
What did the indistinguishable "Xu Xian" Ye Tong experience before starring?

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In 1992, the production of the Taiwanese TV series "The Legend of the New White Lady" was troubled, especially in casting, and it fell into many twists and turns. In the end, director Xia Zuhui insisted that actress Ye Tong play the male protagonist Xu Xian, a decision that caused controversy at the time, but eventually made this classic series. This article will explore the analysis, personal opinions and opinions, revelations, and rationale of the event in order to explain why this decision was ultimately considered the right one.


The twists and turns in the casting of The Legend of the New White Lady highlight the creative challenges faced by the producers and directors. At first, Zhao Yazhi was selected to play the white lady, but there was no suitable actor for the role of Xu Xian. Director Xia Zuhui insisted that actress Ye Tong play Xu Xian, which caused controversy in terms of salary and image. Ye Tong was a double actress at the time, but she was skeptical of the idea of an actress playing a leading actor. However, Xia Zuhui's persistence and persuasion eventually persuaded Ye Tong to make her play Xu Xian.

What did the indistinguishable "Xu Xian" Ye Tong experience before starring?

Personal Views & Opinions:

When evaluating this decision, we must take into account the complexity of the character and the professional competence of the actor. As an excellent actor, Ye Tong successfully played Xu Xian with her talent and acting skills, bringing deep connotation to the role. Although initially controversial, Ye Tong's performance proved her strength.

In addition, director Xia Zuhui's judgment is also worthy of recognition. He knows that the role of Xu Xian needs not only appearance, but also actors who can convey the emotions and personality characteristics of the character. Ye Tong's performance proved her ability and made the audience deeply understand Xu Xian's tenderness and tenacity.

Revelations and related truths:

What did the indistinguishable "Xu Xian" Ye Tong experience before starring?

Character selection key: In the creation process, choosing the right actors is crucial to the shaping of the character. Ye Tong's successful anti-string performance shows that the talent and professional ability of the actor are more important than appearance.

Director's persistence and judgment: A director's firm determination in creation and judgment of the actors can have a profound impact on the final production. Xia Zuhui's decision made this classic series.

Eclectic creation: Creators should dare to break through traditional concepts and create eclectically, in order to achieve better works. The decision of an actress to play a male lead is a successful example because it presents the audience with a new perspective.


The casting event of "The Legend of the New White Lady" shows the challenges and breakthroughs in the creation, as well as the professional abilities of the director and actors. Ye Tong's successful performance proved her strength, and director Xia Zuhui's perseverance and determination brought this classic series. This incident tells us that in the creation, we should pay attention to the talent of the actor and the judgment of the director, and at the same time have the courage to break through traditional concepts to create better works.

What did the indistinguishable "Xu Xian" Ye Tong experience before starring?

This event is also a reminder of the constant need to push the boundaries of tradition and comfort in order to find better solutions. Although the choice of actress to play the male lead caused controversy at the time, it turned out to be the right decision because it brought a deep and memorable character performance to the audience.

Another aspect worth thinking about is the status and opportunities of women in the entertainment industry. This event shows that actresses can be competent for all types of roles, regardless of gender. Ye Tong's outstanding performance not only won her the respect of the audience, but also opened up new possibilities for other actresses, inspiring more women to pursue excellence in the field of acting.

What did the indistinguishable "Xu Xian" Ye Tong experience before starring?

In the end, "The Legend of the New White Lady" became a classic TV series, not only because of its fascinating storyline, but also because of the successful shaping of the characters. The performance of Ye Tong and Zhao Yazhi immersed the audience in this love story, and the images of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This event teaches us that success in creative and performing arts often requires courage, perseverance and breaking with tradition, which together drive artistic progress and innovation.

To sum up, although the casting incident experienced twists and turns, the final decision had a positive impact and brought a classic to the audience. The event underscored the importance of talent and professionalism in the field of performing arts, as well as the courage of creators to break with tradition. At the same time, it also reflects the great potential and opportunities of women in the entertainment industry. In artistic creation, we should encourage diversity and innovation to create richer and more engaging works.

What did the indistinguishable "Xu Xian" Ye Tong experience before starring?

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