
It's scary that an unmarried couple is pregnant and the man doesn't want it, and he puts an abortion pill

author:Love to think about history

Ms. Wang, a 34-year-old woman in Beijing, recently broke the news that her 31-year-old doctor's boyfriend secretly gave her abortion pills when she was 6 weeks pregnant because she did not want children and did not want to get married, resulting in an abortion. Ms. Wang has reported the matter to the police and reported it to the hospital.

It's scary that an unmarried couple is pregnant and the man doesn't want it, and he puts an abortion pill

The boyfriend drugged water cups and drinks while monitoring

Ms. Wang said that she and her boyfriend met on a blind date last year and have been in a relationship since November last year. In mid-May this year, Ms. Wang found out that she was pregnant, and after telling her boyfriend, he immediately asked him to have a miscarriage as soon as possible.

On May 20, her boyfriend went to Ms. Wang's home, and surveillance video showed her boyfriend putting two abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, into a water cup and an unopened drink, respectively, apparently to let Ms. Wang take it. Later, her boyfriend woke up Ms. Wang, who was sleeping, and asked her to drink the cup of water mixed with drugs.

It's scary that an unmarried couple is pregnant and the man doesn't want it, and he puts an abortion pill

Symptoms of miscarriage occur after taking the drug

The next day, Ms. Wang drank the bottle of the drink, which was also drugged. That night, her boyfriend also drove Ms. Wang out for a bumpy drive, and Ms. Wang suffered abdominal pain and heavy bleeding after returning home. Ms. Wang realized that she had miscarried, and checked the surveillance video to discover her boyfriend's drugging behavior. Ms. Wang immediately confronted her boyfriend, who first denied it and then admitted that he had given her abortion pills.

It's scary that an unmarried couple is pregnant and the man doesn't want it, and he puts an abortion pill

Call the police and report to the hospital The hospital says "please call the police"

Ms. Wang said that she did not call the police out of emotion at that time, but later decided to call the police. She also reported the incident to her boyfriend's hospital, but the hospital said it was a personal matter and asked her to call the police. At present, Ms. Wang has undergone a diagnosis of miscarriage, and the police have asked her to conduct a forensic medical examination to determine the extent of the injury.

The boyfriend changed his words and said that it was just a contraceptive pill, and the police questioned that it was invalid

When questioned by the police, her boyfriend changed his story and said that he only gave Ms. Wang birth control pills, and said that he bought them at the pharmacy opposite the hospital. However, the police pointed out that Ms. Wang was pregnant and the contraceptive pill did not work, questioning her boyfriend's quibbling. The police said they would determine whether a crime was committed based on the degree of Ms. Wang's injuries.

It's scary that an unmarried couple is pregnant and the man doesn't want it, and he puts an abortion pill

The lawyer said that the boyfriend needs to be identified as having more than minor injuries to be suspected of intentional injury

Zhao Liangshan, a well-known lawyer, pointed out that if Ms. Wang's injuries were determined to be minor or serious, her boyfriend's behavior could constitute the crime of intentional injury. However, if the injury is only minor, administrative punishment can only be given in accordance with the Public Security Administration Punishment Law. He advised Ms. Wang to conduct a forensic examination as soon as possible to determine the extent of the injury.

It's scary that an unmarried couple is pregnant and the man doesn't want it, and he puts an abortion pill

This case reflects the seriousness of forced abortions by some men. Relevant departments need to strengthen supervision, improve laws, and severely punish such violations of women's rights and interests. At the same time, we should improve the respect and protection of life and women's rights and interests in the whole society. It is hoped that through the punishment of the law and the supervision of public opinion, similar cases will not occur again.

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