting people in modern society.13

In general, "Warm Taste" not only shortens the distance between the audience and the plot by integrating modern online media into the plot, but also shows the vitality and charm of modern rural areas. This innovative plot setting gives new vitality to traditional rural dramas, and also allows the audience to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of rural life.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

The drama "Warm Taste", just like its name, gives people a warm feeling. Its narrative style is light-hearted, bright and interesting, allowing people to feel the simplicity of the countryside and the challenges and opportunities brought about by economic development in the process of watching.

The narrative rhythm of the series is grasped just right, not in a hurry, so that the audience has enough time to get to know each character and feel their emotional changes. Under the guidance of characters such as Sun Guangming and Xu Weiwei, the audience seems to have walked into Houshigou Village, feeling the customs and daily life of the villagers.

The conflict handling in the play is also very dramatic, such as the occurrence of the "poisonous vegetable incident", which not only put the villagers in a predicament, but also made Sun Guangming, the first secretary of the outside, face a huge test. This sudden crisis not only promotes the development of the plot, but also shows the different attitudes and choices of the characters in the face of difficulties.

Moreover, the humorous elements in the play are also a highlight. Whether it is Sun Guangming's humorous live broadcast on the Internet, or Xu Weiwei's funny performance in the live broadcast, it makes people find ease and laughter in the tense plot. These humorous embellishments not only alleviate the tension of the plot, but also allow the audience to more deeply experience the true face of rural life in laughter.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

In addition, when the series shows rural people's feelings and economic development issues, it does not ignore the inner world of the characters. Through delicate psychological descriptions and real emotional expressions, every character in the play is brought to life, and their dreams, confusions, struggles, and growth have deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

In general, with its unique narrative style and bright rhythm, the drama "Warm Taste" successfully integrates the warmth of the countryside and the vitality of modernity, allowing the audience to think about the real problems and future development of the countryside in a relaxed and pleasant viewing experience. Such a story has both depth and warmth, so that people can feel the beauty and hope of life while watching.

As a TV series with a rural theme, "Warm Taste" left a deep impression on the audience in its premiere. This drama is not only an entertainment work, but also a drama with profound social significance. By showing the challenges and the efforts of the characters in the process of modern rural development, it provokes the audience to think about the current situation and future of rural areas.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

Each story in the play is like a mirror, reflecting various phenomena in rural society. From the perspective of Sun Guangming as the first secretary, the audience can see the various problems encountered in the development process of rural areas, such as the food safety problems reflected in the "poisonous vegetable incident", as well as social problems such as the loss of rural youth and aging. Although these problems are tricky, the characters in the play do not give up, but through their own efforts, find a solution to the problem.

The author hopes that "A Taste of Warmth" will continue to tell the story of the countryside in a warm and powerful way. This drama is not only a reflection of the reality of the countryside, but also a vision of the future of the countryside. It conveys a positive force that encourages people not to flinch in the face of difficulties and to use wisdom and courage to create a better life.

At the same time, this drama is also looking forward to receiving more attention and recognition. The ratings are not only the embodiment of the numbers, but also the audience's recognition and support for the series. A good ratings score can bring more resources and opportunities to the series, so that it can continue to produce more high-quality works and bring more wonderful stories to the audience.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

In addition, the success of the drama series can also drive the development of rural theme works. In the current TV drama market, there are not many works with rural themes, and the success of "Warm Taste" can inject new vitality into this theme, attract more creators and audiences to pay attention to rural stories, and promote the spread and development of rural culture.

Overall, the drama "A Taste of Warmth" presents the audience with a real and vivid rural world with its unique perspective and profound social significance. It not only allows the audience to see the beauty and hope of the countryside, but also makes people think about the problems and challenges faced by the countryside. It is expected that this drama can continue to influence and inspire more people with its warm power and contribute to the development of rural areas.

won the first place in the ratings for two consecutive days, and the law of "female grandson and male Jin Dong" was verified again?

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