
Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

author:Gu Nansheng

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Text: Gu Nansheng

Edited by Gu Nansheng

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!


Who would have thought that two people who were once known as "best partners" are now strangers?

They have worked hand in hand to break through the rivers and lakes, work hard together, and are like brothers.

However, time flies, and former best friends have become "passers-by" to each other.

Is this a mockery of fate, or a test of humanity?

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

The beginning of fate: a surprise encounter in a teahouse

On an ordinary summer afternoon in Beijing in 1995, Wang Yuebo was talking about his storytelling in a teahouse as usual.

Although this young man is not very old, he is like a river, and he is the first to talk about storytelling.

However, just as he was about to end his performance, an unexpected episode occurred.

A young man in the audience who looked a few years older than Wang Yuebo suddenly stood up, his eyes flashing with excitement.

He took the initiative to invite Ying and wanted to have an impromptu performance with Wang Yuebo.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

This move caught Wang Yuebo a little off guard, but out of respect for art, he still agreed to this sudden request.

Who knows, this seemingly presumptuous move has become a turning point in the artistic careers of the two people.

That young man was none other than Guo Degang, who later became famous.

When the two people start to cooperate, it is as if there is a magical chemical reaction taking place on stage.

They come and go, witty words, full of tacit understanding, just like old partners for many years.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

The audience was deeply attracted by this impromptu performance and applauded thunderously.

And the two young people on the stage also felt each other's talents and potential at this moment.

In this way, a chance encounter has achieved a good story in the cross talk industry.

Hand in hand: the golden years of brotherhood

For the next seven years, Wang Yuebo and Guo Degang were inseparable.

They are not only the best partners on stage, but also the best friends in life.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Guo Degang is a few years older than Wang Yuebo, so he naturally became Wang Yuebo's "big brother".

This brotherhood is not only reflected in the title, but also in the bits and pieces of daily life.

When Guo Degang decided to start a business, he gave almost everything he had.

Despite being short of money, every time he had dinner with Wang Yuebo, he insisted on paying the bill.

In Guo Degang's view, as an elder brother, it is natural to take care of his younger brother.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

And Wang Yuebo was also deeply moved by Guo Degang's friendship.

Seeing the truth in adversity: an unforgettable share of spoils

Once, the two were invited to a TV station to record a show.

After the show, they were paid two thousand dollars.

Just as Guo Degang was thinking about how to distribute the money, Wang Yuebo offered to give it all to Guo Degang.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

It turned out that Guo Degang had just become a father at that time, and the family's expenses had increased significantly.

And Wang Yuebo has not yet started a family, and the economic pressure is relatively small.

He knew that Guo Degang was at a critical stage in his life and needed more financial support.

Faced with Guo Degang's insistence, Wang Yuebo said with a smile: "Brother, it should be my brother's birth gift to the child, okay?" "

This sentence touched Guo Degang, and he finally accepted this heartfelt gift.

This episode has become another testimony to the friendship between the two.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

A twist of fate: their own life choices

2003 was an important year for Guo Degang.

He founded Deyun Club and started his own road to a "cross talk empire".

However, to the surprise of many people, Wang Yuebo did not appear in the founding team of Deyun Club.

In fact, Wang Yuebo was already worshipping under the door of storyteller Lian Liru at that time.

Lian Liru has a lot of criticism about cross talk, and even publicly criticized the cross talk industry.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Out of respect for his teacher, Wang Yuebo had to keep his distance from cross talk in public.

But in private, he still helped Guo Degang manage the affairs of Deyun Club within the scope of his ability.

This decision undoubtedly cast a shadow on the relationship between the two.

Although they still keep in touch, the days of frequent sharing of the stage are gone.

Their dreams: the fork in the road between cross talk and storytelling

Long before the establishment of Deyun Club, Wang Yuebo had already expressed his desire to focus on the development of storytelling to Guo Degang.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Although he was a little reluctant, Guo Degang still respected Wang Yuebo's choice.

The two began to diverge in the direction of their careers, which also made them see each other less and less.

