
Upgrading cognition: the nature of agricultural societies

author:Cognitive upgrade training ground

Agricultural society is one of the most basic modes of production and social forms in human history. In an agrarian society, where people depend on land and agricultural production for their livelihoods, stability and continuity of agricultural production are essential. People in this social formation often value stability and tradition, lack mobility and innovation. This paper will discuss the characteristics of agricultural society, the formation of the character of agricultural social groups and their impact on social development.

Upgrading cognition: the nature of agricultural societies

Agricultural society needs stability and smooth weather. Agricultural production is highly cyclical and seasonal, requiring stable climate, water, land and other natural conditions. Under such a production method, people often pray to the gods and ancestors, hoping to obtain natural gifts and ensure a good harvest of crops. At the same time, agricultural production also requires people to maintain a stable labor force and production methods, so agricultural societies often lack mobility and motivation for change.

Upgrading cognition: the nature of agricultural societies

Smallholder economies do not require much commodity exchange and therefore lack liquidity. In agrarian societies, most people produce agricultural products in a subsistence manner, and only a small number are engaged in commodity exchange. This has led to a lack of market economy in agricultural societies, and people often do not have much incentive to explore new markets and business opportunities. Therefore, agricultural society is often a relatively closed society, lacking communication and interaction with the outside world.

Upgrading cognition: the nature of agricultural societies

Agricultural societies don't need much innovation. Agricultural production is a relatively stable production process, often only need to follow the experience and traditions of ancestors to obtain a stable harvest. Therefore, people in agricultural societies often lack the spirit of innovation and invention, and they pay more attention to following traditional and established rules. Although there are some inventions and innovations in agricultural societies, these inventions and innovations are often improvements on traditional foundations rather than disruptive innovations.

The character of the agricultural social group is characterized by respect for experience and elders, advocating retro, not seeking innovation, only seeking stability. This character trait is determined by the mode of production and social formation of agricultural society. In agrarian societies, people live at a relatively slow pace and with few changes, so they tend to have a high level of respect and trust in experience and tradition. At the same time, the status and rights of people in agrarian societies are often proportional to age and experience, which also strengthens the influence and authority of the elders over the young.

Upgrading cognition: the nature of agricultural societies

This characteristic characteristic of the agricultural society has a certain impact on the development of society. On the one hand, this character trait is conducive to the stability and continuation of society, and can effectively prevent social turmoil and change. On the other hand, this character trait also hinders the development and progress of society, hinders technological and scientific innovation, inhibits social mobility, and makes it difficult for society to develop new business models and market mechanisms. Therefore, in order to change this character characteristic, we must start by changing the mode of production and social form of agricultural society, and while retaining the stability of agricultural society, enhance social mobility and innovative spirit, so as to achieve social development and progress.

Upgrading cognition: the nature of agricultural societies

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