
In order to build high-speed railways for Chinese enterprises, Vietnam's high-speed railways have not been implemented in talks with Japan's Shinkansen and Germany's Siemens

author:Park buy sesame sauce H2013
In order to build high-speed railways for Chinese enterprises, Vietnam's high-speed railways have not been implemented in talks with Japan's Shinkansen and Germany's Siemens
In order to build high-speed railways for Chinese enterprises, Vietnam's high-speed railways have not been implemented in talks with Japan's Shinkansen and Germany's Siemens

China's advantage over Vietnam is that transportation is fast and cheap.

The domestic technology of high-speed rail already has the core technology and does not need to be imported.

If the high-speed rail technology is still imported, how can you help others build the high-speed rail?

How to operate China's high-speed railway, which has the largest operating mileage in the world?

Compared with the solutions provided by Japan, the Chinese plan has lower energy consumption and higher average speed. At the same time, compared with Japan's high-speed rail infrastructure engineering team, which is aging and lacking personnel, China's railway construction engineering team is younger and more experienced. China has a "full-case implementation plan" for railway transportation, and has stronger development and construction capabilities under complex terrain and geological conditions, such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in Indonesia, a volcanic country, being the best example.

The high-speed railway built by China in Indonesia is equivalent to a model project! Let's do a demonstration first!

In Vietnam, after several historical evolutions, there are now three gauge railways in Vietnam, which are very inefficient. Vietnam's metre-gauge railway, which opened in 1936, has a north-south railway of more than 1,700 kilometers. Due to the disrepair of the railway tunnels, trains are required to pass at low speeds of 15-50 km/h, and a collapse can lead to several days of downtime.

If Vietnam wants to achieve an all-round speed increase in railways, it first needs to achieve iterative upgrading of technology at the level of operation logic.

Vietnam is looking for China, which is the right person, and China has too much experience in this area. Before making this fateful decision, Vietnam had already paid the cost of its time for nearly 20 years.

In the construction of railways, Vietnam has been swaying like bamboo for many years, and the Japanese have provided Vietnam with 0 kilometers of high-speed rail for more than ten years, wasting a lot of time.

At present, after more than ten years of game and pull, the high-speed rail cooperation project between Japan and Vietnam has officially come to naught. Vietnam asked Japan to build a high-speed railway, and it was lonely.

If the Chinese who have worked in Vietnam know the Vietnamese temperament. Now Vietnam's high-speed rail has to be built by China. The more this is the case, the more cautious you have to be. Otherwise, the Vietnamese did not negotiate it!

According to data provided by the General Administration of Customs, in the first five months of 2024, ASEAN continued to maintain its position as China's largest trading partner, with a total trade volume of 2.77 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.8%. Among them, the top three ASEAN trading partners are Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.

There must be roads, money, and all major roads between China and ASEAN.

In Chinese, eat here in the morning, where to eat at noon, and eat at home in the evening. The flow of people and logistics has risen. In fact, it is better to unify railway standards.

Only in this way can we have a peaceful and stable development pattern, and we can only seek skin with the tiger with the United States and the West, and maybe one day we will be eaten to the scum!

Among them, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, which is built by China at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, has been open to traffic for more than half a year. Malaysia's East Coast Railway, which is built by China, is expected to be officially opened to traffic in 2027.

As long as the Cambodian Canal is completed, the railway from Laos to Phnom Penh will definitely be built.

The existing Laos railway can be extended to Sihanoukville Port in Cambodia, which is more conducive to regional linkage development, and the investment cost is low, and joint development can be prioritized!

Don't miss the opportunity, and never miss it.

First of all, Thailand was forced by the completion of the China-Laos Railway, and now Vietnam is forced by the completion of the China-Laos Railway and the China-Thailand Railway!

Vietnam's delay in the launch of high-speed rail will open up a development gap of more than ten years with ASEAN countries.

If Vietnam does not look for China to build a railway, it will soon be left aside by other Southeast Asian countries.

