
Nose clearing: These two vitamins also prevent rhinitis? Arrange it for your child!

Nose clearing: These two vitamins also prevent rhinitis? Arrange it for your child!

In recent years, the incidence of rhinitis has shown a high trend, which is not only closely related to the air quality of the city, but also closely related to people's living habits:

Picky eaters, partial eaters, and lack of vitamins in the body will lead to a decrease in the resistance of the nasal mucosa. Especially from a nutritional point of view, long-term lack of vitamin A or vitamin C is an important factor leading to the onset of rhinitis.

Nose clearing: These two vitamins also prevent rhinitis? Arrange it for your child!

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Nose clearing: These two rhinitis are related to these two vitamins!

Rhinitis dry, often nosebleeds, which may be related to vitamin C deficiency! A lack of vitamin C can lead to rupture of the walls of blood vessels and bleeding.

Different colors of fruits and vegetables contain different phytochemicals, which are effective against inflammation. Vitamin C not only fights inflammation, but also supports the barrier function of epithelial cells to antigen bodies. For example: barley, kiwifruit, grapes, cherries, etc.!

One of the causes of chronic rhinitis is malnutrition , mainly refers to vitamin A deficiency, and it is also thought to be related to vitamin B deficiency! Therefore, patients with chronic rhinitis should eat more foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin B to supplement the needs of the human body, such as: apricots, pineapples, persimmons, animal liver, eggs, etc.!

Nose clearing: These two vitamins also prevent rhinitis? Arrange it for your child!

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Nasal cleansing: Supplement vitamins, prevent the onset of rhinitis, nutritional elements, function The main food source vitamin C, can resist oxidation, antivirus, improve the defense function of mucosal epithelial cells, and prevent infection.

Fresh fruits and vegetables such as cherries, guavas, persimmons, strawberries and other fresh fruits and vegetables carotene can effectively scavenge free radicals, and after conversion into vitamin A, it can enhance the anti-infection ability of the nasal mucosa.

Nose clearing: These two vitamins also prevent rhinitis? Arrange it for your child!

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Nose clearing: Pay attention to vitamin C supplementation:

1. Vitamin C is easy to be destroyed, fruits and vegetables must be fresh, cooking should not be cooked for a long time.

2, it is best not to let shrimp eat with vitamin C, studies have found that eating aquatic crustaceans such as shrimp, while taking a large amount of vitamin C, can cause death. Because shrimp, an arsenic species that is generally considered harmless to humans, can be converted into toxic arsenic under the action of vitamin C.

Nose clearing: These two vitamins also prevent rhinitis? Arrange it for your child!

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In short, eating more vitamins is harmless to the body, usually eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, can prevent rhinitis!

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