Over time, although the relationship between the two did not deteriorate, it inevitably became indifferent.

They are each busy with their own careers, and the once inseparable tacit partners have gradually become "old friends" in each other's lives.

The Storm Returns: A Storm Caused by a Book

In 2013, Guo Degang published his autobiography "Just Happened".

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

This book not only tells about his growth and the development of Deyun Club, but also exposes some of the dark sides of the cross talk world.

The book mentions some negative behaviors of cross talk actors, including cheating, crime, unspoken rules, etc.

As soon as this book was released, it immediately caused an uproar in the cross talk world.

Many people in the industry expressed dissatisfaction with Guo Degang's approach, believing that he had damaged the image of the entire industry.

Wang Yuebo's Public Criticism: The End of Brotherhood?

Wang Yuebo has always hated the behavior of exposing people's shortcomings and chewing the root of his tongue.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

When he saw Guo Degang's new book, his inner dissatisfaction finally broke out.

In a public interview, Wang Yuebo bluntly criticized: "There are so many good people and good deeds in the cross talk circle, why don't you write?" Do you have to write about this? "

He also mentioned that the book had already taken a negative toll on them.

Some readers even go backstage and point to the content of the book and ask who it is.

Every time this happens, Wang Yuebo angrily kicks these viewers out.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Wang Yuebo believes that Guo Degang's behavior has a sense of "beating to death with a stick", which is extremely unfair to those old artists who are both virtuous and artistic.

In the face of Wang Yuebo's criticism, Guo Degang chose to remain silent and continued to promote his new book.

This incident became the fuse for the complete breakdown of the relationship between the two.

Once brothers, but now they have become incompatible opponents.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Be well: peace after the passage of time

Years have passed, when asked if he regretted leaving Guo Degang, Wang Yuebo's answer was crisp:

"I'm now seventy or eighty thousand a month, and I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!"

This sentence not only expresses his satisfaction with the status quo, but also reveals a hint of relief for the past.

Today's Wang Yuebo has gained a firm foothold in the storytelling industry and has his own place.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

He lives the life he likes and does the career he loves, and this indifference and ease is the result of his pursuit for many years.

Guo Degang's achievements: Deyun Club is thriving

On the other hand, Guo Degang's career is also thriving.

Deyun Club has become a banner in the cross talk industry, cultivating batches of cross talk rookies.

Guo Degang has not only achieved great success in his career, but also has a very happy family life.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Although the former best friend is now strange, both seem to have found their own happiness on their own paths in life.

Ice release? Subtle signs of reconciliation

Surprise appearance: An unexpected visitor to the Deyun Club's apprenticeship conference

Just two years ago, an unexpected scene emerged.

At the apprenticeship meeting of Deyun Club, Wang Yuebo made a surprise appearance.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Although he did not appear on the same stage as Guo Degang, this move undoubtedly sent a positive signal to the outside world:

The relationship between the two seems to have eased.

This scene gave hope to many fans who followed them.

Perhaps, time can really heal all the pain, and the brotherhood of the past has not completely disappeared.

Each is wonderful: the light on a different stage

Today's Wang Yuebo and Guo Degang are both shining in their respective fields.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

Wang Yuebo focuses on the career of storytelling and inherits this ancient art in his own way.

And Guo Degang leads Deyun Club to constantly innovate and inject new vitality into the cause of cross talk.

Although they may never again be as intimate as they were back then;

But both are contributing to the inheritance and development of traditional culture in their own ways.

This is perhaps more important than a personal vendetta.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!


The story of Wang Yuebo and Guo Degang is like a variation of friendship with ups and downs.

From the surprise of the first encounter, to the golden years of working together;

and then the choice of their own careers, and finally evolved into an embarrassing "anti-eye".

This experience is not only the personal story of two people, but also reflects the various situations of life and the impermanence of the world.

Wang Yuebo: I am now 70,000 or 80,000 a month, not as good as Yu Qian, but I don't regret leaving Guo Degang!

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