
CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

"Feng Shen" was launched on streaming media a few days ago, and I didn't have time to go to the cinema before, but I took advantage of the rest to watch it at home.

The film is indeed quite good-looking, the actors, costume props, design, etc. are very right, and the figure of King Jun and Proton intentionally or unintentionally shows off their bodies, which is really eye-catching.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

However, this movie that is good in all aspects, it is not appropriate for children to see, such as the scene at the beginning where the king fools the proton to kill himself, I can't help but gasp when I watch it.

But my son likes to watch this kind of mythological films, and the school just requires them to watch various myths and stories at home and abroad, so I thought about finding out if there was anything suitable for him.

As soon as I looked for it, I found that CCTV had just released a mythological drama that was more "source" than "Feng Shen", the documentary "Mountain and Sea Jingqi" adapted from "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is a very influential ancient book of Chinese people, and it is said that Dayu conducted a "census" of mountains, rivers, animals and plants on the way to water control, and recorded the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

In this strange book, all kinds of strange people, strange beasts, and strange things are recorded, including the well-known legends of the nine-tailed fox in Qingqiu, the Nuwa making people, and the Houyi shooting sun;

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

▲Why are the nine-tailed foxes rooted in Green Hill? Because this is what is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas

There is also a snake that can swallow an elephant, "like a tiger, winged" poor qi, three head country, three body country, giant country, small people and other monster weirdos, just "brain supplement" these three-headed and six-armed mythical beasts, children will find it super interesting, super exciting!

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

However, the original text of "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is still difficult to gnaw, and this mythological documentary "Classic of Mountains and Seas" created by CCTV for children, through appropriate adaptation, makes the statement of the background of the story more modern and colloquial, and the threshold for understanding is greatly reduced!

For example, when it comes to "Houyi Shooting Sun", why did ten suns suddenly appear in the sky? Interpreted in the film, the previous ten sun babies were in good accordance with the arrangement of their mother Xihe, taking turns on duty every day, but when it came to the rebellious period, they didn't want to listen to their mother anymore, so they came out to play together presumptuously, and the result was a natural disaster.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

In addition, the film can also bring some new knowledge to children, such as the father in "Father by Day" may not be a person, but a clan, that is, it may be a large group of people day by day.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

Of course, now the aesthetics of CCTV animation are also very high, all kinds of Q cute animation images are very endearing, and the childlike picture children are easy to fall into the pit.

The god with the sun on his back,

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

A little majestic but not much candle dragon,

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

Gluttony shown with stop motion animation,

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

Use shadow puppets to talk about the humble look.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

If you want to lead your child into the amazing world of "Chinese mythology", this documentary is the perfect way to get started!

Now the documentary has a total of 8 episodes, each episode is not short or 24 minutes long, and children will not have a hard time watching it.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

If you have free time during the November holiday, you can download it for the baby to see, and the way to get a free viewing address I will put it at the end of the article for you ~ Below I will expand to tell you about the 3 wonderful short stories in the documentary.

The story of Nuwa making people,

What we've been listening to is the "wrong version"?!

The original story of "Nuwa Makes People" was not that Nuwa sprinkled mud ideas casually, and another little-known version is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"Mom, how did I get here?" This question was also thought about by the ancients. I couldn't think of a reason, so I created Nuwa.

When the heaven and earth were still barren, Nuwa exerted her divine power, allowing small grasses to break buds from the soil, shrubs to rise up, and create birds, insects and fish, and heaven and earth have been alive since then.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

Nuwa was intoxicated by her creation, and suddenly felt a little lonely that no one spoke.

One day, she saw her reflection in the water, and with a flash of inspiration, she pinched a lot of clay figures according to her own appearance, and the clay figures came to life as soon as they landed. Later, Nuwa was too slow, and directly threw the branch dipped in mud, and the mud spot turned into thousands of people.

This is the familiar version of Nuwa Creation.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

And the Nuwa creation recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is somewhat different from what we often hear.

