
Ask Wang Yuebo to go to the live broadcast room to say right and wrong, the consequence is that the legend of Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room is gone

author:Call Crayon Xiao Yi

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In the live broadcast trend of chasing Cao Yunjin, people are intoxicated by his crosstalk performances, rather than involving right and wrong. When he is immersed in crosstalk, the audience flocks, but once he is induced or spontaneously falls into a controversy, the audience will leave and never look back. Even more embarrassing, he also invited a Wang Yuebo, who also harbored the grudge of his former owner.

Wang Yuebo came to Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room, trying to vent years of accumulated grievances, and on the other hand, he had to express his views according to the requirements of others, so the debate produced a virtual dialogue between good and evil. In fact, the dialogue made viewers who had always supported Wang Yuebo doubt his moral character.

Ask Wang Yuebo to go to the live broadcast room to say right and wrong, the consequence is that the legend of Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room is gone

For an adult over forty, shouldn't it be understood that good and evil are relative concepts? If a person is powerless, there is no need for them to harm, blow or exclude others. But if you have strength and you endanger the livelihood of others, then even if the other person has good morality, they will be angry. Wang Yuebo's words completely angered Cao Yunjin's audience, who did not want to get involved in the controversy and stood by their respective positions. Even Ms. Liru's advice no longer worked for Wang Yuebo, who prided himself on being a good person, but it was difficult to win people's trust.

Before Wang Yuebo boarded Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room, Cao Yunjin had the usual blessing of 100,000 viewers. However, after Wang Yuebo's cameo, the audience's enthusiasm plummeted. People watch live broadcasts for entertainment and are willing to give tips when they are happy, but if the anchor becomes a platform for saying right and wrong, for adult viewers with a healthy outlook on life, they will leave without hesitation and spurn this behavior. Cao Yunjin's popularity in the live broadcast room has plummeted, which is related to his choice in the past week. Immersing in crosstalk without talking is not controversial, and this choice has nothing to do with the audience.

Ask Wang Yuebo to go to the live broadcast room to say right and wrong, the consequence is that the legend of Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room is gone

Liu Wei once advised Cao Yunjin in a small video to reduce the frequency of live broadcasts and focus on crosstalk in order to maintain popularity. However, it seems that Cao Yunjin did not listen to Liu Wei's advice. On the one hand, he should not have invited Wang Yuebo, and on the other hand, Wang Yuebo should not have fanned the flames on his platform and destroyed his popularity. This series of events made the audience doubt Cao Yunjin, which he did not want to face.

However, the incident also provoked deeper thinking. In the entertainment industry, especially in the virtual world, audience loyalty is changeable, like a tide on the beach. This incident revealed that audiences demand more from stars or entertainment figures, focusing more on their own field than getting involved in a dispute between right and wrong.

Ask Wang Yuebo to go to the live broadcast room to say right and wrong, the consequence is that the legend of Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room is gone

For Cao Yunjin, his core talent is in the field of crosstalk performance, which is his signature and the key to attracting the audience. When he focused on this area, the popularity was high and the fans were full. However, once he leaves his job to explore irrelevant topics, the audience will feel dissatisfied and even resistant. This reflects the audience's expectations of celebrities, who want to see them excel in their areas of expertise, rather than being drawn into unnecessary controversy.

The addition of Wang Yuebo further deepened the lesson of this incident. He used to be a highly respected actor, but his behavior in Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room calls into question his artistic background and work ethic. It also reminds us that every word and action of artists in the virtual world is subject to scrutiny by audiences, and their actions and words need to be treated carefully so as not to affect their reputation and career prospects.

In the end, this incident has given us an important lesson: entertainment stars and public figures should remember their duties and stick to their fields, rather than getting involved in a dispute between right and wrong. Audiences are willing to support those who strive to improve in their areas of expertise, rather than those who are plagued by controversy and controversy. Therefore, the incident between Cao Yunjin and Wang Yuebo this time is a profound lesson, not only for themselves, but also for the entire entertainment industry. Only by staying focused and sticking to your job can you win the trust and support of the audience.


In this article, we see some interesting points about the entertainment industry and webcasting. First of all, people's enthusiasm for Cao Yunjin is mainly because of his crosstalk performance, not his remarks and controversies. This suggests that the audience is more concerned with his artistic achievements than with personal statements.

Secondly, when Cao Yunjin left the crosstalk field and began to discuss right and wrong and controversial topics, the audience would lose interest or even leave. This shows that audiences in the entertainment industry are more willing to pursue pleasure and relaxation than to be drawn into controversy and negative topics.

Wang Yuebo's actions also offer an important lesson. He said right and wrong in Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room, causing the audience to question his character and art. This tells us that in the world of online entertainment, it is crucial to respect the tastes and preferences of the audience. Viewers are more likely to support streamers who focus on entertainment rather than controversy.

Finally, the article also mentions issues related to popularity and frequency of live broadcasts. Liu Wei suggested that Cao Yunjin focus on crosstalk to maintain popularity, but Cao Yunjin did not seem to heed this advice. This reminds us that in the entertainment industry, audience needs and expectations can change over time, and streamers need to be flexible enough to adapt to those changes to remain engaging.


This article reflects some important trends and lessons learned in the entertainment industry and webcasting. First, audiences focus more on artistic achievements than on individual statements and controversies. Cao Yunjin's success came mainly from his crosstalk performances, and when he began to deal with right and wrong and controversy, the audience lost interest.

Second, Wang Yuebo's behavior reminds us to respect the tastes and preferences of the audience in the field of online entertainment. Viewers are more likely to support streamers who focus on entertainment rather than controversy. Speech and behavior can have a significant impact on popularity.

Finally, issues related to popularity and frequency of live broadcasts are mentioned in the article. Liu Wei suggested that streamers should focus on what they are good at to maintain popularity. This shows that in the entertainment industry, streamers need to constantly adapt to changes in audience needs to ensure their engagement and continued success.

Overall, this story reminds us in the entertainment industry to value the needs and expectations of our audiences, respect artistic achievements, avoid controversy and negative rhetoric, and be flexible in adapting to changing market conditions. Only in this way can artists and streamers maintain long-term success.

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