
When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

author:Miss Yu's outfit notes

Skirts can be said to occupy half of many women's wardrobes, but for forty-year-old women, do not blindly follow the trend, if you choose a skirt style and wearing method that is not suitable for you, it is easy to make your temperament look very inappropriate. Today, I will share some skirt matching ideas worth learning from, which can make you more beautiful after learning!

Women over 40 years old must keep in mind the "3 do not wear" principle when wearing skirts

>> a minefield of clothing that middle-aged women need to avoid

Minefield wearing method (1) When choosing a skirt, the color should not be too messy, it will look very old-fashioned

Middle-aged women must choose less color too messy style, like the color elements in the picture below too mixed printed skirt need to be avoided as much as possible, not only will it look very cheap, rustic, but also easy to disagree with their own temperament, very test of dressing skills.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

Minefield wearing method (2) Do not choose "knee style" for skirts, which will expose the leg shape

In addition, in the choice of length, middle-aged women should also try to avoid the length of the knee. Short skirts will expose leg defects, more suitable for women with slender and smooth legs, if your leg line is not smooth, it is easy to expose leg defects, and at the same time it will look very inappropriate.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

Minefield wearing method (3) Skirts with thick textures should not be too slim and will feel bloated

The last thing to avoid is a skirt with an overly slim fit, too slim style, although it can perfectly wrap the body and create a feminine effect, but it is also easy to expose the shortcomings such as bloated or fat meat. In this way, the picture below we made a negative teaching material, the slim fit combined with the thick texture, the whole person looks very bloated and fat.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

>> 40-year-old woman learns the matching skills of these 3 dresses, and she is more beautiful

PART(1) When collaborating, follow the principle of "relaxation and degree", and take a seat according to your own figure

Matching method 01. Slim top with a long skirt with a "large sense of skirt volume"

Forty-year-old women should pay special attention to the tightness of the upper and lower bodies when matching skirts. If your upper body is skinny, try a slim top with a brighter skirt.

A slim cardigan and shirt like the one in the picture below are paired with an umbrella skirt, which can not only play a role in promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, but also add femininity, and the overall shape looks very elegant and intellectual.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

Pairing method 02." A "three-dimensional" top paired with a long skirt with a "strong sense of line"

And if you belong to a bloated upper body or a large skeleton, it is recommended that you try a three-dimensional top with a long skirt with strong lines. A suit with a straight skirt cut like the one in the picture below is used. While weakening the large skeleton, it can make your body look skinny and slim, and it will look more advanced.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

PART(2) The color matching should not be too cluttered to create a visual impact

Color matching policy (1). Beige + light color print skirt

In addition, in the matching of colors, we must also follow the principle of no more than three colors, in order to make the shape appear more advanced and eye-catching. If you want to create a gentle look, it is recommended that you try a beige top with a light-colored printed skirt.

An off-white and beige granny shirt like the one in the picture below is paired with a light-colored printed skirt with low saturation. It will not look cluttered, but it can also add a gentle atmosphere.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

Color matching policy (2) Create the effect of "traditional and simple" color matching

The wearing method with a higher return rate is to choose the effect of "traditional and simple" color matching, such as the cardigan with multi-color elements and solid cake skirt in the picture below, as well as the cardigan and light print skirt in earthy tones. It creates a complex and simple color scheme without looking cluttered at all, which can create a more gentle and decent style.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

In this autumn and winter, you can also try the traditional and simple color matching of high-saturation colors. A red sweater like the one pictured below is paired with a red printed skirt, and a purple sweater with a brown plaid skirt. It effectively strengthens the visual impact and can add color layers, and there is no sense of messiness at all, making the overall shape more retro and eye-catching.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

If middle-aged women want to interpret a more mature look, they can try the combination of a top with an "earthy check" and a "solid color long skirt". Earth tones combined with check elements can effectively reduce its overly old-fashioned attributes and add a British retro atmosphere.

A more advanced way to wear is to choose an earth-colored check and a long skirt as a combination of "different elements of the same color", which appropriately strengthens the color level and retains the high-end sense of the same color.

Color matching policy (3). Earth color + high saturation color system

The wearing method with a higher return rate is to choose a combination of earth tones and high-saturation colors. Use highly saturated colors to reduce the old-fashioned feeling of earth tones, while also adding visual impact, so that your shape can lock people's eyes tightly.

In the shape of the earthy suit and blue denim skirt like the one below, a vintage-colored top in the same color as the skirt is added, adding a lot of color impact.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

PART(3) clearly indicates the position of the waist line to create the effect of long legs

The position of the waist line also directly affects the coordination of body proportions, and for women around forty years old, the combination of tops and long skirts that cover the length of the hips will obviously blur the waist line, and the balance of body proportions will also appear very dragging.

Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a combination of a waistless short top and a high-waisted skirt, or directly add a "belt" to the shape, raise the waist line or tuck the hem of the top into the skirt waist, you can create a perfect three-seven figure while raising the waist line.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

It is important for a 40-year-old woman to choose the right style for herself, and it can create a sense of luxury

(Step 1) These 3 skirts middle-aged women should not miss it, full of elegance

Recommended style 1: pleated skirt, full of gentleness

If a forty-year-old woman wants to interpret a more advanced and fashionable look, she should also pay special attention when choosing a skirt. For example, the pleated skirt with a full sense of tenderness belongs to the type of skirt that middle-aged women cannot miss. The over-the-knee length combined with the upper pleated treatment can enhance the fluffiness and flexibility of the skirt, which has an excellent age-reducing effect.

And middle-aged women should try more "thick" styles when they start, adding high-grade texture, which can make your style look more mature.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

Recommended style 2: straight skirt, intellectual and capable

The straight skirt is also the most unmissable skirt style, and the three-dimensional skirt can well modify the fat on the legs, and can also interpret an intellectual and decent shape. And middle-aged women should try more advanced styles when they start, such as the silk or satin straight skirt in the picture below, which can reduce the overly dull attributes of the straight skirt.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

Recommended style 3: umbrella skirt, elegant and very thin

The umbrella skirt is also the type of skirt with the best flesh covering effect, and it can be easily handled by women of any size. And middle-aged women should try more of the style with the "pressed pleat design" in the picture below when they start, strengthen the three-dimensional sense of the skirt, and highlight the position of the waist line to show better thinness.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

(Step 2) Add "accessories" to add fun and elegance to the look

Accessories also have an important influence in the look, which can enhance the integrity of the match. For middle-aged women, hats are artifacts that highlight the sense of temperament, such as berets, newsboy hats or octagonal hats, etc., which can well enhance the aura of middle-aged women.

In addition, middle-aged women can also add "printed silk scarves" to the shape of long skirts and tops, which can add a lot of romantic atmosphere and interpret a more French style of dressing.

When a woman is over 40 years old, she will wear a skirt more elegantly, master "3 wear 3 do not wear", and the beauty is very advanced

This is the end of the sharing content of this issue, women over forty years old hurry up to solve the above skirt dressing skills, you can also be very beautiful!



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