
How did Biden, who is elderly and cognitively impaired, govern the United States for three and a half years?

author:Minnesota dude

According to the latest poll in the United States, after last week's presidential debate, 72% of Americans have determined that Biden has senile cognitive impairment. Surprisingly, about 27% of people think they don't. I really want to know these 27% of voters, what are they answering randomly? Or is the party spirit of the Democratic Party so strong that it can distort reality to this extent? Or 72% of Americans are cognitively impaired?

Even the American leftist NBC reported that after the debate, 72% of Americans believe that Biden must withdraw from the election.

How did Biden, who is elderly and cognitively impaired, govern the United States for three and a half years?

According to another poll, 64 percent of voters believe Biden should drop out of the race, and even 45 percent of Democratic voters think he should drop out.

How did Biden, who is elderly and cognitively impaired, govern the United States for three and a half years?

Politics is dark, and Biden never wears clothes

As long as people who don't limit themselves to the stratosphere, it has never been a secret that Biden has senile cognitive impairment. People with a little common sense of life will have a normal judgment when they compare it with those elderly people who need to be taken care of in nursing homes. It's just that the mainstream media, which dominates the discourse in the West, are playing the game of "the king's new clothes". Flipping through the "bound volumes" of the past four years, The Economist, The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC, and CNN are all in the same party, desperately trying to cover up the reality, turning a blind eye to Biden's bizarre behavior, or covering it up. In terms of political stance, although I am biased towards the Democratic Party, I really can't look past these acts of pointing the deer as a horse. These media have lost the conscience of the news media on this major issue in the country and the world.

The mainstream media is still acting

In the past few days, these mainstream media have suddenly come to their senses, whether it is NBC's celebrities, the editorials of the New York Times, etc., they have also begun to dissuade Biden, and also admit that Biden has geriatric cognitive impairment. We must not think that these media have suddenly discovered their conscience, changed their ways, and finally stopped challenging our common sense. These media are just refined egoists who know when to "play dumb" and when to "jump ship". In short, the New York Times is always on the "right" side of the times. At the end of the day, propaganda is of limited use. The severity of Biden's geriatric cognitive impairment has been irreversible.

In conclusion, the mainstream media has admitted compensation and resolutely not to be a "backstabber".

In the debate, the only question that Biden needs to answer

In fact, in the debate, the only question that Biden needs to answer is that he is normal, age is not a problem, but he has not done it at all. Here we must admire his predecessor, President Reagan, who is also running at an advanced age. During the election debate, the moderator confronted him with a straight ball and asked him, "What do you do when you're so old?" How to govern the country? Reagan's response was very, very humorous, saying, "I'm not going to take advantage of my opponent's youth and inexperience to attack him." This made everyone in the audience laugh and even make the competitors laugh. Such a witty answer swept the "age question" into the garbage.

How did Biden, who is elderly and cognitively impaired, govern the United States for three and a half years?

It shows that in the 80s, Reagan's advanced age was not a problem at all, and all the United States wanted was a quick-thinking president.

The question is, how does a cognitively impaired president win the election and rule the United States for three and a half years?

So the question is, how does a cognitively impaired president win the election and rule the United States for three and a half years? I have to admit that Biden's luck is excellent, you must know that in the last year of Trump's term, all signs indicate that his chances of re-election are extremely high. Therefore, the generals of the Democratic Party are reluctant to come out to run as cannon fodder, and as a result, Biden reluctantly comes out to run. Biden probably didn't think he had any hope of winning. No, the pandemic has changed everything. In the process of coping, Trump's absurd words and deeds have caused him to lose a large number of voters. Biden's election strategy has been essentially inaction, with many campaigns and speeches taking place on Zoom or being canceled. Biden is perhaps one of the easiest U.S. presidents to win.

After Biden was elected, he adopted the following strategies to reduce physical exertion and meet with the public.

A. Reduce working hours, and Biden insists on "fishing" on weekdays, working 5 hours a day

Now many media White House reporters have begun to jump out one by one to expose that the US president we thought might be the busiest person in the world, who has every day and every opportunity, and has to take care of all the major affairs in the world. But in fact, Biden's working hours are very small, and the itinerary that can be arranged is to start at 10 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. every day, excluding rest and meal time, and his real working time may only be 5 hours. It's a very comfortable job.

