
On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth


The star-studded red carpet of the Shanghai Magnolia TV Festival once again became the focus of attention.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

This gorgeous feast not only brings together the top stars in the film and television industry, but also a gluttonous feast of vision and emotion. From Yan Ni, who shined in the audience, to Wang Ou, who made a comeback after giving birth, from the fairy sister Liu Yifei to Hu Ge Tang Yan, who competed for the emperor's vision, every star has brought a unique style and story.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

However, in this star-studded event, some people amazed the audience, and some people regretted it. Let's walk into this red carpet event together and feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows behind the stars.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

The brightest star on the red carpet is 53-year-old Yan Ni. She stunned the audience with a silver dress and became a well-deserved red carpet queen. Although this skirt is tightly wrapped, it subtly outlines Yan Ni's graceful figure.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Her fair skin, slender waist and slender legs all tell the love of the years for her. The most amazing thing is that Yan Ni combs her braids full of girlishness, and her whole person exudes a romantic and youthful atmosphere, and she can't tell that she is over half a hundred years old. Yan Ni's style not only won the admiration of the audience, but also made netizens exclaim "beauty has been turned over".

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

However, not all stars on the red carpet can be as radiant as Yan Ni. Haiqing's appearance made many viewers feel sorry. Although she chose a bright green bandeau dress, which was supposed to compliment her complexion, it caught the attention of the audience because of the unusual swelling of her face.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Many people think that Haiqing's face looks like a "milky white steamed bun", although it is white and elastic, it looks too puffy. This condition not only makes her look older than her actual age, but also reminds her of the possibility of over-medical aesthetics.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Recalling Haiqing's smart image when he starred in "Double-sided Tape" in the early days, and looking at the slightly stiff expression on the red carpet now, many viewers sighed that the years were ruthless.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

However, many more believe that this may be the price of over-striving for perfection. Haiqing's changes have sparked discussions about the survival pressure of female actors in the film and television industry, and it also makes us reflect: In this era where appearance is king, can actors still maintain their true selves?

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

In contrast, Wang Ou's postpartum comeback brought surprises. As a new hot mom, Wang Ou's state is amazing. Her appearance not only shows her elegant temperament, but also conveys a positive attitude towards life.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Wang Ou told us with practical actions that women can find a balance between career and family, and that postpartum comeback is not only not a problem, but can become a new starting point for self-expression.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Liu Yifei's appearance sparked another discussion. Dressed in a pink floral dress, she still maintains the beauty of "fairy sister". However, attentive viewers found that Liu Yifei seemed to be a little more mellow than before.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

This change is even more pronounced when she stands with other entertainers. But I have to say that the slightly plump Liu Yifei is still beautiful and moving, and this change may better highlight her truth and nature.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

The most eye-catching combination on the red carpet is Hu Ge and Tang Yan. The two were not only the guests of honor that night, but also strong contenders for the emperor. Hu Ge is handsome and upright, Tang Yan is elegant and moving, and the two stand together, which is undoubtedly the most eye-catching scenery of the night.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

However, under this glamorous appearance, should we also think: in this highly competitive film and television industry, what kind of efforts do stars make to stand under the flash?

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

It is worth mentioning that Chen Xiao's appearance has also attracted a lot of attention. Recently, he has been caught up in divorce rumors, showing off his bald head, and the whole person looks a lot thinner.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Some netizens commented that Chen Xiao's face was fierce, which couldn't help but remind people of his recent life status. The married life of celebrities has always been the focus of public attention, but should we give them more understanding and respect?

The red carpet of the Magnolia TV Festival is not only a visual feast, but also a mirror, reflecting various phenomena in the contemporary film and television industry. From Yan Ni's stunning appearance to Haiqing's appearance changes, from Wang Ou's postpartum comeback to Liu Yifei's natural beauty, every star is interpreting the definition of beauty in their own way.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

However, behind this glamorous and glamorous, should we also think: what kind of pressure are stars facing in this era of rapid change? Are we expecting too much from them?

The red carpet is coming to an end, but the reflections it provokes should not stop. We look forward to seeing more confident women like Yan Ni, and we also hope that actors like Haiqing can find their own balance.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

We applaud new mothers like Wang Ou, and we also hope that goddesses like Liu Yifei can maintain their true selves. We pay attention to top stars like Hu Ge and Tang Yan, but we should not ignore artists like Chen Xiao who are experiencing a low point in their lives.

The Magnolia TV Festival is not only a summary and affirmation of the past year's TV drama works, but also a window to observe contemporary film and television culture.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Through this red carpet event, we saw the glamorous stars and the bitterness and pressure behind them. This reminds us that while appreciating the aura of stars, we must also learn to look at them with a more rational and inclusive eye.

Finally, let's look forward to the upcoming Magnolia Awards. Whether it is Zhou Xun, Yan Ni or Tang Yan, who can win the crown of the queen?

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Who will win the throne of Emperor Shi Hu or Fan Wei? The attribution of these awards is not only about personal honors, but also a review of the entire industry. We look forward to seeing more excellent works, and we also hope that this industry can continue to improve and bring more wonderful audio-visual enjoyment to the audience.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

Although the red carpet show of the Magnolia TV Festival is only the beginning of the entire awards ceremony, the phenomena it reflects and the thinking it provokes far exceed this short time.

It is a mirror that reflects the aura and pressure of the star; It is a window that allows us to get a glimpse of the changes and challenges of the film and television industry; It is also an opportunity for us to think about how to pursue external beauty while not forgetting our original intention and protecting the truth, goodness and beauty in our hearts in this rapidly changing era.

On the red carpet of Magnolia, Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milk-white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth

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