
How to take stomach medicine to be effective? Click in and the old doctor will teach you hand-in-hand

author:Professor Huang Shuiqing of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Should stomach medicine be taken before or after meals? These ways to eat are exquisite

As a gastroenterologist, I am often asked, "Why do stomach medications that I have been taking for a long time not work well?" "Why?" Does my stomach disease recur as soon as I stop the drug?", "How to take this medicine?" "Before or after a meal?" "Can these medicines be taken together?" ”......。

How to take stomach medicine to be effective? Click in and the old doctor will teach you hand-in-hand

In fact, the way to eat stomach medicine is exquisite, eating before and after meals may affect the effect, the course of treatment is not enough, may also affect the effect, so how to eat stomach medicine to exert the greatest effect? Let's analyze it together:

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1. Antacids refer to drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion. There are two main categories: proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers.

The first class of drug proton pump inhibitors is the well-known prazole. For example, common ones such as omeprazole enteric-coated tablets, lansoprazole capsules, rabeprazole enteric-coated tablets, pantoprazole capsules, etc. This class of drugs should be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before eating because eating affects its absorption. Follow the instructions once in the morning before breakfast or once before breakfast and once before dinner.

2, antacids that we often say to neutralize gastric acid, generally weakly alkaline, can neutralize with stomach acid. Common baking soda tablets, aluminum magnesium carbonate chewable tablets, aluminum hydroxide gel, etc. Such drugs can be taken 1~2 hours after meals, which can neutralize excessive gastric acid, form a protective layer of gastric mucosa, and avoid the stimulation of gastric acid to the gastric mucosa.

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3. Gastric mucosal protector This type of drug can protect the gastric mucosal layer, promote mucosal repair and the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The most common are sucralfate tablets and pectin bismuth citrate. Such drugs need to be taken half an hour before meals or 1 to 2 hours before bedtime, and try to take them half an hour or 1 hour apart from antacids and antacids.

4. Promote gastrointestinal motility drugs Our most common morpholine, mosapride citrate dispersible tablets, metoclopramide, etc., are best taken half an hour before meals. It can improve stomach bloating, belching, and indigestion symptoms.

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5. Digestive enzyme drugs Such drugs are common pepsin compounds, multi-enzyme tablets, etc., which can supplement digestive enzymes to help digestion. These drugs can be mixed with food to work effectively, so you can take them immediately before a meal, with a meal, or immediately after a meal.

6. Chinese proprietary medicine preparations: such as Sanjiu gastric tai, gastric Su granules, fragrant sand flat stomach granules, gastritis kang granules, etc., the effect of Chinese proprietary medicines is also very good, can be used as an aid to the above drug treatment, it is generally recommended to take 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals with boiled water.

How to take stomach medicine to be effective? Click in and the old doctor will teach you hand-in-hand

I am Professor Huang Shuiqing, chief physician of Guangzhou Public Grade 3A Hospital, and academic leader, professor, doctoral supervisor and master supervisor of traditional Chinese medicine health care at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. The spleen and stomach aspect is my strength, I have been focusing on this for nearly 40 years, with countless healing experience and treasured remedies, I am about to retire, and I just want to use my free time to help more patients recover.

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How to take stomach medicine to be effective? Click in and the old doctor will teach you hand-in-hand

Which situation are you above, you can click on the blue link, fill in your symptoms, I see it will be according to your situation dialectical analysis, tell you which kind to eat, how to eat.

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