
Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

author:A sleeve of blue clothes drunk z

The story begins in Zhengzhou in 2009, where a foreign old man and a Chinese guy form an indissoluble bond because of an accident. The young man's name is Song Yang, and he met this old man named Hans while studying in the UK. They gradually developed a deep friendship, and Hans even invited Song Yang to his home.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

So, Song Yang moved into Hans's small home, and the two became dependent relatives. Hans used to have a habit of drinking, but under Song Yang's persuasion, he quit this vice. In gratitude for Song Yang's care, Hans also found him a job in England and supported him financially. This relationship across countries and ages has made the life of the two more fulfilling and warm.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

However, by the trick of fate, Hans became seriously ill after Song Yang returned to China, and his femoral head necrosis was so severe that he needed surgery. Song Yang immediately decided to return to England to take care of his relatives. After surgery and careful care from Song Yang's family, Hans gradually recovered. However, he faced a difficult decision – whether to stay in China with Song Yang or return to England.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Hans knew that staying in China meant losing permanent residency in the UK, but he decided to face an unknown future with Song Yang. Song Yang decided to bring Hans back to China and provided him with comfortable living conditions. They formed a warm family together, and Hans gradually integrated into Song Yang's circle of family and friends. However, life is not always smooth sailing.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Hans became seriously ill and was in critical condition. Although the doctor told Song Yang to be mentally prepared, Hans miraculously recovered. They have a few more happy years, but Song Yang realizes that Hans's visa is about to expire and he must solve Hans's residence problem, otherwise Hans may be deported. Song Yang struggled to find a solution, determined not to let Hans leave China.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Because he knew that if Hans was deported, he would spend the rest of his time alone. This story is not only a touching friendship across countries and ages, but also a story of humanity and family. The relationship between Hans and Song Yang is no less than family affection, they support and care for each other, and selflessly give for each other.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Their stories make people think, can we also pay more attention to the people around us in our busy lives, and give more warmth and care? In my opinion, this story brings us to several questions worth pondering. First of all, the importance of friendship and affection in life.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

The friendship between Hans and Song Yang not only changed their personal lives, but also brought more warmth and hope to those around them. Can we also pay more attention to our friends and family around us, and give them more support and love? Secondly, this story also makes us reflect on the meaning and value of life.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Hans and Song Yang's mutual support and concern have allowed them to overcome many difficulties and challenges together. Whether it is differences in age, nationality or living conditions, they are able to unite and support each other to create a happy life. Does this also give us a revelation that no matter what the circumstances, we should face life positively and cherish everyone and moments?

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Finally, I would like to ask readers a question: do you have experiences similar to those of Song Yang and Hans, or do you have similar stories that you would like to share? Please leave a message to share your story and thoughts with us. A Chinese guy and a dog from the United States pull a thread that will not break with kindness and commitment.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

Their stories are moving and thought-provoking: What role do animals play in our lives? One day in 2011, Song Yang, a Chinese boy, spotted a stray dog on the streets of Massachusetts. The dog was very weak because of toxoplasmosis on his body, and Song Yang decided to take it home to take care of it.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

The dog is not ordinary, it has a resounding name - Hans, a golden retriever. In addition to treating and feeding Hans, Song Yang often takes him outdoors to bring him into contact with nature. Hans also gradually adapted to this life, and soon became friends with Song Yang.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

However, Hans's owner does not appear, and Song Yang realizes that the dog may have been a stray all along. In this case, Song Yang decided to bring Hans back to China and give it a warm home. However, Song Yang faces many problems. He needed to solve Hans's illness and needed to spend a lot of time and money to apply for Hans' exit procedures.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

In the process, Song Yang received help from many people, and his friends and strangers reached out to him. Eventually, Song Yang successfully returned to China with Hans. Hans lives well in China and its health is well controlled. The presence of Hans made Song Yang's life more fulfilling, and he also began to think about the role of animals in human life.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

In December 2013, Song Yang faced an even tougher challenge – Hans passed away. The Si people have died, Song Yang handled Hans's funeral, and Hans's last wish before his death was to be buried in China. This story teaches us that emotions between humans and animals can transcend borders and cultures.

Swiss landlord for Chinese students rent-free for 8 years, sick in the old age and no one to support, guy: I will provide for you

We live in a complex and contradictory world where human interests and desires often trump respect and love for animals. However, we cannot ignore the importance of animals in our lives. They can bring us joy, companionship and help.

We should respect the rights of animals and protect their living environment, while also advocating the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and animals. In general, the story of Song Yang and Hans makes us think about the relationship between humans and animals, touches our hearts, and makes us pay more attention to the welfare of animals.

I believe that in the days to come, we can more respect, care for and protect animals and make our world a better place. What are your thoughts on animal protection and the relationship between humans and animals? Please share your opinion in the comments.

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