
Why is "uremia" increasing? Doctor's advice: 3 things don't be gluttonous, the kidney will thank you

author:Bitter ginseng boiled Coptis

First of all, salt is a common condiment in our daily diet. However, consuming too much salt can put a burden on the kidneys. Excess salt increases water retention in the body and raises blood pressure. This poses a challenge for the kidneys, which need to remove excess salt and water. Over time, the kidneys may be damaged, eventually leading to uremia. Therefore, reducing salt intake in food can reduce the burden on the kidneys. Eat in moderation for healthier.

Secondly, sugar is also an unavoidable substance in our lives. However, studies have shown that excessive sugar intake is associated with kidney disease. A diet high in sugar can lead to problems such as obesity, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure, all of which adversely affect the kidneys. In addition, excess sugar can overload the kidneys' filtration function and gradually damage kidney tissue. Therefore, we need to control our sugar intake, especially limiting the intake of high-sugar foods such as drinks and candy. Choosing low- or sugar-free alternatives is more beneficial for kidney health.

Why is "uremia" increasing? Doctor's advice: 3 things don't be gluttonous, the kidney will thank you

Finally, we need to avoid excessive protein intake. Protein is an essential nutrient for our body, but consuming too much protein can increase the burden on the kidneys. When we digest protein, a waste product called urea is produced, which is excreted by the kidneys. Consuming too much protein can cause the kidneys to overwork and increase the production and excretion of urea, which can cause damage to the kidneys. Therefore, proper control of protein intake is essential to maintain kidney health. We can choose high-quality protein sources such as fish, legumes and nuts and consume them in moderation.

Why is "uremia" increasing? Doctor's advice: 3 things don't be gluttonous, the kidney will thank you

When we avoid excessive intake of salt, sugar and protein, we create a healthier environment for the kidneys, reducing the burden on the kidneys while reducing the risk of uremia. Therefore, by adjusting our eating habits, we can help our kidneys maintain good function and health.

Why is "uremia" increasing? Doctor's advice: 3 things don't be gluttonous, the kidney will thank you

Article #Health#


1. Williams ME. Dietary protein restriction for the prevention of renal failure. J Ren Nutr. 2011; 21(2): 174-179.