
Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

author:Five hundred in the world

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Israel has launched a large-scale offensive against the Gaza Strip, and the continued air strikes have had serious consequences.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced, while many foreigners have been killed in airstrikes.

Such actions have aroused the attention and vigilance of some countries around the world, and even those countries that originally supported Israel have begun to express doubts.

The European Union, in particular, suddenly changed its position and condemned Israel's actions after a succession of previous successive supports.

Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

European countries have clearly drawn a clear line, adopted different attitudes from the United States, France, Germany and other countries, and condemned Israel's total blockade.

Such a reversal should make the EU happy to demarcate the border in advance.

A total of 11 staff members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East were reportedly killed in air strikes during the conflict; These include 5 teachers, 1 doctor, 1 engineer, 1 psychologist and 3 assistant staff.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Society also noted that five members of their organization had lost their lives as a result of the Pablo civil war; Of those, four were killed in air strikes in the Gaza Strip and one was killed early in the conflict.

Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

The four victims from international organizations are closely linked to Israeli air strikes.

The large number of international organization staff members killed shows that Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip is not specifically aimed at Hamas, but rather as an indiscriminate air strike.

According to previous reports by journalists in the region, Israeli targets tend to be concentrated in densely populated areas.

If this is true, it means that it targeted specific multi-population gathering places.

Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

However, Hamas cannot be completely destroyed simply by continuing to ramp up air strikes.

Nevertheless, gaining an advantage in the number of casualties became one of Israel's goals.

In recent days, the number of deaths within the country has been higher than in the Gaza Strip; They were also delighted to visualize the results of the response by inflicting a large number of Palestinian casualties.

It is worth noting that Israel, which is accustomed to relying on the support of American public opinion and wagering innocent gambling to launch strikes against neighboring countries or between forces.

Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

No matter how serious the consequences, they will not be punished.

After the sneak attack, Israel intensified its public opinion.

Although Israel is being hit, some of its performance is more like singing its own praise.

Because he has been a bully for 50 years, he feels aggrieved when he is beaten.

Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

Therefore, it has also become crucial to create an atmosphere of public opinion in which you can take revenge madly without taking any responsibility.

Although some countries, led by the United States, still firmly support Israel, they have not received universal support; On the contrary, the European Union and other European countries, in addition to expressing their condemnation of Hamas and their support for Israel, also condemned and pointed out that the measures that have been targeted including cutting off water, electricity and supplies to the Gaza Strip violate the provisions of international law.

The purpose of such a clear position is to draw a clear line with it, prevent the situation from getting out of control and causing its own passivity, and send a signal to the United States that the EU can maintain its opinion on the Palestinian conflict.

This time the EU has been able to learn and refine the fact that most countries do not enjoy broad support for Israel's actions.

Israel broke into trouble, killing 11 UN personnel, and the EU learned well and cut off with the United States ahead of schedule

At present, only some countries led by the United States, such as the United States, firmly support Israel.

Europe, for its part, has distanced itself from being drawn into the situation by changing its position and condemning the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

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Israel broke into trouble, killed 11 UN personnel, the EU learned well, cut with the United States in advance, disclaimer: If the content of the article involves the content of the work, copyright pictures or other issues, please contact the author within 30 days, if the situation is true, we will delete the responsible article as soon as possible. The article is for reference only and does not constitute any investment or application advice.

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