
"Punishing independence" -- the people of Taiwan are speeding up their separation from "Taiwan independence."

author:Chinese graticule
"Punishing independence" -- the people of Taiwan are speeding up their separation from "Taiwan independence."

The author: Zhou Zhongfei is a researcher at the Shanghai Association of Taiwan Studies

Recently, the mainland promulgated the "Opinions on Punishing "Taiwan Independence" Diehards for Separatism and Inciting Separatism (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") jointly issued by the "Two Supreme People's Courts and Three Ministries." This is an intensified crackdown on the DPP's "Taiwan independence" forces from the perspective of legal punishment, and it has the characteristics of stability, accuracy, and ruthlessness. In particular, the "Opinions" focus on carrying out precise strikes against the diehards and core elements of the "Taiwan independence" forces. While having a strong deterrent effect, it will inevitably have a divisive and disintegrating effect on the Taiwan independence forces.

1. "Punishing independence" -- There is a phenomenon on the island where the people are speeding up their separation from "Taiwan independence."

The promulgation of the "Opinions" came at a time when Taiwan regional leader Lai Ching-te was in power for a "full moon," and was a response to Lai's repeated provocative elevation of his predecessor's so-called "non-subordination of the two sides of the strait" to the level of the "new two-state theory" since the "new government" came to power. The "Opinions" will be implemented from the day they are promulgated, and the degree of punishment for "Taiwan independence" diehards ranges from sentencing, lifelong prosecution, to death.

There is a difference between the reactions of the upper and lower strata on the island to the "Opinions" after they are issued. The DPP authorities, who are at the top of the hierarchy, were silent for 72 hours, and then Lai Qingde stepped forward to make a "tough response" posture. He falsely claimed that "the mainland's legal system cannot control Taiwan" and that "the mainland is incapable of cross-border law enforcement," threatening that "future relations with China will go farther and farther." He also "expanded the camp" and said that "except for the United Party," all others in Taiwan are "Taiwan independence."

The performance of non-core decision-making figures in the DPP, or "Taiwan independence" elements who are not so close to the circle of power, can be described as "mixed tastes." They are not like the upper echelons, who have a "high-profile" backlash against the Opinions, showing that they "no longer jump so high" (according to Taiwanese media reports, "some people are happy and are not on the list of punishments"). Some people blame Lai Qingde for being too "anti-China", and there is no need to be so "very loud". The common people said to Lai Qingde that "the commander personally took the conquest" and "did not hesitate to take the risk of peace in the Taiwan Strait." In the past, the DPP said that "with a broom, we must also face the war against the mainland." I have several brooms in my house right now. Just take it and use it well). The sharp decline in Lai Qingde's satisfaction with his administration is another piece of evidence.

The Kuomintang side expressed its stance on the "Opinions" in a split manner, but resisted Lai Qingde's argument that he wanted to include the Kuomintang in the list of "Taiwan independence" in an attempt to "strengthen the momentum of Taiwan independence," and said that he did not want to be dragged into the water by the "Taiwan independence" forces. The most conspicuous thing is that the New Party not only convened a pledge meeting to cut ties with "Taiwan independence," but also called for a haste to return to the "consensus of '92" and to the basic point of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

It can be seen that the promulgation of the "Opinions" has not only deterred the "stubborn separatists" of Taiwan independence, but also further awakened the consciousness of the people on the island to oppose the adventurous "Taiwan independence," and there has been a tendency on the island to distance themselves from and cut off the "Taiwan independence" elements.

Second, the civil and military forces should be used at the same time to fight back against the collusion between the United States and Taiwan

The process of promulgating the "Opinions" is also a process in which the Chinese government has used both civil and military forces to fight back against the collusion between the United States and Taiwan.

Taiwan is part of China. The Chinese government's use of national laws to punish criminals who harm the country's core interests is China's internal affair and is in line with the common practice of all countries in the world. There is no room for outside forces to interfere in this.

