
If stocks want to make money, they must learn to do T+0. All three stocks are losing money today, and if they hadn't done T+0, they would have lost $700. Since there is a stock that did T+0, although it closed

If stocks want to make money, they must learn to do T+0.

All three stocks are losing money today, and if they hadn't done T+0, they would have lost $700.

Because one stock did T+0, although it closed down 0.76%, it made a profit of 450 yuan.

This resulted in a final loss of just $90 (and one stock lost $540).

The other stock was entrusted with a transaction price of 3.55 yuan and did not buy it, so it missed doing T+0.

If the transaction is successful at that time, you can earn one or two hundred yuan to achieve the final profit.

Today's lesson:

1. Don't expect to buy the lowest point, it's easy to miss.

2. Only by constantly doing T+0 can we continue to accumulate benefits and reduce costs, so that the price will not fall back and start again. Figure 3 originally made more than 2,000 yuan, but has not operated, and now the price has fallen back to 3 yuan, with a loss of more than 700.

#Stock Market Trading Diary# #今日我的股票#

If stocks want to make money, they must learn to do T+0. All three stocks are losing money today, and if they hadn't done T+0, they would have lost $700. Since there is a stock that did T+0, although it closed
If stocks want to make money, they must learn to do T+0. All three stocks are losing money today, and if they hadn't done T+0, they would have lost $700. Since there is a stock that did T+0, although it closed
If stocks want to make money, they must learn to do T+0. All three stocks are losing money today, and if they hadn't done T+0, they would have lost $700. Since there is a stock that did T+0, although it closed

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