
Aaron Kwok celebrated Fang Yuan's 36th birthday and gave 700,000 jewelry and a skirt. Half a year's salary for ordinary people

author:Star Wish~

Recently, Fang Yuan ushered in her 36th birthday, and this birthday celebration was not only full of warmth and joy, but also attracted attention because of Aaron Kwok's luxury gift.

Aaron Kwok celebrated Fang Yuan's 36th birthday and gave 700,000 jewelry and a skirt. Half a year's salary for ordinary people

Aaron Kwok's love for Fang Yuan is undoubted, and he gave 700,000 yuan worth of jewelry, this luxurious gift is undoubtedly a reflection of his deep love for his wife. Each piece of dazzling jewelry seems to tell the sweet story between them, witnessing the years they have walked together.

Aaron Kwok celebrated Fang Yuan's 36th birthday and gave 700,000 jewelry and a skirt. Half a year's salary for ordinary people

And the price of a skirt is worth half a year's salary of ordinary people, and this detail is even more amazing. This dress must not only be staggering in price, but its design and quality are unique, showing Aaron Kwok's cherishing of Fang Yuan's taste and beauty.

Aaron Kwok celebrated Fang Yuan's 36th birthday and gave 700,000 jewelry and a skirt. Half a year's salary for ordinary people

For Fang Yuan, these gifts are not only material enjoyment, but also Aaron Kwok's care and care for her. On this special day, Aaron Kwok used his way to tell Fang Yuan that her place in his heart was irreplaceable.

Such a move also allowed the outside world to see the deep affection between their husband and wife. Despite the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, their love is still so firm and romantic.

However, this incident also raises some food for thought. In this era of material abundance, luxurious gifts are certainly enviable, but perhaps more important is the mutual understanding, support and companionship between husband and wife. Aaron Kwok and Fang Yuan's love is not only reflected in these expensive gifts, but also in their daily interactions.

Whether it is hand in hand in the public eye, or warm moments in private, they write their own love chapter together. I believe that in the days to come, their love will continue to shine and be talked about by people.

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