Make more friends and make fewer enemies!

With the completion of the Trans-Asian Railway network, the East Asian Economic Circle will be basically completed, which will be the center of the world economy in the future!

There are always interests between countries, and there are no permanent friends.

When China has five aircraft carrier formations, Vietnam will not dare to turn its face.

It is another application to join the BRICS, and another high-speed rail cooperation, and cooperation is a win-win situation!

Vietnam can only have a good prospect if it completely puts down its body and sincerely gets close to its big brother neighbor who will never be able to move away.

The turn of the Vietnamese is a wise move by them, China is a super large country, with various technologies and a huge market, and it is also a neighbor that Vietnam will never move away, and it will suffer if it does not have good relations with China.

Vietnam is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN, and there is even more reason to cooperate with China to build high-speed rail.

Vietnam's problem, though, is the collapse of credit.

Vietnam is a country with a wall. So, be careful.

Vietnam also occupies 29 islands in China!

If Vietnam borrows money from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, it will hardly dare to repay its debts, but for the accounts of a single country, Vietnam will dare to default and default.

Vietnam is a country that can't figure out how many pounds and taels it has, right? Want to eat it all? The end result is that no one trusts Vietnam.

Why didn't Vietnam choose China for the North-South high-speed railway at the beginning? I couldn't play with Japan anymore, and then I remembered China.

Of course, Japan does not pay attention to high-speed rail, but the competition cannot be completely defeated by China.

It is not much assistance to Vietnam, it is just a mutually beneficial business, only if there is interest, of course it can be done.

To be clear: China has suffered a lot of losses against Vietnam in the past.

If you suffer a loss again, you will either be stupid or stupid. If you go outside, you must first settle inside.

Vietnam has always been a small belly chicken intestines is good to be ambitious, so in major strategic issues has always been a failure, no achievements, the industrial base is weak, should eat a mouthful, the road step by step, humble learning, but there are always good monkeys to make trouble, with the normal development of Vietnam, in fact, Vietnam's railway upgrading is the right way, the new one-step high-speed rail is a big pit, China is step by step.

What is the use of Vietnam asking for high-speed rail technology? Will such a small country not stop building high-speed rail in the future?

Vietnam is a long and narrow country, and it doesn't need too many railways, and the demand for technology transfer is not about how many railways need to be built in the country, but to make trouble for China in the international market, so just ignore him.

With Vietnam's industrial development level, the core technology of China's high-speed rail is taught by hand, and Vietnam can't learn it!

However, Vietnam wants to get its hands on Chinese technology and sell it to make a lot of money.

Therefore, it is possible to build railways, but key technologies cannot be given.

It is okay to build high-speed rail, just transfer technology.

Rotten in the pocket is also forbidden to transfer high-speed rail technology to Vietnam!

Vietnam's high-speed rail must use Chinese tracks and Chinese systems.

The prodigal son does not change his money, and there is no need to gamble with anyone for this kind of thing.

There is an old Chinese saying: there is food for the hungry, and there is something to say for the knowers. Vietnamese people who both need and know how to be grateful will no longer be alone in order to share a win-win situation.

If the conditions are met, a high-speed railway from Nanning, China, to Hanoi, Vietnam, can be built at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour as a model.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh proposed several routes: Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong, Dong Dang - Hanoi, Mong Cai - Ha Long - Hai Phong, Lao Cai leads to Yunnan, Dong Dang connects to Pingxiang, Guangxi, and Mong Cai faces Guangxi Fangcheng Port.

If Vietnam officially joins the Trans-Asian Railway network, from a broader perspective, Vietnam will open up a land passage to Europe from the west to Europe by connecting with China's railways, and with the help of China-Europe trains, Vietnam's goods trade can lead to the entire Eurasian continent.

#越媒: Chinese companies want to participate in projects such as Vietnam's high-speed rail#

#美媒: Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway will become the fastest train in Southeast Asia#




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