However, the US Government acted rudely and wanted to "stabilize Taiwan independence." On June 25, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department came out and said: "The U.S. strongly condemns China's words and deeds that undermine stability and escalate the situation." The US State Department also flaunts the banner of "peace" and at the same time confuses the public in an attempt to raise the "Constitution of the Republic of China" to "accompany the war." A spokesman for the US State Department declared: "Threats and legal warfare cannot peacefully resolve cross-strait differences." First, it is a "tough reaction" to Lai Qingde, and it "affirms" his so-called "mainland has no right to enforce the law across regions" and breaks through the "Constitution of the Republic of China" on the definition of one China. The DPP authorities, who "rely on the United States and rely on the United States" and do not give up "seeking independence by force," immediately expressed their gratitude to the United States for its "stubbornness." The second is to mislead the Kuomintang and suggest that the United States may take the position that the so-called "legal war is going on between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China." This led to a split in the Opinion within the Kuomintang.

On 26 June, in response to a reporter's question, Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out in a-for-tat manner that the Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affair and brooks no foreign interference. He pointed out that the United States has no right to punish the "Taiwan independence" forces in accordance with the law. He reminded the United States that it must take concrete actions to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, fulfill its commitment not to support "Taiwan independence," and not send wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. He warned Lai Ching-te and the DPP authorities that provoking the one-China principle will only seriously undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and bring grave disasters to the Taiwan compatriots. He pointed out that the result of "seeking independence according to the United States" is "inevitable failure."

On June 27, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye delivered a speech at a symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, further stressing that the historical positioning of the Taiwan issue lies in its nature as a continuation of China's civil war. To the international community, the Chinese government has characterized the DPP authorities as: "The regime in Taiwan is a rebel regime in China's territory." He stressed that "we have the right to expel them at any time and regain the right to govern Taiwan."

Ambassador Lu Shaye also directly named the United States for conniving at the DPP authorities to engage in "Taiwan independence" separatism and intensify the conflict in the Taiwan Strait. Ambassador Lu Shaye stressed that the consistent position of the Chinese Government is to do its utmost to strive for peaceful reunification and try to avoid the scourge of war for the Taiwan people, but China's national security must be safeguarded, and China will not give up settling the Taiwan issue by non-peaceful means. There is only one way for Taiwan to return to the motherland. "If it can't be done peacefully, then it's not peaceful."

The statement made by the spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the speech made by Ambassador Lu Shaye show that the spearhead of the "Opinions" is aimed at the rebellious DPP authorities and their diehards. At the same time, it also shows that the Chinese government will use both civil and military forces to fight back against the collusion between the United States and Taiwan, and to fight back against foreign interference forces.

III. Conclusion

The characteristic of the "Opinions" lies in its stronger operability. Its deterrent effect on "Taiwan independence" elements is different from the previous model of list punishment and deterrence warning (for example, the mainland promulgated the Anti-Secession Law in 2005, including the use of force when the conditions for the use of force are met). In 2021 and 2022, the list of "Taiwan independence" diehards was released twice, and relevant personnel were punished, etc.). That's where the deterrent lies.

The "Opinions" have the effect of dividing and disintegrating the "Taiwan independence" forces. The simultaneous development of civil and military forces is to expound on the relationship between Taiwan's national security and territorial integrity and ensuring the return of Taiwan's ruling power from a legal point of view. Including the use of China's military autonomy to end the civil war. This is also a response to the collusion between the United States and Taiwan.

As more and more people see through the features of "fake peace and real war" of the "Taiwan independence" diehards, and as the Taiwan people and Taiwan political parties oppose the DPP's policy of attempting to aggravate cross-strait antagonism and show more and more tendencies to cut ties with "Taiwan independence," the diehard "Taiwan independence" elements will become more and more uneasy.

The simultaneous development of civil and military forces will be implemented. The DPP authorities clamored that "the first battle is the final war, and it is capitulationism." Let's "ask for more blessings".

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