After the fall of the great god of creation, Nuwa, ten gods were born from the intestines, and countless creatures were born from the corpse, "crossing the road".

Nuwa's intestine may refer to Nuwa's abdomen, from which a new god is born, isn't this a celebration of the mother's greatness?

The adaptation of later generations emphasizes the divine power of Nuwa, but it also weakens this sublime.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

Look at myths from another perspective

One of the characteristics of the original work of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is that it is "described but not done", saying that the fierce beast is what it is, without too much explanation. But simplicity is conciseness, but if you don't dive headlong into the book, it's easy to sweep away.

The story is filled in to make it easier for the audience to understand the core of the myth. If you were the Creator, how would you keep your "children" alive? The perspective of the episode "Gluttony" is God.

When the modeler first invented the gluttony, it was just a small monster with a sheep's face, without claws and sharp teeth, and could only live by grazing, and from time to time to watch out for hunters and large beasts.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

But the little gluttony found that eating grass could not fill his stomach at all, and he couldn't catch up with the small animals if he wanted to, so he had to starve to death. So he cried out to the Creator, "Give me a pair of human hands and tiger teeth, and let me live." ”

The modeler, that is, God, had compassion in his heart, pinched his fingers and sharp teeth, and gave him transcendent power.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

With a new body, gluttony became the overlord of Hookwu Mountain, and wild animals began to eat people after eating, but no matter how it ate, its stomach was still not full, so it became the enemy of the whole people, and the human race began to hunt it by wisdom.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

In order for it to survive, the modeler added a pair of eyes to its chest to help it detect risk. Since then, gluttony has finally become a fierce beast that harms the party and is full of bones everywhere it goes.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

But the gluttony was not satisfied, the hunger allowed it to complete its self-evolution, the eyes on the chest changed the big mouth, the stomach split also became a mouth, and the "complete body" was born.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

If this continues, this ferocious beast in the world must not eat everything in the world and wipe it clean?

But the end of gluttony is very bleak, one day hungry really can't stand it, too late to prey, gluttony eats his hands and feet, and finally only a head and a big mouth remain.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

After the adaptation of "Mountain and Sea Jingqi", Wa can watch gluttony grow from a small monster to a real monster step by step, which is much easier to understand than the conclusion that "gluttony is a fierce beast" in the original myth.

How gluttony is devoured by one's own greed can also cause the baby to think more.

The core of myth is inseparable from reality

The core of myth is inseparable from reality, and in the story of "Kuí", you can also see that these seemingly fierce ancient mythical beasts, in their "childhood", actually have the same confusion and myths as we humans.

What is it? According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it looks like an ox, but it has only one foot, its voice is like thunder, and its voice is particularly loud. It lives alone on the Liupo Mountain in the East China Sea, shouting into the air when it has nothing to do.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

But he is not happy, he often feels lonely, because he has a big voice, and no other animal wants to be friends with it, "If only I could also speak softly and lightly." ”

When he was sullen, the bird appeared. He said, "I envy you so much, I can fly around freely, and my voice is gentle and good, but I am so bulky." ”

Xuan Bird said: "No, the other side of our sea hears your rich voice every day, and many living beings are shocked by your power. ”

In the conversation with Xuan Bird, Kui affirmed his value: It turns out that a loud voice is not all bad, and the voice has spread all over the world for me.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

The story of "Kui" is that people should focus on their own strengths. I think when I see this, the child's heart will inevitably be touched.

CCTV actually filmed a "top" mythological documentary, and his son couldn't stop chasing it!

Myths and stories are not far away from us, nor are they so mysterious, and their core is still human society.

Of course, "Classic of Mountains and Seas" as an ancient book, its charm is not only in the 3 legendary stories I share with you today, it is not only a mountain style and a collection of monsters, it is a rare treasure in the mountains left to us by the ancients, set off a small corner, you can feel the brilliance of the beginning of Hongmeng.