B. Establish small circles

Biden's behavior of eating and drinking like this is, of course, limited to a small circle. His White House chief of staff played an extremely important role. It is said that the people he usually comes into contact with are basically about 20 staff, and the rest of the staff are excluded or handed over to the small circle team to do the agency.

Now the mainstream media is beginning to criticize that "this little circle has Biden's cognitive impairment well packaged and kept secret." So neither the mainstream media nor the majority of White House reporters know the severity of Biden's cognitive impairment. This is clearly a dumping of the pot.

C. The harem is in power, and Jill Biden "listens to the government"

In addition to the small circle, First Lady Jill Biden also played an important role. Jill Biden has also been heavily involved in decision-making on major national events. There is also a precedent for this in the United States. After President Wilson suffered a stroke, the first lady handled many of the arrangements for government affairs.

Even after this presidential debate, Jill Biden's role has become increasingly suspicious. First, after she helped President Biden down three steps from the podium, she said that Biden did a good job and basically answered every question. She set the bar for winning and losing the debate so low; Second, she also came out to announce that the campaign will not stop and Biden will continue to run. That's not what a first lady should do. Maybe it doesn't matter, the ruthless character who really listens to politics at the critical moment is to come out and speak and calm the scene.

D. "Kowloon to control the water", the White House does not have a grand strategy

Such a Biden, such a White House, and such a leadership style will create the form of "Kowloon to control the water". First of all, the heads of the various departments, under their jurisdiction, would become tsar-like beings, with absolute authority; secondly, once there are multiple policies and the coordination of all parties is required, it will be chaotic; In the end, the boss is eating and drinking, and naturally there is no big strategy, and the "Kowloon Water Control" is basically promoted at the implementation level. For example, cracking down on China has become the consensus of the White House and the new political correctness, so various departments are coming up with their own "punishment" plans, and the result is that the Biden administration has basically inherited Trump's China policy, and it has increased a lot. The United States has lost the space to coordinate completely, and the original expectation was that everyone would compete and compromise in accordance with the national strategic arrangement. If you suffer a loss in some places, you will make up for it in some places. And Biden's team did not compromise at all, because the administrative performance of the compromised side will be criticized by the outside world.

Will Biden drop out?

Will Biden drop out? According to the latest reports, no. Biden's campaign has always been a family affair, and many of his posts as chief general have been held by his family. And what has an influence on decision-making is his current small circle. For these people, the national interest of the United States is secondary, and now that Biden is out of the election, there will be nothing left, these family members and aides will have to find jobs again, and it is difficult to let go of the taste of power once it tastes good, especially the White House. Although Biden has a slim chance of winning, he must now be a dead horse doctor.

This is a pure joke for the national interests of the United States. There are no problems with the political system in the United States? Biden is now completely unfit for office, do we want him to be re-elected for another four years? Whether Biden should withdraw from the election is still being discussed, and from the perspective of the national interests of the United States, whether to withdraw from the election should not be a question at all, and now it has become a problem.

Biden just dropped out, and the Democrats won't win

How did Biden, who is elderly and cognitively impaired, govern the United States for three and a half years?

And according to the latest polls, female Vice President Kamala Harris is really the most unpopular vice president ever, Biden is already such a poor cognitive impairment, Kamala Harris is not as good as Biden, she is really a "genius", what did she do to make American voters so annoying?

The United States is now just over 4 months away from the election, and frankly speaking, even if the "change of lights" happens, Biden may finally give up power and learn from the founding father of Washington, perhaps in case he may put the country first. However, after that, it will definitely be a mess, the only reserve head of state is overwhelmed, and the other Democratic Party bigwigs are more than one. How to elect a presidential candidate who can unite the majority faction in such a short period of time is already an impossible task. Moreover, this new presidential candidate will not only have to be willing to spend a lot of money on multiple donors, but also be able to immediately organize an efficient competitive team across the country, with no adjustment period, how easy is that?

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