
Gu Mingyuan | with the Beijing Normal University Remembering Huang Ji – A speech at the 100th Anniversary of Huang Ji's Birth

author:Chinese Teacher Magazine
Gu Mingyuan | with the Beijing Normal University Remembering Huang Ji – A speech at the 100th Anniversary of Huang Ji's Birth

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Gu Mingyuan | with the Beijing Normal University Remembering Huang Ji – A speech at the 100th Anniversary of Huang Ji's Birth

Huang Ji is my senior, and the reason why I call him is because we are all students of the Department of Education of Beijing Normal University. He enrolled in 1946 and I enrolled in 1949. If he hadn't left school in 1948 to go to the Liberated Areas, wouldn't we have been classmates one after the other? Saying that he is a senior is actually a division commander. I returned to my alma mater from the Soviet Union in 1956 and worked in the Department of Education in the Department of Education. At that time, the director of the teaching and research department was Professor Wang Huanxun, and the deputy director was Huang Ji. Although I studied education in the Soviet Union, I did not eat it and did not have a deep understanding of educational theory. Immediately after returning to China, he went to the pulpit, and it was under the leadership of Huang Ji that he collectively prepared lessons and studied teaching materials before he was able to complete the teaching tasks. Later, when the Department of Education compiled the "Pedagogical Lecture Notes" and the "Pedagogical Reading Materials", I undertook part of the task, and at that time I would go to Huang Ji's house almost every week to discuss. This kind of discussion has taught me a lot from Huang Ji and benefited me a lot. Therefore, he is both my senior and my teacher.

After the Cultural Revolution, our cooperation has been even greater. In 1979, I was appointed head of the Department of Education, and under the guidance of the ideological line of "emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts", I felt that the Department of Education should restore the construction of educational disciplines, restore educational philosophy, comparative education, and create educational economics. Huang Ji undertook the task of rebuilding the philosophy of education, and from then on he opened up the study of Marxist philosophy of education. After the "Cultural Revolution", secondary normal schools were restored, and the Ministry of Education asked us to compile textbooks on pedagogy and psychology. The school leaders instructed me to edit the pedagogy, and I knew that my knowledge was shallow and I was overwhelmed by heavy responsibilities, so I urged Huang Ji to assist me, and he gladly agreed. With his help, we completed the first pedagogical textbook for teachers after the Cultural Revolution. In 1982, the Ministry of Education commissioned us to organize the training of middle school teachers in Tai'an, Shandong Province. During this period, Huang Ji and I also climbed the East Yue Taishan, the head of china's five mountains. In 1986, Zhang Chengxian, president of the China Education Society, And Liu Fonian, vice president of the Chinese Education Association, and Lü Shiwei unanimously asked me to preside over the compilation of the "Dictionary of Education", of which the volume of educational philosophy I think is not Huang Ji, I asked him to come out of the mountain, and he gladly agreed, condescending to be the chief editor of the dictionary of educational philosophy. In his work, he is rigorous and meticulous, ensuring the high quality of the dictionary. This spirit of selfless dedication regardless of fame and fortune, regardless of status, made me very touched and confident that I would fulfill the tasks entrusted to me by the older generation of educators. As for our cooperation in other aspects, such as the work of the Academic Degree Committee's Education Discipline Review Team, and the defense of doctoral students, there are many more.

These are our personal friendships. Speaking of his contribution to the science of education, I would like to summarize it in three sentences. First, Huang Ji is one of the pioneers of Marxist education theory in New China. Huang Ji can be called the elder of the education science construction of the Department of Education of our school after the founding of New China. In 1949, when I entered the department of education, it was very small, there were few teachers, and there was no discipline of pedagogy. In 1952, after the adjustment of faculties, all the teachers of the Education Research Office of North China University were merged into Beijing Normal University, and the education departments of Fu Jen University and Yenching University were merged in, and the education department of Beijing Normal University grew. At that time, the Department of Education held refresher courses for university teachers and postgraduate classes. Pan Maoyuan and Shao Dada were students of the university teachers' refresher course, and Wang Cesan, Wang Fengxian, and Liang Zhongyi were students of the graduate class. Wang Huanxun and Huang Ji are the leaders and teachers of these classes. It can be said that Chinese Marxist pedagogy began here. At that time, when studying Soviet pedagogy, although there was a problem of dogmatism in Soviet pedagogy, after all, it emphasized the nature of taking Marxism as the guide, emphasizing the principle of party spirit in educational science, and serving socialism. At the same time, the chinese Communist Party's educational policy has always been guided by Marxism. Therefore, China's Marxist education science was born from Beijing Normal University. Wang Huanxun and Huang Ji are the pioneers of Marxist education theory in China.

Second, Huang Ji was the founder of the Marxist educational philosophy of New China. The philosophy of education was originally an ancient discipline, but after the founding of New China, it was abolished in the Department of Education, and the basic theory of education was replaced by the philosophy of education. It was not until after the reform and opening up that it gradually recovered. Comrade Huang Ji took up this task and rebuilt the philosophy of education from a Marxist point of view and method, and successively compiled the "First Draft of the Philosophy of Education" and "General Theory of philosophy of education", which became the classic works of educational philosophy in China.

Third, Huang Ji's studies have run through Chinese and Western, wentao ancient and modern. Huang Ji is familiar with traditional Chinese classics, but he is revered in ancient times and not ancient, and always attaches importance to infiltrating the spirit of the times when carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Emphasize that carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture is not retro, we must have a choice, combined with the spirit of the times. After he left his retirement, he still worked hard and edited the "Classic Series of Chinese Sinology Education Series". For more than 60 years, Huang Ji has cultivated a large number of talents, published many scientific research results, and made significant contributions to the development of educational science in China.

Huang Ji is indifferent to fame and fortune, rigorous and dedicated, generous and simple, and a role model for others. At the age of more than ninety, he also pedaled three wheels and ran between campuses, becoming a unique scenery of Beijing Normal University, and teachers and students often joked that "Teacher Huang Ji has driven his 'BMW' again." He was humble and amiable, and when he met on the road, he always got out of the car to say hello, and he was really a respectable and lovely old man.

The Slovaks have gone, which is a great loss for the educational community. For me, I lost a close senior and close friend. But our friendship lives on!

The author is a senior professor at Beijing Normal University and honorary president of the China Education Association

Article source 丨China Teachers, No. 9, 2021

Image credit | Author provided, network

Responsible Editor | Fan Jiangyi

Supervisor: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

Organizer: Beijing Normal University

Publisher: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group

Editor: Editorial Board of China Teacher

Postal code: 82-113

General Domestic Circulation: Beijing Newspaper and Periodicals Distribution Bureau

Domestic unified issue number: CN 11-4801/Z

ISSN 1672-2051

▌ Cooperative database

Gu Mingyuan | with the Beijing Normal University Remembering Huang Ji – A speech at the 100th Anniversary of Huang Ji's Birth